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Studying English at HSC level The secrets to achieving a Band 5 and 6- you can do it but it’s not easy.

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Presentation on theme: "Studying English at HSC level The secrets to achieving a Band 5 and 6- you can do it but it’s not easy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Studying English at HSC level The secrets to achieving a Band 5 and 6- you can do it but it’s not easy.

2 Difference between Year 10 and Year 12 English and why you must study long and hard for a Band 5 or 6 in Year 12. Year 10Year 12 Board of Studies requires no specific texts be studied. Assessment focuses on reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing and representing tasks. It is predoiminantly skills-based rather than content-based. Grades are allocated based on BOS performance descriptors but are issued by the school. HSC exams and assessments are prescribed by BOS and require the study of at least nine texts including one drama text (Advanced’s drama must be Shakespearean) All students in NSW are measured against each other through the HSC exams, which are marked independently to band descriptors and criteria. It is heavily content, concept and higher order thinking-driven.

3 HSC English exams  The 2 units of English studied for the HSC MUST count towards your ATAR. The ATAR is calculated on your best ten units, that is, two units of English plus your other best eight. So it is imperative that you do well in English; it will count no matter how well or poorly you perform.  The HSC exam consists of two, two hour papers in which six extended responses are written ( handwritten so get into training with your writing so you have an athletic, match-ready and fit hand pumped up enough to write down all you have learned!) The student has only forty minutes to answer a very complex question.

4 Here’s an example of the type of question you could be answering…..HSC Advanced exam question for Module A, 2013  In what ways is your appreciation of both texts enhanced by a comparative study of passion in “The Great Gatsby” and the poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning?  In your response, make detailed reference to your prescribed texts.  Added to this question the students must also satisfy the rubric demands which are:  Demonstrate understanding of the meanings of a pair of texts when considered together.  Evaluate the relationships between texts and contexts.  Organise, develop and express ideas using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form.  FOR THIS SOPHISTICATED QUESTION THE STUDENT HAS 40 MINUTES ONLY- THEY MUST THINK OF THEIR THESIS, REMEMBER ALL THEIR QUOTES AS EVIDENCE AND THEN HIT ALL MARKS OF THIS QUESTION AS BOLDED

5 Here is just one poem the students have to know in detail. The students actually have eight to learn PLUS the novel, “The Great Gatsby” to answer this question. They must know about the contexts of both authors, the values of the times, ie mid 19 th century England versus 1920s America. They must know about the textual forms, ie a novel compared to Petrarchan sonnets. They must understand a woman’s perspective compared to a male’s plus the students must be able to analyse all the language features within both texts and explain the effects and significance of their use and learn quotes.  I. "I thought once how Theocritus had sung..."  by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)  I thought once how Theocritus had sung  Of the sweet years, the dear and wished-for years,  Who each one in a gracious hand appears  To bear a gift for mortals, old or young:  And, as I mused it in his antique tongue,  I saw, in gradual vision through my tears,  The sweet, sad years, the melancholy years,  Those of my own life, who by turns had flung  A shadow across me. Straightway I was 'ware,  So weeping, how a mystic Shape did move  Behind me, and drew me backward by the hair;  And a voice said in mastery, while I strove, ---  'Guess now who holds thee?' --- 'Death,' I said. But, there,  The silver answer rang, --- 'Not Death, but Love.'


7  Then the students have to have a thorough knowledge of “The Great Gatsby” as well. The teachers and the students cover everything needed knowledge-wise in class but to stand out from the rest, you must dedicate time and energy to independent investigation too.  The above is only one of three modules the students must learn. They have the other two modules and then all the content and concepts in the Area of Study as well.

8 All Band 6 English students have done the following:  Been organised  Used support structures offered by the school such as 10% on Top  Been communicative when they are stressed and need support- we can and do help  Completed assessment tasks before the due date so they can access teacher feedback on their drafts and ideas and use in their final product  Been in the top five for assessment in their course  Never missed an assessment task  Consciously increased the sophistication and level of their vocabulary  Been in continual contact with their teacher via emails and face-to-face. This has included over holiday periods, study periods, weekends, lunchtimes, free periods.  Used unexpected or free periods for study in the library not as an excuse for an impromptu gathering  Completed practice HSC papers for all sections of the papers over and over again.  Had perfect, or near perfect attendance patterns, above 95%  Done regular home study over the entire year and increased the intensity closer to exams.  Researched and investigated concepts, texts, resources on their own.  Gone beyond what was taught in the classroom and displayed a love of learning and acquiring knowledge.  Thought deeply about the concepts and ideas embedded in the course and the texts and have come up with their own opinion- their theses  Taken advantage of extra-curricular activities offered to them  Completed summaries for all texts, modules and done the homework that was set


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