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Preparing for Your Classroom Presentation A training slideshow to help you teach Tar Wars.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing for Your Classroom Presentation A training slideshow to help you teach Tar Wars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing for Your Classroom Presentation A training slideshow to help you teach Tar Wars

2 SPONSORS Highlands Medical Center Jackson County Medical Society Jackson County Legislature Delegation

3 Program Objectives  Increase knowledge of short-term effects and image-based consequences of tobacco use  Illustrate costs of using tobacco  Identify reasons why people use tobacco  Learn how advertising influences people to buy and use tobacco

4 Activity 1 What is your estimation of tobacco use? Adults who use tobacco 10 th graders that use tobacco 5 th graders that use tobacco

5 Activity 1 Exercise  Tobacco users are in the minority for all age groups!

6 Activity 2 Short-Term Effects of Tobacco Use What are some short term effects of tobacco use? Write your short term effects on the sticky note and put them onto our sticky man!

7  Bad breath/zoo breath  Yellow teeth and fingers  Spit stains on clothes and shoes  Tobacco smoke odor on clothes and hair  Coughing/hacking/hurling phlegm  Less money to spend on other things Activity 2 Short-Term Effects of Tobacco Use

8 Use $5.00 as the average price of one pack of cigarettes. How much does it cost to use tobacco for:  One week?  One month?  One year?  50 years? Activity 3 Costs of Tobacco Use $5.00 X 7 = $35.00 $35.00 X 4 = $140.00 $140.00 X 12 = $1,680.00 $1,680 X 50 = $84,000.00

9 What else could you buy with this money? Activity 3 Costs of Tobacco Use

10  Students: Stand up! Hold your nose and run in place while breathing ONLY through the sour straw.  Smoking makes breathing difficult, especially during exercise.  What if you had to breathe like that the rest of your life? Activity 4 Straw/Breathing Exercise DON’T EAT IT!

11 Why do you think people smoke or use tobacco? Activity 5 Reasons People Use Tobacco

12  Cool Image  Lose Weight/Be Thin  Peer Pressure  Nicotine Addiction/Relaxation  Looking Older/Being Grown-Up or Like Parents  Advertising Activity 5 Reasons People Use Tobacco

13 Activity 5 Tobacco and Advertising  Good Looks/ Glamour – girls appear to be young, pretty, well-dressed  Cool Image – guy appears to be strong, tough, in good shape

14 Activity 5 Tobacco and Advertising  Low Tar/Light – cigarette filters appear to reduce risks or make smoking safer

15 Activity 5 Tobacco and Advertising  Hanging Out/ Dating – girls and boys don’t appear to be bothered by each others’ smoke

16 Activity 5 Tobacco and Advertising  Friends/ Popularity – “popular people” appear to all smoke and have many friends

17 Activity 5 Tobacco and Advertising  Flavored Cigarettes – made to appear good-tasting, cool, refreshing

18 Activity 5 Tobacco and Advertising What tobacco ads DON’T show:  Ash trays  Lit cigarettes  Cigarette butts  Breathing difficulties from smoking  Lung cancer

19 Activity 5 Tobacco and Advertising What tobacco ads DON’T show:  Yellow teeth and fingers  Wrinkled skin  Burnt holes in clothes  Spit stains from chewing tobacco

20 Activity 5 Tobacco and Advertising What tobacco ads DON’T show:  How tobacco REALLY tastes – hot, bitter, and will burn your mouth and lungs  Bad breath/zoo breath

21 Tobacco and the Movies  The major studios account for 90% of kids on-screen tobacco exposure.  82% of PG-13 films contain tobacco use.  Smoking in movies is the most powerful pro-tobacco influence on children, accounting for 52% of adolescents who start smoking.  And smoking in movies is supposed to be illegal! Activity 5 Tobacco and Advertising

22 Some examples movies and television shows that contain tobacco use : Activity 5 Tobacco and Advertising

23 A Activity 6 What’s in a Cigarette? What do you think is in a cigarette? Do you really want to put this stuff into your body?

24 A Emerging tobacco products are being marketed as safer and harmless alternative They are made to look like candy to appeal to a younger customer Activity 7 Emerging and Flavored Tobacco

25 A Activity 7 Emerging and Flavored Tobacco

26 Activity 9 Tobacco Abroad Trivia How many cigarettes are smoked around the world everyday? A.4 billion B. 2 million C.15 billion D.25 billion

27 Activity 9 Tobacco Abroad Trivia How many cigarettes are smoked around the world everyday? C. 15 billion

28 Activity 9 Tobacco Abroad Trivia How many people die from tobacco every year around the world? A. 1 million B. 500,000 C. 4,000 D. 5 million

29 Activity 9 Tobacco Abroad Trivia How many people die from tobacco every year around the world? D. 5 million

30 Activity 9 Tobacco Abroad Trivia How many men in the world currently smoke cigarettes? A. 1 million B. 1 billion C. 9 million D. 20 billion

31 Activity 9 Tobacco Abroad Trivia How many men in the world currently smoke cigarettes? B. 1 billion

32 Activity 9 Tobacco Abroad Trivia How many women in the world currently smoke cigarettes? A. 100 million B. 5 billion C. 2 million D. 250 million

33 Activity 9 Tobacco Abroad Trivia How many women in the world currently smoke cigarettes? D. 250 million

34 Activity 9 Tobacco Abroad Trivia What country manufactures the most cigarettes in the world? A. Japan B. China C. United States D. Australia

35 Activity 9 Tobacco Abroad Trivia What country manufactures the most cigarettes in the world? B. China

36 Activity 10 Electronic Cigarettes and Vapor Cigarettes Do you know what vapor and electronic cigarettes are? Electronic Cigarettes (E-Cigs) are battery operated devices that contain nicotine-filled cartridges. Vapor Cigarettes contain mist that contains flavorings and nicotine that is inhaled

37 Activity 10 Electronic Cigarettes and Vapor Cigarettes With a vapor cigarette you’re inhaling water. Would you stick your head in a swimming pool and breathe?

38 Activity 10 Electronic Cigarettes and Vapor Cigarettes These are marketed to have many different flavors. They even have a Skittles flavored e-Cig. If you want a skittle why not eat one instead of smoking it? It sure is a lot healthier for you!

39 Activity 11 Secondhand Smoke

40 Activity 12 Poster and Video Contest Posters are due April 16 th Must be hand drawn The poster must be an original and POSITIVE message TOBACCO (NOT DRUGS)

41 =DFcphFan_WE&app=desktop

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