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1. Organization. Tradition CIA FBI Commissions US Commission on National Security in the 21 st Century (USCNS) Hart-Rudman Commission (see Phase 1 Report,

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Presentation on theme: "1. Organization. Tradition CIA FBI Commissions US Commission on National Security in the 21 st Century (USCNS) Hart-Rudman Commission (see Phase 1 Report,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Organization

2 Tradition CIA FBI

3 Commissions US Commission on National Security in the 21 st Century (USCNS) Hart-Rudman Commission (see Phase 1 Report, p. 7)(USCNS) Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction (Gilmore Commission) (Gilmore Commission)

4 Probability vs. Consequence

5 Clinton Counterterrorism PDD-39 PDD-62 PDD-63 For more, see PDD-63 addendums herePDD-63here

6 Post-9/11 CT Organization Executive Office of the President Office of Homeland Security (OHS; 2001-2009) Homeland Security Council (HSC)(HSC)

7 Homeland Security Council System (2001-2009) Policy Coordinating Committees (PCCs). These are interagency committees composed of Under and Assistant Secretary level officials from member and invitee departments/ agencies of HSC, chaired by Senior Directors of Office of Homeland Security Directorates Homeland Security Council (HSC) Statutory Members: President, Vice President, Secretaries of Homeland Security, Defense, and Attorney General. Bush Admin. Roster also included: Secretaries of Treasury, Health and Human Services, Transportation, White House Chief of Staff, Directors of Office of Management and Budget, Central Intelligence, FBI, FEMA, Chief of Staff to the VP. Chaired by Homeland Security Adviser. National Security Adviser may attend all meetings. Bush Invitees depending on the issue: Secretaries of State, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, Energy, Veterans Affairs, EPA Administrator, Deputy National Security Adviser for Combating Terrorism, Counsel to the President HSC Principals Committee (HSC/PC) All Members and Invitees of HSC meeting without the President and Vice President. Chaired by Homeland Security Adviser. HSC Deputies Committees (HSC/DC) Deputies to HSC/PC Members/Invitees. Chaired by Deputy Homeland Security Adviser Office of Homeland Security (OHS). Managed by Homeland Security Adviser; Professional Staff of 100. Directorates for: Protection and Prevention; Research and Development; Response and Recovery; Communications; Intelligence and Detection; Policy and Plans. WMD PCC Economic Consequences PCC Detection, Surveillance, Intelligence PCC Plans, Training, Evaluation, Exercises PCC Research and Development PCC Domestic Transportation Security PCC Law Enforcement, And Investigations PCC Domestic Threat Response and Incident Management PCC Medical and Public Health Preparedness PCC Public Affairs PCC Key Asset, Border, Territorial Waters, and Airspace Security PCC

8 Homeland Security Council System (2009) Interdepartmental Working Groups are interagency committees composed of Under and Assistant Secretary level officials from member and invitee departments/ agencies of HSC Homeland Security Council (HSC) Statutory Members: President, Vice President, Secretaries of Homeland Security, Defense, and Attorney General. Others Invited depending on the issue: Secretaries of Treasury, Health and Human Services, Transportation, the Director of the FBI, Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism (APHS/CT), the Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff to the Vice President, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and the Counsel to the President. HSC Principals Committee (HSC/PC) All Members and Invitees of HSC meeting without the President and Vice President. Chaired by Homeland Security Adviser. HSC Deputies Committees (HSC/DC) Deputies to HSC/PC Members/Invitees. Chaired by Deputy Homeland Security Adviser HSC Interdepartmental Working Groups National Security Staff (Formerly NSC Staff) NSC

9 2002 New Cabinet Dept. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)(DHS) –DHS Organizational ChartChart –Organizational charts for DHS BureausDHS Bureaus

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