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ATLAS Outreach & Education S. Goldfarb – 21 Jun 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "ATLAS Outreach & Education S. Goldfarb – 21 Jun 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 ATLAS Outreach & Education S. Goldfarb – 21 Jun 2011

2 Virtual Visits  Goal Invite Remote Participants to Visit Point 1 Target: Students, Public, Media, Institutional Representatives  Team at Point 1 Tiina Operating Camera, EVO in AVC Closet Help from IT/UDS and EVO for Configuration Hosts in Control Room and Sometimes DQ Room  Technology EVO + Webcast ○ ○ Public Site, Primarily for Parents, Collaboration Members Requirements for Remote End ○ Good Network with Cable ○ Recent Laptop ○ Echo-Cancelling Microphone ○ At Least One Test 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb2 Not Negligible

3 Recent / Upcoming Events 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb3 DateEventNotes 19 MarchKobe University, JapanAssembly of Students and General Public, Organized by Yuji Yamazaki 5 AprilUniversity of Birmingham, UKAssembly of Students at End of Masterclass, Organized by John Wilson 24 MayWilliam Floyd High School, New York USA Assembly of Science Students Organized by Helio Takai, Christina Brazzelli (Teacher) 5 JuneWorld Science Fair, New York City USA Exhibit on ATLAS, Science of LHC Organized by Kyle Cranmer 7 JuneMarshfield High School, Coos Bay, Oregon USA Two High School Physics Classes Organized by Jonathan Hill, Myself 9 JuneMelbourne, AustraliaOpening of New Physics Centre, Visit by Minister, Organized by Geoffrey Taylor 23 JuneUniversity of Cincinnati, USAQuarknet Teachers Organized by Ken Cecire

4 William Floyd High School 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb4

5 William Floyd High School 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb5

6 William Floyd High School 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb6

7 William Floyd High School 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb7

8 World Science Fair, NYC 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb8

9 World Science Fair, NYC 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb9

10 World Science Fair, NYC 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb10

11 World Science Fair, NYC 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb11

12 World Science Fair, NYC 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb12

13 Marshfield High School 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb13

14 University of Melbourne 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb14

15 University of Melbourne 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb15

16 University of Melbourne 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb16

17 Some Feedback 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb17 “My students had problems understanding the content but they were excited anyway because they talked to scientists on the other side of the world. They also asked questions about dark matter (triggered by Steve question). So, overall we kindle interest in science and this is really positive! Plus, they talk and joke about particles, this means they know what they are talking about.” Christina (Teacher from William Floyd High School) “Thanks Steve. It is a very neat opportunity for our students. I appreciate you providing the window. Jon is a talented teacher with very high expectations for his students. I think he had fun as well.” Jeff Eberwein (Teacher from Marshfield High School)

18 Marshfield High School Newspaper 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb18

19 Some Feedback 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb19 “Thank you very much for the Virtual Control Room tour and interaction last night. We have had our new Centre's first workshop this week, and had the official opening yesterday. Last night was a celebration of this beginning. Our centre brings together experimentalists and theorists, the latter group having no experience with what goes on at the heart of ATLAS operations. For theorists and administrators too, your virtual tour was particularly successful and greatly appreciated. Thanks for this effort. Great results..” Geoffrey Taylor (ATLAS Physicist, Melbourne)

20 Next Steps  Documentation Public Web Site ○ Pre-Event Description, Remote Requirements, Calendar of Past and Upcoming Visits, Booking? ○ During Event View of Webcast, Links to Relevant Information ○ Post-Event Multi-Media Material from Event, Recordings, Relevant Material, etc.  Technical Improvements Optimization of Video/Audio Bandwidth Usage Help for Remote Sites, If Possible  Potential Development Addition of Video / Images During Show Presentation in DQ Room, Depending on Group Visiting 21 June 2011S. Goldfarb20

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