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A-; an- ab- -able ac- -aceous not; without; lacking; deficient away from; out from capable of to; toward of or pertaining to.

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Presentation on theme: "A-; an- ab- -able ac- -aceous not; without; lacking; deficient away from; out from capable of to; toward of or pertaining to."— Presentation transcript:

1 a-; an- ab- -able ac- -aceous not; without; lacking; deficient away from; out from capable of to; toward of or pertaining to

2 ad- aden- adip- alb- ambi- to; toward gland fat white both

3 ameb- amni- amphi-; ampho- angi- ante- change; alternation fetal membrane Both blood vessel; duct before; ahead of time

4 anter- antho- anthropo- apo-; ap- archaeo- front flower man; human away from primitive; ancient

5 -ase aster-; astr- audi- aur- auto- forms names of enzymes Star hear ear self

6 bacter-; bactr- bi- bi-; bio- -blast- brachi- bacterium; stick; club (Latin) two; twice (Greek) life; living sprout; germ; bud arm

7 bronch- capill- carcin- cardi- carn- windpipe hair cancer heart meat; flesh

8 carp- carpal- caud- -cell- centi- fruit wrist tail chamber; small room hundredth

9 cephal- cerebr- cervic- chem- chlor- head brain neck dealing with chemicals green

10 chondr- chrom-; - chrome co- cocc- coel- cartilage Color with; together seed; berry hollow

11 contra- corp- cort-; cortic- cotyl- crani- against body outer layer cup skull

12 cuti- cyan- -cyst- cyt-; -cyte dactyl- skin blue sac; pouch; bladder cell; hollow container finger

13 de- deca- deci- demi- dendr- away from; down ten tenth half tree

14 dent- derm- di-; dipl- di-; dia- dia- tooth skin (Latin) two; double (Greek) through; across; apart (Latin) day

15 dis- dors- -duct echin- eco- apart; out back lead spiny; prickly house

16 ecto- -elle -emia en-; endo- ; ent- encephal- outside of small blood in; into; within brain

17 enter- entom- epi- erythro- eso- intestine; gut insects upon; above; over red inward; within; inner

18 eu- ex- extra- -fid; fiss- fract- well; good; true; normal out of; away from beyond; outside split; divided into break

19 -gam- gastr- -gene- -gest- gluc-; glyc- marriage stomach origin; birth carry; produce; bear sweet; sugar

20 gnath- -grad- gymno- halo- hapl- jaw step naked; bare salt simple

21 hecto- hem- hemi- hepar-; hepat- herb- hundred blood half liver grass; plants

22 hetero- hex- hist- holo- homo- different; other six tissue entire; whole (Latin) man; human (Greek) same; alike

23 hort- hydr- hyper- hypo- ichthy- garden water above; beyond; over below; under; less fish

24 in-; il-; im-; ir- infra- inter- intra- not to; toward; into below; beneath between within; inside

25 iso- -kary- kerat- kilo- kine- equal; same cell nucleus horn thousand move

26 lact- lat- -less leuc-; leuk- lingu- milk side without white; bright; light tongue

27 lip- loc- -logist -logy -lys-; -lyt- ; -lyst fat place one who studies... study of... decompose; split; dissolve

28 macr- mamm- med- mela-; melan- mes- large breast middle black; dark middle; half; intermediate

29 met-; meta- micro- milli- mito- mono- between; along; after small; millionth thousandth thread one;b single

30 -mot- morph- multi- mut- my- move shape; form many change muscle

31 mycel- moll- nas- neo- nephro- threadlike soft nose new; recent kidney

32 neur- noct-; nox- -node non- not- nerve night knot not back

33 nuc- ob- ocul- oct- olf- center against eye eight smell

34 onc- oo- opt- orb- ornith- mass; tumor egg eye circle; round; ring bird

35 orth- oscu- -osis oste- oto- straight; correct; right mouth abnormal condition bone ear

36 ov- pachy- paleo- palm- pan- egg thick old; ancient broad; flat all

37 par-; para- -ped- pent- peri- permea- beside; near; equal foot five around pass; go

38 phag- pheno- -phil- photo- phyl- eat show loving; fond of light related group

39 -phyll physi- phyt-; - phyte pino- plasm-; - plast- leaf nature; natural qualities plant drink form; formed into

40 pleur- pneumo- -pod poly- por- lung; rib; side lungs; air foot many; several opening




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