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Water, the Ancient Climate of Mars, and Life Brian Hynek Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado.

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Presentation on theme: "Water, the Ancient Climate of Mars, and Life Brian Hynek Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water, the Ancient Climate of Mars, and Life Brian Hynek Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics University of Colorado

2 Current Mars Atmosphere Predominantly CO 2 (~95%) –minor contributions from N 2, Ar, H 2 O, O 2, CO Global mean temperature = 220 K Atm pressure = 0.6% Earth (6 millibars) –this means that water isn’t stable; even in places where the temp gets greater than the freezing point ~10 precipitable microns of water in the atm

3 Evidence for Past Water The current thin, cold atmosphere prohibits liquid water from being stable on the surface. However, there is ample evidence for past water 3 flavors of flowing surface water: 1)Valley Networks (really old) 2)Outflow Channels (pretty old) 3)Gullies (really young) 10 km 500 km Viking Orbiter image MOLA topography * only one that requires a different climate than at present Valley Networks (really old)

4 Main evidence for a “warm and wet” ancient Mars Valley networks –clear evidence of erosion by water –there has been a long standing debate over the importance of surface runoff vs. groundwater processes –more recent works show that precipitation was required to form many of the features Widespread highland erosion (up to a km of crust lost) Recently identified chemically weathered components of the crust (TES and OMEGA instruments) –hematite deposits in limited locales –sulfate deposits seen in many settings on Mars –clays (phyllosilicates) also detected Mars Exploration Rovers show clear signs of groundwater interaction and possible signs of standing bodies of water

5 Some really convincing evidence of surface flow NE Holden Crater Delta MOC NA images

6 Global Distribution of Valley Networks

7 Amazonian (<3 Ga) Valley Networks Implication: 90% of VNs formed in the 1 st billion years of the planet’s history.

8 Outflow Channels of Mars Formed from catastrophic release of groundwater in mid to late martian history.

9 Did the Northern Lowlands Once Contain an Ocean? Tharsis Northern plains Valles Marineris Northern plains

10 Ref: Owen and Bar-Nun, in R. M. Canup and K. Righter, eds., Origin of the Earth and Moon (2000), p. 463 Deuterium/hydrogen ratios show that Mars (and Venus) lost most all of their water to space. For Mars, the remaining water is tied up in the subsurface and polar caps Venus Where did all the water go?

11 Missions Greatly Improve Our Understanding of Mars New data sets & improved resolution can vastly change our view of the planet’s history. One Example – The “Face” on Mars 1976 2001 Viking MOC

12 What have we learned about water on ancient Mars from recent missions? Specifically, can we determine the role of groundwater vs. surface runoff from precipitation?

13 Strahler [1958] stream order classification 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 22 2 3 3 * Higher stream order corresponds to more mature drainage systems and more contribution from surface runoff downslope

14 Demonstration of Technique: Mapping Valley Networks with MOLA 128 pix/deg grid and MOC WA atlas (256 pix/deg) in ArcGIS (much of this could be done in GRIDVIEW) Start with MOLA gridded data Create MOLA shaded relief

15 Demonstration of Technique: Mapping Valley Networks with MOLA 128 pix/deg grid and MOC- WA atlas (256 pix/deg) in ArcGIS MOLA shaded relief Overlay MOC WA mosaic with some transparency + +

16 Demonstration of Technique: Mapping Valley Networks with MOLA 128 pix/deg grid and MOC- WA atlas (256 pix/deg) in ArcGIS shaded relief + MOC WAAdd a bit of MOLA color

17 blue = previously recognized valley networks by Carr [1995]

18 Additional valley networks seen in MGS data

19 Quantitative comparison of previous and new data for previous figure Carr [1995]This Study # mapped valley segments 44667 stream order3 rd 6 th total length of valleys (km) 1,30811,161 drainage density (km -1 ) 7.6 × 10 -3 6.5 × 10 -2 * * Typical terrestrial values determined in a similar manner range from 6.5 × 10 -2 km -1 to 2.09 × 10 -1 km -1 [Carr & Chuang, 1997]

20 Viking MDIM and Carr VN MGS data and newly recognized VN Comparison of old and new data

21 Previously mapped unconnected valleys (blue) are now recognized as an integrated drainage system (yellow). Carr VN on Viking base Newly recognized VN from MGS

22 Numerous VNs head near divides Centered near 1ºS, 22ºE

23 Conclusions Combination of MGS data sets provide vast improvement in image clarity and resolution with the added bonus of topographic information. Using the same defining characteristics for VN as Carr [1995] our mapping reveals an order of magnitude increase in the number of valleys, total valley length, and drainage density over large sections of the highlands. MGS data show that many previously mapped unconnected, low order segments, are part of larger integrated, mature drainage networks (multiple >5 th order systems).

24 Implications for Early Climate Newly calculated drainage densities are comparable to terrestrial values derived in a similar manner [Carr and Chuang, 1997]. Surface runoff is the simplest explanation for: 1)integrated, mature drainage basins 2)valley heads near the top of divides 3)high stream order 4)drainage densities comparable to terrestrial values

25 The obvious next step: look at higher resolution data (THEMIS and MOC NA)

26 MOLA grid



29 MOLA ~460 m/pix

30 MOCWA ~230 m/pix

31 THEMIS IR 100 m/pix

32 older, degraded channel system different flow paths medial ridge

33 THEMIS day IR + MOLA 5N, 33E


35 2003 study meets THEMIS


37 “undissected” region of the martian highlands

38 THEMIS shows valleys everywhere!

39 The jump to THEMIS VIS…


41 2 rare examples of MOC NA showing highly dissected VNs Carr and Malin, 2000 (Icarus) 18 km across 11 km across

42 Valley network identification increases up to a point. –Beyond that cutoff (~50 m resolution), few additional valleys are seen. Why? –2 choices: Small VNs did not form or they were erased. Give terrestrial experience, the latter is preferred through r esurfacing from impact gardening, mass wasting, aeolian erosion/deposition, volcanic lavas and ash, etc., have likely obscured or removed many first order segments and tributaries of this scale. Resolution and Data Sets Viking MOC WA + MOLA THEMIS IR + MOLA few valleys 5-15 times more up to another factor of 2-4 MOC NA very few more ~240 m/pix ~3 m/pix ~100 & ~460 m/pix ~240 & ~460 m/pix THEMIS VIS very few more ~19 m/pix

43 Conclusion: Multiple episodes of precipitation-fed runoff is the only plausible way to explain these features.

44 Water = life, right?

45 What about life on Mars??? Mars has all the necessary ingredients for life (judging from our terrestrial experience) –Water, an energy source, and the basic elements and compounds required make life. Mars likely had a very different climate in the past that was more hospitable. Life on Earth is exceptionally tough!

46 Examples of Extreme Life: Zygogonium sp. Zygogonium is a type of filamentous green algae that lives in really hot, acidic water! (this and the following 3 slides from Lynn Rothschild)

47 Life can flourish in cold environments too! Example: Lakes under ice in Antarctica under Lake Hoare microbial mat preparing to dive under Lake Hoare mat layers

48 Deinococcus radiodurans (Conan the Bacterium) An example of survival in extreme radiation environment Can withstand 1,500,000 “rads” 500 rads kill humans!

49 Categories of extremophiles Type Hyperthermophile Thermophile Mesophile Psychrophile Barophile Piezophile Xerophile Halophile Alkaliophile Acidophile Anaerobe Miroaerophil Aerophile Type Hyperthermophile Thermophile Mesophile Psychrophile Barophile Piezophile Xerophile Halophile Alkaliophile Acidophile Anaerobe Miroaerophil Aerophile Examples Pyrolobus fumarii -113°, Geobacter- 121° Synechococcus lividis humans Psychrobacter, insects D. radiodurans Shewanella viable at 1600 MPa Haloarcula, Dunaliella Spirulina, Bacillus firmus OF4 (10.5); 12.8?? Cyanidium, Ferroplasma Methanococcus jannaschii Clostridium Homo sapiens Cyanidium caldarium tardigrades Examples Pyrolobus fumarii -113°, Geobacter- 121° Synechococcus lividis humans Psychrobacter, insects D. radiodurans Shewanella viable at 1600 MPa Haloarcula, Dunaliella Spirulina, Bacillus firmus OF4 (10.5); 12.8?? Cyanidium, Ferroplasma Methanococcus jannaschii Clostridium Homo sapiens Cyanidium caldarium tardigrades Environment Temperature Radiation Pressure Desiccation Salinity pH Oxygen tension Chemical extremes Vacuum Electricity Environment Temperature Radiation Pressure Desiccation Salinity pH Oxygen tension Chemical extremes Vacuum Electricity Definition growth >80°C Growth 60-80°C Growth 15-60°C Growth <15°C Weight loving Pressure loving Cryptobiotic; anhydrobiotic Salt loving (2-5 M NaCl) pH >9 Low pH loving Cannot tolerate O 2 high CO 2, arsenic, mercury Definition growth >80°C Growth 60-80°C Growth 15-60°C Growth <15°C Weight loving Pressure loving Cryptobiotic; anhydrobiotic Salt loving (2-5 M NaCl) pH >9 Low pH loving Cannot tolerate O 2 high CO 2, arsenic, mercury

50 Extremophile Lab: The Great Sea Monkeys * idea modified from David E. Trilling, Univ. of Arizona

51 The Amazing Brine Shrimp Sea Monkey eggs can survive dormant for >20,000 years without water Sea Monkeys breathe through their feet They are born with 1 eye but develop 2 more They are ideal for testing life’s response to extreme conditions since they can survive (or remain dormant) in a wide variety of conditions: pH of 2-10, high salinity, various radiation enviros, range of temps, etc

52 The assignment is the following (see handout): (1)Design a scientific experiment to examine the effects of some kind of extreme conditions on the revival and/or survival of dormant life forms (2)Carry out a scientific experiment following the Scientific Method (3)Discuss the results in terms of their hypothesis (4)Discuss the results in the broader context of astrobiology The Project:

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