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Information Session for new NQT Induction Managers & Tutors September 2014 Robert Malliff Workforce Strategy Manager.

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1 Information Session for new NQT Induction Managers & Tutors September 2014 Robert Malliff Workforce Strategy Manager

2 Purpose of the session 1.To place statutory induction in context and explain the process 2.To help schools understand their roles and responsibilities and how to use NQT Induction effectively 3. For the Appropriate Body (AB) to provide support and resources

3 Structure of the briefing This session will be in two parts, following a brief introduction: 1.The statutory Induction process explained 2. Exploring the Induction Tutor role

4 Introduction: Why induct NQTs? 1.Retention – research shows that good induction considerably reduces staff wastage. 2.To bridge ITT and a career in teaching and develop and extend the teacher’s skills and knowledge. To avoid teachers being ‘dumped’. 3.To provide the basis for CPD and Performance Management. If the NQT process is not right, this might imply wider problems with the Performance Management procedures at the school. Induction is extended Performance Management

5 Part 1: Statutory Induction explained

6 Who needs to be inducted? The Regulations state that all teachers in England & Wales that have been awarded QTS need to complete statutory induction in maintained schools and non-maintained special schools. A teacher has just one chance to complete induction. If they fail, they cannot lawfully be employed in a maintained school or non-maintained special school. NQT induction is not mandatory for academies, free schools and other independent schools. However, these schools are obliged to follow statutory guidance if they choose to induct.

7 The Regulations: Background to Induction A teacher cannot begin the induction period until they have had their QTS confirmed by the NCTL (DfE). Before registering an NQT please check with DfE Secure Access at Teachers with QTS from Scotland, Northern Ireland, EEA countries and Australia, NZ, Canada and USA can all apply for QTS using the proscribed equivalency form on the Government’s website here:

8 The Regulations: Background to Induction The AB must quality assure statutory induction. Therefore, the induction period cannot begin until the NQT is registered with an AB. For Registration and Assessment Forms: nqt_induction_tutors_assessment_forms

9 The Regulations: Changes in 2012 Guidance  All NQTs, must be assessed against the Teachers Standards  In exceptional circumstances, the induction period can be shortened to one term – the AB makes the final decision on this, in consultation the school.  A qualified teacher who has not completed induction can undertake short term supply work of less than one month for up to 5 years.  When a teacher is on a contract of a term or longer the school is obliged to induct in settings where induction is mandatory – there is no longer a choice for the NQT  Induction can now be undertaken in PRUs.

10 NQT Registration As Induction cannot start until the AB receives the Registration Form, forms received after 3 weeks of term beginning may delay induction to day of receipt. To register NQTs, Registration Forms must be emailed to You will receive an immediate automated response confirming receipt of your form(s). The induction start date will be the first day of term OR the date of the email receipt if received after 3 weeks of term commencing. This date should be on each assessment form.

11 NQT Registration The deadlines in 2014-15 are: Once registered, the induction period can begin. Without confirmation of registration, you must assume that the AB has not received the email and it is the school’s responsibility to follow up. The AB has the right to nullify all induction that has taken place where Registration has not been confirmed. Autumn:Friday 26 th September 2014 Spring:Friday 30 th January 2015 Summer:Friday 1 st May 2015

12 The NQT Induction Period: Some basics The induction period is over 3 school terms (or equivalent) The 3 terms do not need to be consecutive, nor do they need to be served in the same school The minimum time measured against induction is one term. This does not need to be FTE. During the induction period a teacher is allowed no more than 30 days absence – over 30 days automatically triggers a pre-completion extension. For NQTs working part-time, the induction period is on a pro-rata basis. So, NQTs working at 0.5 will be on induction for 2 years.

13 The NQT Induction Period: Some basics – p/t The Induction period is worked out according to 378 school sessions, which for full time staff is three terms. For part time staff it is 189 days (pro rata). In other words, an NQT that works 4 days a week would need to serve an induction period of 189 calendar days, plus the extra 20% that they miss during the time they do not work. Therefore the formula for 0.8 would be: (189/4) x 5 = 236.25 days OR 189 ÷ 0.8 The earliest time that an NQT could pass induction if they start in September 2013 would be 37.8 days into the Autumn Term 2014. 0.9 would be: (189/4.5) x 5 = 210 days, and so on.

14 The NQT Induction Period : Some basics If an NQT goes on Maternity, Adoption or extended Paternity Leave during her induction period, she chooses whether or not to extend her induction by the period of statutory leave or include the leave in her assessment period. The school makes a recommendation to the AB and the AB makes the final decision to pass or fail. If appealed, the NCTL make the ultimate decision. If progress against the Teachers Standards is deemed unsatisfactory the induction period can be extended by the AB for up to one year. This would always be done in consultation with the school.

15 The NQT Induction Period: Early finishers Guidance allows for some flexibility in end dates for induction. So, if an NQT started 2 or 3 weeks into the autumn term and they are going to leave the school at the end of the summer, it is permissible to conclude the induction period early (including all other absence) by up to 30 days, providing the NQT has met the Teachers Standards.

16 NQT Entitlement Observations of their teaching 6 review meetings in which targets are set 3 Assessment Form meetings – timetabled Weekly meetings with their Mentor 10% release time in addition to PPA time The chance to observe other teachers Written individualised plan of support with initial targets set

17 Assessment: Key points NQTs must be assessed against the 2012 Teachers Standards Assessment forms are modified occasionally to reflect adjustments to Regulations. Please use forms on rather than old forms. The assessment meeting should take place within the two weeks at the end of each assessment period, not before. Headteachers have a statutory requirement to sign and return assessment forms within 10 working days of the assessment meeting having taken place. Comments from the NQT are best practice, but these comments should not delay return to the AB.

18 Assessment: Key points “Assessment against the wrong standards would be automatic grounds for appeal [should a NQT be recommended for failure]” GTC, 19 th May 2008

19 Assessment: Key points summary Reasons why the Appeal Body has overturned decisions: 1.Schools give the benefit of the doubt early on 2.Conflicting advice 3.Lack of clarity in roles 4.Inconsistent feedback / evidence 5.Difficult classes with lack of behavioural policy / support in place 6.When schools encroach on 10% reduced timetable 7.When a NQT is teaching non-specialism 8.Insufficient access to training and advice 9.Assessment against the wrong Standards

20 Assessment: Key points Key message when progress is unsatisfactory: ‘Early Intervention’

21 Unsatisfactory progress Failing to meet the standards in term one is not failure – it may simply mean that the NQT is not meeting the standards yet. Informal arrangements for NQTs leaving the school can be best, sometimes.

22 Part 2: Fulfilling the IT role

23 The role of the Induction Tutor provide, or coordinate, guidance and effective support including coaching and mentoring for the NQT’s professional development carry out regular progress reviews throughout the induction period undertake three formal assessment meetings during the total induction period coordinating input from other colleagues as appropriate (normally one per term, or pro rata for part-time staff) inform the NQT during the assessment meeting of the judgements to be recorded in the formal assessment record and invite the NQT to add their comments ensure that the NQT’s teaching is observed and feedback provided ensure NQTs are aware of how, both within and outside the institution, they can raise any concerns about their induction programme or their personal progress; and take prompt, appropriate action if an NQT appears to be having difficulties. Statutory Guidance Dec. 2013, p31

24 Preparing for the IT role Pre-Induction checks 1. Does the teacher have QTS? 2. Has the NQT been registered? Handbooks – have these been received? Reference from ITT. What targets were set coming into Induction? Know the Teachers Standards – this will help you to identify strengths and weaknesses from the start. Resources i.e. more_resources more_resources

25 Initial Meeting Transition Point 2 Structure of meetings Timetable dates of regular meetings 1 st observation Targets until half term (Review 1)

26 Preparing for Assessment Meetings Were targets met in the previous half term/term? What targets are required for the new period? Which Standards have been achieved and can be signed off? What areas require attention? Are there areas for concern? Do you have the correct Assessment Form?

27 Termly Assessments Assessment Forms should: 1.Reflect the judgement and show assessment against the Teachers Standards. 2.Make reference to the Teachers Standards. 3.Show links to the targets set for that term and make reference to the targets for the term ahead. 4.Provide some examples of evidence. 5.Aim for brevity and stand alone.

28 Additional features of the IT role Facilitate professional development Help your NQT organise observations of others Direct your NQT to training and other professional development opportunities Mentor and critical friend First point of reference for NQT issues Dealing with unsatisfactory progress

29 Unsatisfactory Progress: Evidence gathering Unsatisfactory progress is rare, but this is partly why problems can escalate further than they might otherwise need to. A safeguard against this is to ensure routine evidence gathering starts from the beginning of the induction period. Additional evidence must be gathered as soon as it becomes apparent that the NQT is making unsatisfactory progress.

30 Unsatisfactory Progress: Evidence gathering Key messages Do not assume satisfactory progress Have a contingency framework in place Ensure everyone knows what they are doing and why they are doing it.

31 Unsatisfactory Progress: Evidence gathering The Induction Tutor should inform the Headteacher of their concerns a.s.a.p. The NQT should be informed that they are not making satisfactory progress immediately. NB. A record of this conversation should be filed, outlining precise areas that require improvement The AB should be informed. Do not wait for a formal assessment meeting before doing any of the above.

32 Unsatisfactory Progress: Evidence gathering Revise the NQT’s written Action Plan and file. The revised plan should: Make clear where the NQT is not making satisfactory progress Provide targets for the NQT to meet Show how the school will support the NQT to meet those targets.

33 Unsatisfactory Progress: Evidence gathering RECORD EVERYTHING At appeal, the following are a minimum requirement: Observation records Professional review meeting Action plans Copies of minutes/notes/letters to NQT Evidence for judgements NQT’s timetable Log of 10% release time Details of the NQT’s induction programme ITT reports/reference

34 Additional Support The 2012 Guidance removes the requirement on the AB to provide additional support. Whilst the AB should be informed, it is for the headteacher/principal to ensure additional monitoring and support is put in place. (Dec 2012 Guidance, p19) Nonetheless, the LA can provide additional support if required, especially where NQTs are borderline. This forms part of the NQT Service that you school purchase from SBC. Kim Radford M. 07930649118 E.

35 Extensions There are two types of extension: 1.Pre-completion When the induction period is extended before the school’s final recommendation to make up for loss due to illness or other absence. 2. Post-completion When the induction period is extended after failure, either by the AB or NCTL.

36 Successful completion The vast majority of NQTs pass induction with very few problems. Therefore, the focus should be on how Induction helps NQTs to: 1.Become better teachers 2.Learn to manage their own performance 3.Better understand CPD 4.Avoid the pitfalls that lead to high attrition rates

37 Appeal Process Full details of the appeal process can be found in Section 4 of the Dec 2013 Statutory Guidance. In summary: The NQT has the right to appeal against the AB’s decision to fail and against extension and must do so within 20 working days of the AB’s decision. Costs of the appeal must be met by the parties involved i.e. school, AB and NQT

38 Evidence gathered by the NQT 1.Induction is progression from the QTS year not a repeat of it 2.Evidence is designed to be ‘light touch’ 3.Evidence will be based on self-review and reflection on practice 4.Most evidence will therefore be non-written. Evidence can be provided in conversations during weekly and assessment meetings

39 Summary 1.Check qualifications and register with the AB 2.Ensure NQT entitlement is protected 3.Don’t assume satisfactory progress but record and file routine evidence 4.Timetable meetings and take minutes 5.Share evidence with the NQT and communicate effectively 6.Ensure roles are clear and fulfilled 7.There should be no surprises 8.Early intervention is critical when progress is unsatisfactory.

40 Any questions?

41 Contact details Robert Malliff, NQT Induction Co-ordinator Workforce Strategy Team T. 01702 534941 E. W.

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