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MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development Thea Lomax Presenter Storm Water Enforcement Thea Lomax Presenter Storm Water Enforcement Prepared 07/04/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development Thea Lomax Presenter Storm Water Enforcement Thea Lomax Presenter Storm Water Enforcement Prepared 07/04/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development Thea Lomax Presenter Storm Water Enforcement Thea Lomax Presenter Storm Water Enforcement Prepared 07/04/2011

2 Objective Objective - Provide information in accordance with the MS4 Permit, to develop and organize the Annual Report. 2 MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development

3 MS4s are required by the MS4 Permit to submit an Annual Report to its regulatory authority each year, at a date specified in the permit. sMS4s that are co-permittees to a MS4 Permit are required to participate in the development of the Annual Report. If they have a individual MS4 Permit, they are required to submit an Annual Report. 3 MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development

4 Cover 1 year of storm water management activities for the reporting period: - Summary of the activities in the reporting period, including where available, specific quantities achieved and summaries of enforcement actions - Description of the effectiveness of each SWMP program component or activity - Planned activities and changes for the next reporting period, for each SWMP program component or activity - Detailed fiscal analysis - Refer to Permit Requirements, and describe in quantifiable terms, the status of activities undertaken o comply with each requirement. 4 Annual Report Contents MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development

5 Why is this training necessary? - Improve report organization - Speed up review and response time from the regulatory agency - Improve submittal format (CD) vs. printed copy 5 MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development

6 Part I- SUMMARY Storm Water Management Program Overview -Enforcement actions -Inspections: - Structural Control - Illicit Discharges - Construction - Industrial -Public Education programs -Number of NOIs received and approved -Number of Primary industry within MS4 boundary - Impaired waterways impacted -TMDLs that have been established Storm Water Management Program Overview -Enforcement actions -Inspections: - Structural Control - Illicit Discharges - Construction - Industrial -Public Education programs -Number of NOIs received and approved -Number of Primary industry within MS4 boundary - Impaired waterways impacted -TMDLs that have been established MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development

7 SUMMARY -Name of the MS4/Permit Number -Reporting Period -MS4 Contact Information -Signature and Certification/s -Organizational Chart -Population served -Name of the MS4/Permit Number -Reporting Period -MS4 Contact Information -Signature and Certification/s -Organizational Chart -Population served MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development

8 SUMMARY -Revisions/proposes changes to the SWMP -Expenditures -Water Quality Improvements or degradation -Measured reductions in pollutants -Status achieving Measurable Goals -Revisions/proposes changes to the SWMP -Expenditures -Water Quality Improvements or degradation -Measured reductions in pollutants -Status achieving Measurable Goals MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development

9 Part II-SWMP PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS Describe the status of implementing these SWMPs : Part II-SWMP PROGRAM EFFECTIVENESS Describe the status of implementing these SWMPs : -Structural Controls -Areas of New Development and Significant Redevelopment -Roadways -Flood Control Projects -Pesticide, Herbicide, and Fertilizer Application -Illicit Discharges and Improper Disposal: -Non-storm water - Sanitary Sewer Overflows and Infiltration - Floatables -Household Hazardous Waste and Used Motor Vehicle Fluids -MS4 Screening and Illicit Inspections -Spill Prevention and Response -Industrial and High Risk Runoff -Construction Site Runoff -Public Education -Monitoring Programs -Dry Weather Screening -Structural Controls -Areas of New Development and Significant Redevelopment -Roadways -Flood Control Projects -Pesticide, Herbicide, and Fertilizer Application -Illicit Discharges and Improper Disposal: -Non-storm water - Sanitary Sewer Overflows and Infiltration - Floatables -Household Hazardous Waste and Used Motor Vehicle Fluids -MS4 Screening and Illicit Inspections -Spill Prevention and Response -Industrial and High Risk Runoff -Construction Site Runoff -Public Education -Monitoring Programs -Dry Weather Screening MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development MS4

10 Part II-SWMP Program Effectiveness Describe the status of implementing these SWMPs: Part II-SWMP Program Effectiveness Describe the status of implementing these SWMPs: -Wet Weather Screening -Industrial and High Risk Runoff Monitoring -Representative Storm Event Monitoring -Floatables Monitoring -Wet Weather Screening -Industrial and High Risk Runoff Monitoring -Representative Storm Event Monitoring -Floatables Monitoring MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development

11 - Public Education and Outreach -Public Involvement and Participation -Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination -Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control -Post-Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control -Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping - Public Education and Outreach -Public Involvement and Participation -Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination -Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control -Post-Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control -Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development sMS4

12 Part III-Data/Tools -Copies of DMR data -Copies of educational materials, advertisement, website address, hotline phone numbers, forms developed to support SWMPs and or enhance the program numbers, forms developed to support SWMPs and or enhance the program implementation. implementation. -Copies of DMR data -Copies of educational materials, advertisement, website address, hotline phone numbers, forms developed to support SWMPs and or enhance the program numbers, forms developed to support SWMPs and or enhance the program implementation. implementation. MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development

13 Checklist Summary Does the Annual Report: 1.Include Name of MS4; permit number; physical and mailing address; contact information; signed and dated certifications of each contributing permittee; Table of Contents; numbered pages; 2.List impaired waters; 3.Describe water quality impacts to impaired waters described; 4. Describe reductions to pollutants to impacted impaired waters; 5.Describe results of information collected and analyzed, including monitoring data used to assess the programs’ success in reducing the discharge of pollutants to the MS4; Program Elements 1.Included contact information for the program element; 2.Describe permit requirements and how each one was achieved for the reporting period; 3.Describe each Measurable Goal and how each one was achieved; 4.Describe status of scheduled events and activities; 5.Describe significant changes in the management of the program element; 6.Describe number of planned inspections, actual inspections, enforcement actions: As applicable for these programs: Structural Controls, Areas of New Development/Significant Re-Dev, Roadways, Illicit Discharges, Spill Prevention, Industrial, Construction, Post-Construction, Good Housekeeping 7.Describe effectiveness in reducing pollutants to the MS4 Summary Does the Annual Report: 1.Include Name of MS4; permit number; physical and mailing address; contact information; signed and dated certifications of each contributing permittee; Table of Contents; numbered pages; 2.List impaired waters; 3.Describe water quality impacts to impaired waters described; 4. Describe reductions to pollutants to impacted impaired waters; 5.Describe results of information collected and analyzed, including monitoring data used to assess the programs’ success in reducing the discharge of pollutants to the MS4; Program Elements 1.Included contact information for the program element; 2.Describe permit requirements and how each one was achieved for the reporting period; 3.Describe each Measurable Goal and how each one was achieved; 4.Describe status of scheduled events and activities; 5.Describe significant changes in the management of the program element; 6.Describe number of planned inspections, actual inspections, enforcement actions: As applicable for these programs: Structural Controls, Areas of New Development/Significant Re-Dev, Roadways, Illicit Discharges, Spill Prevention, Industrial, Construction, Post-Construction, Good Housekeeping 7.Describe effectiveness in reducing pollutants to the MS4 MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development

14 Organizational tips -Submit Annual Report on CD (Check with regulatory authority) -Include a Table of Contents -Number pages -Identify the contributor /co-permittee of each part -Submit Annual Report on CD (Check with regulatory authority) -Include a Table of Contents -Number pages -Identify the contributor /co-permittee of each part MS4/sMS4 Annual Report Development

15 Questions or copy of Presentation Thea Lomax (214) 665-8098 Email:

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