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Advanced SWIS Facilitator Training October 17, 2007 Rosemont, IL Anne Todd, Nadia Katul Sampson, Celeste Rossetto Dickey University of Oregon.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced SWIS Facilitator Training October 17, 2007 Rosemont, IL Anne Todd, Nadia Katul Sampson, Celeste Rossetto Dickey University of Oregon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced SWIS Facilitator Training October 17, 2007 Rosemont, IL Anne Todd, Nadia Katul Sampson, Celeste Rossetto Dickey University of Oregon

2 Agenda 10-12Welcome, New Features 12-1:30 Lunch 1:30-2:15Individual Student Reports & FBA 2:15-3:00 Roles & Responsibilities 3-3:15Break 3:15-4:00Data Integration & Questions

3 Share Your Ideas What do you need to stay current with SWIS? What Ideas do you have for the Extra Info Categories? Are there Features you’d like to request? (Write down your questions/comments)

4 New SWIS Features Definitions updated & New Problem Behaviors added Calendar popup Extra information categories defined Credit Card payment

5 New SWIS Features Cont. Data Integrity Report Corrections Adding New Staff & Students Referral entry: Grade level & IEP status SAMI CICO

6 New Problem Behavior Categories Problem behaviors –Minors Dress Code Tardy Information and other Electronic Technology Violations –Majors Inappropriate displays of affection Information and other electronic technology violations Gang Affiliation Display Student uses gesture, dress, and/or speech to display affiliation with a gang. Locations –Stadium –Out of bounds

7 Extra Information Fields School specific definable categories and labels Definable in School Preferences –Click display, –Define category, –Define labels to choose within each category, –Determine the order the drop down label should appear during data entry, –Define identifier that will be used for district integration mapping –Write description of label for data entry consistency Merge –(swis 4.0 extra information data with swis 4.2 new labels) Delete

8 Credit Card Payment SWIS can now be paid for with a Charge Card (Visa or Mastercard) –

9 SAMI SWIS Account Management Interface SAMI allows Facilitators to make changes to their SWIS™ schools ONLINE without sending in a School Information Change Form. School Management School Summary –Integrity report –Report status Billing Summary Facilitator information updates

10 Check In Check Out CICO data collection and reporting application Must have a SWIS account –Will cost additional $50 annually for CICO Development and deployment timeline –Summer ’07: development and beta testing –Fall ’07: further testing –November ’07: determine next steps for deployment

11 Student Recommended for CICO CICO is Implemented Parent Feedback Regular Teacher Feedback Afternoon Check-out Morning Check-in CICO Coordinator Summarizes Data For Decision Making Bi-weekly SST Meeting to Assess Student Progress Exit Program Revise Program Check In Check Out (CICO)

12 CICO Record Name: ____________________________ Date: ______________ 2 = great 1 = OK 0= hard time SafeResponsibleRespectful Check In 2 1 0 Before Recess 2 1 0 Before Lunch 2 1 0 After Recess 2 1 0 Check Out 2 1 0 Today’s goalToday’s total points Comments:

13 CICO Home Report Name: _____________________________Date: _____________ ______ I met my goal today ______ I had a hard day One thing I did really well today was: ________________________________ Something I will work on tomorrow is: ________________________________ Comments: Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________________ Comments:

14 SWIS-CICO Readiness 1.School has an Active SWIS Account and SWIS Facilitator 2.Faculty and staff commitment for CICO implementation is confirmed 3.A team is defined to coordinate CICO program and use data for decision- making

15 SWIS-CICO Readiness 4.The team has scheduled meetings and the data needed for decision making for students using CICO 5.A CICO Coordinator is trained as a SWIS user

16 SWIS-CICO Readiness 6.School has CICO program features including: description of program, daily report card for student, a data system for decision making, a coordinator, a process for identifying students, and process/materials for training adults, students, families


18 Student Management Goal is defined here

19 Choices on drop down list include Absent No data No school 0-10 possible points Use preferences to define the period names and define how many points are possible per period. If rating 3 school expectations on a 0-2 scale, there are 6 possible points per period, if rating 5 expectations on a 0-2 scale, there are 10 possible points per period


21 Goal line adjusts as determined by data entry




25 Preferences for defining data entry fields

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