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4.02 Critique career information in terms of reliability and compatibility to personal information.

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1 4.02 Critique career information in terms of reliability and compatibility to personal information.

2 Terms 1) Personal Career Profile – helps to organize career information with, personal information and career information (education and training is a vital part of this information) 2) Bachelors degree- 4 years of school 3) Nontraditional occupations - careers that were typical for one gender but not the other. 4) Myths/Stereotypes- an unfound belief or notion 5) Bias - to cause partiality or favoritism in (a person); influence, esp. unfairly 6) Small Business Administration (SBA) - a government agency that aids, counsels, and assist all the interest of small business

3 Terms 7) Entrepreneur - a person who organizes and manages a business; also a person who starts a business 8) Innovative - creating value out of new ideas, new products, new services or new ways of doing things 9) Entrepreneurship - the organization and management of a business 10) Capital - any money or equipment invested in running a business 11) Profit - the amount of money left from total business income after paying all expenses 12) Retail sales - clerk, sales persons, telemarketer, and repairer (clock/watch)

4 Terms 13) Sole Proprietorship - simplest form of business because it only requires one person 14) Partnership – a form of business organization involving two or more people; Johnson & Johnson, Ben & Jerry 15) Franchise - allows the entrepreneur to view a business with a proven track record, Buyer is often granted exclusivity (no one else could buy the same franchise in the same area) Fast Food Restaurants, Hotels and Motels, Carpet Cleaning Services, Muffler and Brake Shops 16) Corporation - Owned by many people in which they all have limited liability on the responsibility, profits and debts of the company

5 Terms 17) Sexual Harassment- Any unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature 18) Working conditions- refers to the working environment and to the non-pay aspects of an employee’s terms and conditions of employment 19) Salary- fixed compensation paid regularly for services

6 What's on a Career Profile? Personal Information Personal Information 1.Values 2.Interest 3.Personality traits 4.Data, People, Things preference 5.Skills and aptitudes 6.Education/training goals Career Information Career Information 1.Career values 2.Career duties and responsibilities 3.Personality type needed 4.Data, People, Things characteristics 5.Skills and aptitudes required 6.Education/training required

7 I Have A Dream “ I have a dream that one day all men will be created equal” “ I have a dream that one day all men will be created equal” –Martin L. King Jr. Do you think this is true between men and women in the workplace? Do you think this is true between men and women in the workplace?

8 Traditional and non-traditional careers MALES MALES 1.Nurse 2.Teller 3.Flight attendant 4.Makeup artist 5.Day care worker FEMALES FEMALES 1.Truck driver 2.Mechanic 3.Plumber 4.President 5.Janitor

9 Myths/Stereotypes of men in non-traditional careers Nontraditional jobs for women Nontraditional jobs for men

10 Myths/Stereotypes of men in non-traditional careers Myth Myth –Men who work in non-traditional careers are not masculine. The Facts The Facts –Men working in nontraditional careers come in all sizes, shapes and types. They are just as manly as any other man. Myth Myth –Men are not nurturing enough to work with small children or as caregivers The Facts The Facts –Men are caring fathers, grandfather, brothers, teachers, nurses and other professional caregivers. –They also provide excellent role models for young children and help erase many of the negative stereotypes about men.

11 Myths/Stereotypes of men in non-traditional careers Myth Myth –Men who work in nontraditional careers aren’t skilled or strong enough to be employed in traditional careers. The Facts The Facts –Men choose nontraditional careers because of their interest, skills, abilities. Myth Myth –Men in nontraditional careers earn less money then men employed in traditional careers The Facts The Facts –Men in nontraditional careers, especially those who own their own business or work as a supervisor, can earn more money than men employed in traditional careers.

12 Myths/Stereotypes of women in non-traditional careers

13 Myth Myth –Working in trade jobs can be dirty and women don’t like to get messy The Facts The Facts –Women traditionally do “dirty” jobs such as changing diapers and housecleaning. Myth Myth –Women who work in non-traditional careers are not feminine. The Facts The Facts –Just because a woman dresses rugged and gets dirty does not mean they are not feminine.

14 Myths/Stereotypes of women in non-traditional careers Myth Myth –Women in clerical jobs dress so well that surely they make more money than trade workers. The Facts The Facts –This is NOT true. On an average a receptionist makes about $128 less than an electrician on entry-level weekly salaries. Myth Myth –Women are not strong enough to perform in trade or construction jobs. The Facts The Facts –The average woman is strong enough to work as a skilled worker because technology and tools have made jobs easier for both men and women –Secondly women can build strength while on these jobs.

15 FACT Males and females have the ability to learn.

16 Advantages of Nontraditional Careers 1. Intrinsic motivation of following dreams 2. Empowerment/autonomy 3. Receive more attention on the job 4. Makes an impact on society; opens the door to others 5. Higher wages (women) 6. Job satisfaction 7. Opportunities to learn while you earn (Apprenticeships) (women) 8. Acquire transferable skills 9. Better benefits (women) 10. Job security (women) 11. Better work environment (men)

17 BUT………. “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction” –Sir Isaac Newton (3 rd Law of Motion)

18 Disadvantages of Nontraditional Careers 1. Hazardous workplaces (women) 2. Discrimination/Harassment 3. Sense of isolation 4. Physical requirements 5. Lack of mentors 6. Non-supportive friends and family 7. Shift work vs. traditional schedule 8. Seasonal lay-offs 9. Potential for physical and mental challenges

19 Barriers to Pursuing non traditional jobs 1. Unsupportive attitudes of family and friends 2. Lack of equity in education (Traditional courses are typically selected.) 3. Workplace/school discrimination –Lack of acceptance –Not getting proper training –Isolation on the work-site –Limited access to support services –Women assigned menial tasks in work/lab environment –Sexual harassment

20 Overcoming Barriers = Too Much Stress Some may say overcoming these barriers maybe too stressful and we should just give up and work traditional jobs. Some may say overcoming these barriers maybe too stressful and we should just give up and work traditional jobs. What do you think? What do you think?

21 Overcoming We must continue to overcome these barriers and strive to pursue nontraditional job because the world is at our fingertips. We must continue to overcome these barriers and strive to pursue nontraditional job because the world is at our fingertips.

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