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Session 4: Wider Accountability Spring Term 2014 School Governor Induction.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 4: Wider Accountability Spring Term 2014 School Governor Induction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 4: Wider Accountability Spring Term 2014 School Governor Induction

2 1.Roles and Responsibilities 2.Strategic Governance 3.Holding the School to Account 4.Wider Accountability Outline of Course 2

3 Ensuring statutory responsibilities are being met Monitoring and evaluating progress defined in SDP Gathering information from a variety of sources Keeping parents, stakeholders and other parties informed Governors’ Role in Accountability 3

4 On-line information about school Governing Body papers and minutes Inspections Home / school agreement Meeting with stakeholders Dealing with unresolved complaints Financial audit – SFVS Review of standards from LA Accountability of Governing Body 4

5 Pre-meeting preparation – read the papers Be present – preferably start to finish Contribute and be ready to ask questions Respect all contributions Always remember why you are there Accept decisions and corporate responsibility Influence the agenda Observe confidentiality Remain objective and professional Accountability of Governors 5

6 The headteacher is accountable to the governing body for the performance of the school. She/he is a member of governing body (or still attends meetings even if not a governor) Provides reports (from a number of people) Answers questions from governors Works within strategic framework set by governing body Staff accountable to him/her Governors appraise him/her Accountability to Governing Body 6

7 One way for the Head to fulfil his or her accountability to the governing body Provides a clear and permanent record of key aspects of the school’s work Should be sent to members of the governing body together with reports from other staff, prior to the next meeting (not just tabled at meeting or given verbally) Headteacher’s Report to Governors 7

8 Analysis of the Headteacher’s Report 8 Achievement Variations between year groups or departments Historic pattern – is it an improving picture? Exam results Progress Attendance Exclusions Extra-curricular Destination of leavers Comparisons  National  Local  RAISE Online Gender  Ethnicity  Gifted & Talented  SEN  Looked After Children (LAC)  Free School Meals (FSM)  Pupil Premium

9 Inspections focus on: Achievement Quality of teaching Leadership and management Behaviour and safety Ofsted 9

10 ...the school to... Improve the quality of teaching so that it is at least good overall Eradicate remaining inadequacies Use assessment more effectively in lessons to ensure work is well matched to different needs Increase opportunities for pupils to develop independence and a deeper understanding through tasks not directed by an adult Ensure lessons are conducted at a pace that supports effective learning Ofsted Expects... 10

11 ...the governors to... Robustly hold senior leaders to account for all aspects of the school’s performance. Ensure financial stability, including the effective and efficient management of financial resources such as the pupil premium funding, through highly effective, rigorous planning and controls. (Ofsted criteria for outstanding governance, 2011) Ofsted Expects... 11

12 The Pupil Premium Started in April 2011 Additional money for pupils on free school meals, looked after children and children whose parents are in the armed forces Currently £900 per child but increasing to £1300 It is for schools to decide how it is spent but they are accountable Must publish online how money is spent and what impact it has had on the attainment of pupils eligible for this financial support

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