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Sarah Giersch, Rena Janke, Mimi Recker IA Bake Off.

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Presentation on theme: "Sarah Giersch, Rena Janke, Mimi Recker IA Bake Off."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sarah Giersch, Rena Janke, Mimi Recker IA Bake Off

2 Overview Overview of the Instructional Architect ( Designing an IA project with teachers Impact

3 The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) is the nation’s free online library for education and research in Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics Instructional Architect is an NSDL service that allows teachers to easily package online resources from a variety of sources for their students.

4 Sample IA Project A sample Instructional Architect project that incorporates the Weather Maker online resource.

5 IA Use Context Pre/In service teachers, school library media specialists, teacher educators (N > 600) Engage ‘teachers as designers’ with online resources Especially low-tech users The ‘last mile’

6 Instructional Architect: Usage data Project visits219,022 Online resources gathered 16,922 Teacher created projects 4,062 Registered users 2,452 Since 2004

7 Design Philosophy KISS Don’t reinvent wheel 2 distinct categories of users: teachers and students Support sharing Not curriculum design (‘last mile’) Target low-tech teachers

8 A Demo

9 Toward Evaluating Impact Data SourcesFindings KnowledgePre/post surveys, online discussions Significant impact of workshop AttitudesPre/post surveys, reflection papers High effect sizes (d >.3), especially among low ‘aptitude’ BehaviorsWebmetrics (GA, IA project analysis) 10% uptake; relationship between design strategy and granularity Student impact Reflection papers, webmetrics, student interviews Much greater use of student access point

10 Closing Thoughts Interesting pre and in-service teacher mentoring emerges Supports teacher collaborations in unintended ways Various publication modes popular Differing impact depending on teacher prior comfort with technology Unplanned ‘viral marketing’

11 URLs Instructional Architect – PD materials – –>> Click on ‘Researchers’


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