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First Day of School Procedures, Policies, & Getting to Know One Another.

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Presentation on theme: "First Day of School Procedures, Policies, & Getting to Know One Another."— Presentation transcript:

1 First Day of School Procedures, Policies, & Getting to Know One Another

2 My #1 Rule is Respect. How will you show respect in this classroom?

3 If I say: “Respect yourself, others, supplies, and learning.” What does that mean to you?

4 Allowing one person to speak at a time. Make everyone feel welcome and comfortable in class. Use materials carefully and follow all procedures correctly. Coming to class prepared and ready to work.

5 If you are not acting respectfully then there are a multitude of consequences: – Observation Deck – Teacher Detention (More than one depending on incident)

6 Arrive to class prepared and on time. Prepared means you have a pen or pencil, your science notebook, and any work that needs to be handed in or completed in class that day. “Completed Work” and “Please Take One” baskets. When you come in there will be an “APK” on the board that you should write down and answer in your notebook. – There will be a purple and a green APK, I will write down which students will answer which question.

7 Appropriate times to use the bathroom: When you first get into class You MUST sign out with your name, date, and time Appropriate times to sharpen your pencil: When you first get into class or during a hands on activity

8 Grading Scale: 30% - Test & Project 30% - Quizzes (At least 3 and a notebook check) 30% - Lab Participation 10% - Homework

9 You will have a group number and a number in that group. – This is how you will know which APK to answer. For example, you may be Group Number 2, but be #4 in that group. Your number will correspond to your job in that group.

10 Jobs Class Communicator – will be the only member of the group allowed to talk during class discussions Materials Manager – get textbooks and container for group; is responsible for making sure all the materials are in the container and textbooks are put away Data Analyst– will do math problems, determine what was discovered in the lab Lab Assistant – draw what we learned in the lab today, read the text, assist materials manager

11 Homework Policy Homework, when given, is usually due the next day. If you hand in completed work on time, you will receive 10 points. If you do not have your homework, then you will have 24 hours to hand it in for half credit (5 points).

12 Extra Help: From September – Beginning of November, I will only be available for extra help in the morning. For the rest of the year, I will be available for extra help in the morning and afternoon. Make an appointment with me for extra help so that I know you’re coming in and I can plan accordingly. – Same goes for make up work. If you are absent and need to make up a lab, then please make an appointment with me to do so within one week of your absence. You need a pass to come in for help in the morning. I am always willing to help you so please do not hesitate to come see me.

13 Make Up Work: Will be available by day in folders BUT most, if not all, work requires a lab that needs to be completed so you need to schedule a day and time to come in. (Calendar to sign up) If the work does not require a lab, please come see me anyway so that I can discuss what I would like you to do.

14 Exit Tickets: Almost every day I will post a question on the SmartBoard that you will be required to answer before you leave class. On your way out there are three folders: Red – Need Help, Yellow – Not Quite, and Green – Got It. Please put your Exit Ticket in the folder that you feel most closely represents your ability to answer the question.

15 Extra Credit: Extension Activities +2 Science Reading with 5 sentence (paragraph) summary +2 Good Link or App to go with what we are discussing +1 – Extra Credit will be added to quizzes during the marking period, but will not be added to the common assessment at the end of the marking period.

16 “Science Today” We will be having a science article reading competition for each student. Whichever student reads the most articles per marking period will receive a homework pass.

17 Extra Credit Whenever you receive extra credit, you will be given tickets with my initials on the back. It is your responsibility to hand in your tickets on the day of a quiz to receive your points. You can also hand in 10 tickets for a homework pass.

18 Word Wall: At any point I may ask someone in the class to create a index card for a vocabulary word that we have learned about. At the beginning of every unit, you will receive a vocabulary packet to keep track of all of your vocabulary words.

19 Lab Safety Contract WRITE IN YOUR AGENDA PAD: Sign and return your lab safety contract by Monday.

20 Getting to Know You: 1.Name 2.Nickname 3.Hobbies 4.Elementary School 5.Favorite movie 6.Form of social media you use most (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, None, Other) 7.Fun Fact

21 Miss Dwyer None Playing and coaching volleyball, going to cool new restaurants Radcliffe School The Sandlot Instagram I have four dogs

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