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CCRS Ecclesiology: What does it mean for the Church to be Church? Revd Dr Gareth Leyshon Archdiocese of Cardiff.

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Presentation on theme: "CCRS Ecclesiology: What does it mean for the Church to be Church? Revd Dr Gareth Leyshon Archdiocese of Cardiff."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCRS Ecclesiology: What does it mean for the Church to be Church? Revd Dr Gareth Leyshon Archdiocese of Cardiff

2 CCRS Ecclesiology Session I: What do we mean by Church? A Brief History of the Worshipping Community Our Eucharistic Community Assignments!

3 CCRS Ecclesiology Session II: Our local community – the Parish Cardinal Dulles – Models of Church Ministries: Ordinary and Extraordinary Half-Time Feedback

4 CCRS Ecclesiology Session III: The Diocese and the Bishops Conference The Church in the Modern World Deus Caritas Est: Church making love present The Communion of Saints

5 CCRS Ecclesiology Session IV: Catholics and Other Christians Interchurch Marriages Intercommunion Do we want other Christians to become Catholic? One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic

6 CCRS Ecclesiology Session V: The Church is Missionary The Universal Church and Other Faiths Listening and Evangelising Can we take part in ceremonies of other religions? Do non-Christians go to heaven? Dulles and the Universal Church Any Questions?

7 CCRS Ecclesiology: What does it mean for the Church to be Church? Session I Revd Dr Gareth Leyshon Archdiocese of Cardiff


9 TASK 1 And now, draw another interpretation of CHURCH

10 GROUP EXERCISE CHURCH: Put together the common ideas

11 Church?










21 CHURCH KIRK KIRCHE KYRIAKOS Belonging to the Lord


23 The Great Assembly Ex 35:1 the whole of Israel assembles QAHAL Dt 23 the assembly of the Lord QAHAL YHWH Excludes the unclean Ps 40:9-10 the great assembly QAHAL RAB

24 1400 BC The Exodus Community

25 1000 BC The Exodus Community Solomon builds a Temple

26 600 BC Exodus Community Solomon builds a Temple Jewish exile – Service of the Word develops

27 Also in OT EDAH The congregation (Nb 1:2) The People People of Israel Gods covenant People (Ex 3:7) People of the Land (II Kg 24:14) The remnant Is 37:31-32

28 The Time of Jesus Big Temple services in Jerusalem at the major feasts

29 The Time of Jesus Big Temple services in Jerusalem at the major feasts Local weekly and daily services in regional synagogues

30 What did Jesus say? KINGDOM (Gods Reign) at hand parables Do this in memory of me 12 apostles (Mt 19:28) Peter the Rock (Mt 16:18) Leaders to SERVE Jn 13:12-20 Mk 10:42-45 Who will be saved?

31 What did Paul say? EKKLESIA – the Church in N. always: local Christian community CHURCH OF GOD ONE BODY Eph 4 & 5 Who will be saved?

32 Leadership in the early church APOSTLES: 12 -1 +3 ELDERS (pl.) presbuteroi (presbyter) EPISKOPOI (sg.) overseer, superintendent episcopal oversight DEACONS Acts 6-8 deaconesses

33 1 st Century Jewish Psalm Service in the morning, Breaking of Bread in the evening

34 1 st -3 rd Centuries Jewish Psalm Service in the morning, Breaking of Bread in the evening Two services conflate to a recognisable Eucharist, celebrated in a private house

35 Before Constantine Ignatius, ca AD 108 the Catholic (universal) church Polycarp, martyred ca AD 154 the Catholic church in Smyrna Ireneus, AD 130-200 the scattered Catholic church preserves the one faith recognises Romes authority Cyprian, d. AD 258 reconciling the lapsed

36 Constantine Public buildings can be dedicated for worship, modelled on Roman Law Court – the Basilica

37 Constantine Public buildings can be dedicated for worship, modelled on Roman Law Court – the Basilica The organisation of Church and State become linked

38 Creeds APOSTLES (in use by 3 rd C.) in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints... NICENE CREED no mention in AD 325 (Nicea I) Constantinople I (381) adds one holy catholic and apostolic Church four marks of the Church

39 Early Middle Ages

40 Orthodox Design

41 College and Monastic Chapels

42 Cathedral + Choir = Long cross- shaped Church

43 So whats a church for?

44 So whats a church for? Gather round altar?

45 So whats a church for? Choirs sing in worship?

46 So whats a church for? Awe and adoration?

47 The Broken Community 1054 – Great Schism with the East Papal authority – altering the Creed Protestant Reformation – 15 th & 16 th Centuries Priesthood? Sacraments?

48 Hot Issues Who is the rightful Pope? (1378- 1417) How much authority does the Pope have as a civil ruler? How much authority does the Pope have over the church? (Vatican I, 1870) Do you have to be a Catholic to go to heaven? (Feeney)

49 The Church on The Church Pius XII, 1943: Mystici Corporis Second Vatican Council, 1961-65 Lumen Gentium – on the ChurchLumen Gentium Orientalium Ecclesiarum – the Eastern Catholic Church Gaudium et Spes Gaudium et Spes – the Church in the Modern World Unitatis Redintegratio – other Christians

50 The Church on The Church Second Vatican Council, 1961-65 Christus Dominus (bishops) Christus Dominus Presbyterorum Ordinis (priests) Presbyterorum Ordinis Perfectae Caritatis (religious orders) Perfectae Caritatis Apostolicam Actuositatem (the laity) Apostolicam Actuositatem Nostra Aetate (other religions) Nostra Aetate Ad Gentes (being missionary) Ad Gentes

51 TASK 2 We see the QAHAL YHWH at Sunday Mass. What roles exist in our liturgical assembly?

52 Teaching Catholic Theology An academic approach Vatican documents are privileged INFALLIBLE DOGMA AUTHORITATIVE TEACHING DISCIPLINARY NORMS OFFICIAL OPINIONS Church sets boundaries For Alternatives: McBrien

53 Resources Vatican II Documents Vatican website and Course website: These powerpoints – with links! No net access? Let Fr Gareth know.

54 Typical Church c. 1934

55 Typical Church c. 1990

56 ALTAR: truly central so that the attention of the whole congregation naturally focuses there ALTAR: freestanding, to permit walking around it and celebration facing the people AMBO: for the proclamation of the readings; the faithful may readily see and hear the minister CHAIR: clearly visible. Sign that the celebrant presides over the whole community. TABERNACLE: place truly noble, prominent, readily visible, beautifully decorated, suitable for prayer TABERNACLE: in the sanctuary OR a chapel suitable for private adoration; not on main altar.

57 Second lectern: does not mirror the decoration of the ambo ALTAR RAILS: Vatican II said nothing. A practical consequence of lay ministers and standing for communion First Principle of Vatican II: noble simplicity SANCTUARY: easily seen, a place,marked off, where ministers exercise their offices

58 Church in the Round: NY

59 Church in the Round: Liverpool

60 Unintended consequences... Too-much de-emphasis on Holy God? Tabernacles banished Altar rails often lost Push for communion in the hand

61 After Vatican II... 1974 – new Missal – English get the gist across and also with you mea maxima culpa 1985 – Chalice totally derestricted for Wales (& England) 1985 – Communion in the Hand licensed for Wales (& England) Communion on the tongue is ALWAYS PERMITTED

62 Presentation © Revd Dr Gareth Leyshon 2009 except for photographs included as fair use for educational purposes. It may be freely used as a Catholic educational tool.

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