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1 Wishes for the 2012-2015 GEO work plan ECOSYSTEM (enviroGRIDS project) Nicolas Ray, Gregory Giuliani, Anthony Lehmann University.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Wishes for the 2012-2015 GEO work plan ECOSYSTEM (enviroGRIDS project) Nicolas Ray, Gregory Giuliani, Anthony Lehmann University."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Wishes for the 2012-2015 GEO work plan ECOSYSTEM (enviroGRIDS project) Nicolas Ray, Gregory Giuliani, Anthony Lehmann University of Geneva / Climate Change and Climatic impacts / enviroSPACE group and United Nations Environment Programme / DEWA / GRID-Europe & the enviroGRIDS consortium London, February 2011 GEO work plan: ECOSYSTEMS/Ecosystem Vulnerability to Global Change/Vulnerability of Sea Basins ( EC-09-02c )

2 2 Large transnational projects -To contribute to ecosystem management at large, transnational scale -To spot and fill the gaps (data and services) -To transpose concepts, tools and lessons learnt in enviroGRIDS to another region Ideas for projects -Observation System for the Black Sea + Sea of Azov (with 6 border countries) -Caspian Sea -Africa Great Lakes (Victoria, Tanganyika, Malawi)

3 3 Massive Geoprocessing -To ease the ability to crosscut high resolution data sets from various sources -To be able to process an increasing influx of real-time data from (ecological) sensors Ideas for projects -Elaborate ecosystem-relevant workflows with Web processing services (WPS) in the GEOSS -WPS coupled to distributed computing (grid/cloud computing)

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