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2008 Year in Review Board Members Chair- Tom Peterson Douglas Chung Dave Cuneo Melissa Chillag Barb Meconis Larry Mitchell Bill Wright To build partnerships.

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Presentation on theme: "2008 Year in Review Board Members Chair- Tom Peterson Douglas Chung Dave Cuneo Melissa Chillag Barb Meconis Larry Mitchell Bill Wright To build partnerships."— Presentation transcript:

1 2008 Year in Review Board Members Chair- Tom Peterson Douglas Chung Dave Cuneo Melissa Chillag Barb Meconis Larry Mitchell Bill Wright To build partnerships that provide comprehensive tobacco prevention and treatment programs, and policies to reduce the medical, economic and emotional burdens that tobacco places on our community.

2 MISSION: To build partnerships that provide comprehensive tobacco prevention and treatment programs, and policies to reduce the medical, economic and emotional burdens that tobacco places on our community. 616-248-9165 or 616-0=975-0123 Suite 112 F

3 Sponsors Platinum: METRO Health Priority Health Saint Mary’s Health Care Spectrum Health Gold: Pfizer Silver: Zeeland Community Hospital Bronze: Advantage Health Physicians Network Michigan Medical PC The West Michigan Physicians Network

4 Advantage Health Healthier Communities Lowell Physician Group Metro Health Priority Health Spectrum Health Tobacco Free Partners Zeeland Community Hospital 19 Programs offered 12 Locations 175 People Registered 90 -100 attended 70% of the graduates quit smoking at end of program

5 Facilitators Lisa Lach Jodie Vokes-Seese Laura Van Heest Jil Palmer Cindy Lanning Burch Libby Stern Pat Patterson

6 Promoting Health Tobacco Free Workplace  616-975-0123 CORPORATE PROGRAMS

7 Ridgeview Industries NuCraft Hasting Mutual Insurance NuWool Pennock Hospital Meijer Gardens New Brunswick Industries School Specialities Kent Company Great Lake Fasteners Action Fabrication Grand Rapids Community College Grand Valley University Muellers Industries Corporate Contacts 2008

8 Health Plan Advocates Asian Center MAC Health Club & Fitness Center Steel Supply & Engineering GR & Kalamazoo Health & Safety Associates Barry County Business Association Lowell Health Fair Corporate Contacts cont 2008

9 Living without Tobacco Corporate Referrals On-going support in program development

10 GRANTS: Smoke Free Hospital Campus – Michigan University of MI Linda Thomas Support for City of Grand Rapids Smoke Free Workplace Blue Cross Blue Shield Grant – TATU Program




14 Coming in 2009 TFFG in Spanish – –Recruit Sponsors –Translation of Materials –2 Facilitator already trained Tobacco 101 – Individual Counseling with minimal fees for service Joint Education Projects - partnered with Pfizer - ALAM

15 Thanks You Pfizer GlaxoSmithKline American Lung Association of Michigan American Cancer Society American Heart Association Product Information Coupons Education Opportunities

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