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Throughout the United States

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1 Throughout the United States
River Habitats Throughout the United States

2 Rappahannock River, Virginia

3 Marsh Creek. Challis National Forest, Idaho.

4 Mississippi River

5 Animals Found in Rivers
Fish and other animals live in rivers! Some are adapted to swim against the fast-moving river water.

6 Plants Found in Rivers Many different types of plants and animals grow and live along a river’s banks, including trees, shrubs, birds, and insects.

7 Other Uses of Rivers People in many cities and towns rely on the water from rivers so they can drink it, wash with it, water their yards and flush the toilet. Some places use the energy of flowing river water to make electricity in hydroelectric power plants. Rivers help farmers water their crops and animals.

8 References: River Photographs:
Animal Photographs: Plant Photographs:

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