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Social Content ASIDIC, Tampa Fl, March 2009 What is Social Content? How can we use Social Content? What is the future of Social Content?

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Presentation on theme: "Social Content ASIDIC, Tampa Fl, March 2009 What is Social Content? How can we use Social Content? What is the future of Social Content?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Content ASIDIC, Tampa Fl, March 2009 What is Social Content? How can we use Social Content? What is the future of Social Content?

2 About AIP Founded in 1931 as a service organization – Charter: to diffuse and advance the knowledge of physics and its – application to human welfare – Service mission: to supply economy-of-scale publishing services to – Member Societies – Currently has 10 member societies, 23 affiliated – societies, and several other organizations under its umbrella (most – have a publishing program) A publisher in its own right – 10 journals, conference proceedings, database products – AIP’s online hosting platform; on the web since 1996 – Aggregation of over 180 publications for more than 27 – publishing partners

3 AIP the publisher AIP publishes or co-publishes: – 10 premier journals – 3 magazines – A complete conference proceedings series Our first journal was first published in 1930 Virtual Journals Nanoscale technology Quantum information Ultrafast Science Biological Physics Research Applications of Superconductivity

4 AIP the service provider AIP is in a unique position to provide services to other publishers which include: – Print publishing – Online publishing – Circulation and fulfillment – E-Commerce – Sales – Marketing

5 Over 180 journals hosted online –Serving scholarly societies of all types Peak at over 1,400 hits per second –66% of traffic is from outside the US Over 2.3 million articles stored in MarkLogic at this time –Backfile processing continues Over 20 million references –Comprehensive Reference Resolution Engine Integration with outside providers –Google –Crossref

6 Peer to Peer Networks Explicit Networks Definition of Explicit Networks – Explicit content is given to the service by the user Examples of explicit content Pedigree of explicit content? – Mining explicit content Definition of Peer to Peer – Networks that connect people with specific interests they have in common

7 Peer to Peer Networks Personal versus Professional LinkedIn vs. Facebook – Professional networks build your digital resume and provide marketing opportunities Many times professional networks become personal in nature – Personal Networks mix users with various interests The interest may simply be meeting others Niche networks (e.g. LibraryThing) – Very specific focus – Builds definitive communities – All users share a common interest – These can expand focus once critical mass is obtained

8 Peer to Peer Networks Other types of P2P Networks Wikis – Community documents and information Blogs – Very specific topics led by a “moderator” Forums – Topic based communities Social tagging sites (Connotea and Delicious) Facebook groups Even references from one publication to another – Citing articles, editorially related content, etc.

9 Algorithmic Networking Implicit Networks What is it? – Deciding what is of interest to a user based on past usage patterns, or other related data. – Using content and data to power social networking How is it used? – Data mining – Contextual relationships are build – Knowledge mining and sharing

10 Algorithmic Networking Social Content Every: – Click of the browser Page you traverse – Tag you enter into a bookmarking site – Search you make – Email you receive – And almost everything else you do online…. Is data to be used to provide services to the user

11 How we use it Content based networking based on core content and mined with MARKlogic – Drill down, up and sideways – More like this – Keyword faceting and taxonomy Search based networking based on user actions – More like this – Faceting User history analysis All of this is meant to give users what they want before they know they want it

12 Real Concerns! Privacy – Everything you do is tracked Who owns the data? Liability – What do you want to store? For how long? Digital Tattoo – You are being watched!

13 Beyond Social Semantics! – System to system communication – Cross platform/discipline search Digital desktop – Content is delivered to the desktop periodically and there is not need to search externally, your computer will know what you a interested in and deliver it to you

14 Social networking and content is everywhere. How are you going to use it? Thank You! James Wonder

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