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Jere – PM, business Teemu - business Saila - business Yohannes - Programming Santeri – Design Siqi - Programming.

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Presentation on theme: "Jere – PM, business Teemu - business Saila - business Yohannes - Programming Santeri – Design Siqi - Programming."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jere – PM, business Teemu - business Saila - business Yohannes - Programming Santeri – Design Siqi - Programming

3  Strengths:  3 business guys  Clear goal  Already existing customer base/marketing channel?  Weakness:  Not knowing the platform  Not enough hardware

4  To develop an iPad native application  First of a kind ->Demo  Distribution, business research:  App store if it’s possible  Or on the HammerKit website  Customer problem; Hammerkit doesn’t work properly on iPad

5  Strenghts: easy to use, enables quick presentation for web design customers, innovative service, business model, marketing channels  Weaknesses: good enough app with new commands? small company, pro programmers/beginners (what’s the focus group?), marketing channels?  Opportunities: iPad version (first one), start-up, growing industry, loyal fanbase (apple), every designer has an iPad, new upcoming tablet devices(open software/pc)  Threats: Finland tax system (higher prices), new & rising competitors, funding, apple policies, small company

6  Research the solutions for native applications Introduce ourselves to HammerKit & iPad properly  Sharing our findings through dropbox  Get the market researches etc. from HammerKit  Do the demo, wireframe mock-up, business plan

7  Tasks to do during the last weeks:  W47: Wireframe & UI ideas (mock-up done)  Everybody  W47-49:Customer feedback (questionnaire, newsletter, interviews?) & Social medias  Ms. Jämsén, Mr. Siponen & Mr. Virta  W46 & W48:Update Marketing Plan, Sales pitch, business plan  Everybody  If we have time, do the native version of the demo  Mr. Hao & Mr. Loga


9  Status:  Learning more about the functions and usage of Hammerkit site.  The idea is crystal clear.  We have research the solutions for native applications.  First user stories done  Get more information about iPad.  Risks:  Time and schedules -> schedules must be kept and deadlines met  The difficulty of native application (doing the business research for it)  Next steps:  Everyone learning more about the functions and usage of Hammerkit.  General knowledge of iPad and its functions.  Reading the Apple SDK documention.  Starting the Gant chart  Meeting with Jani  Starting the business research

10  Possible iPad tutorial for hammerkit  Video about a customer pointing out things he wants on his website and the designer making it

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