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 Word root The main part of a word which contains the basic meaning.  Prefix Word parts attached to the beginning of a word that modifies the meaning.

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2  Word root The main part of a word which contains the basic meaning.  Prefix Word parts attached to the beginning of a word that modifies the meaning.  Suffix  Word parts attached to the end of a word that modifies the meaning.


4 PREFIXMEANING EXAMPLE USAGE anti against, opposite antipathy hatred, antithetical exactly opposite ir,not irrevocable not able to be called back prebefore preamble introductory statement, premonition forewarning postafter posthumous after death Sub,Under, bring under control,

5 PREFIXMEANING EXAMPLE USAGE exout exit, go out, emit,give off something in,not Inefficient, not efficient, inarticulate, not clear interBetweenamong intervene come between, international between nations, intra, intro within intramural within a school, introvert person who turns by himself hyper above, excessively hyperbole exaggeration,


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