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TEST REVIEW Resources and Energy. What does each provide? TransportationElectricityHeating/Cooling.

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Presentation on theme: "TEST REVIEW Resources and Energy. What does each provide? TransportationElectricityHeating/Cooling."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEST REVIEW Resources and Energy

2 What does each provide? TransportationElectricityHeating/Cooling

3 What does each provide? TransportationElectricityHeating/Cooling Oil Natural Gas Coal (in the past) Hydrogen Fuel Cells Biomass Photovoltaic Cells (future?)

4 What does each provide? TransportationElectricityHeating/Cooling Oil Natural Gas Coal (in the past) Hydrogen Fuel Cells Biomass Photovoltaic Cells (future?) Oil Natural Gas Coal Hydrogen Fuel Cell Biomass Solar Power Tower Solar Thermal Photovoltaic Cells Geothermal Hydroelectric Dam Tidal

5 What does each provide? TransportationElectricityHeating/Cooling Oil Natural Gas Coal (in the past) Hydrogen Fuel Cells Biomass Photovoltaic Cells (future?) Oil Natural Gas Coal Hydrogen Fuel Cell Biomass Solar Power Tower Solar Thermal Photovoltaic Cells Geothermal Hydroelectric Dam Tidal Oil Natural Gas Coal (in the past) Geothermal Passive Solar Biomass

6 What’s your best definition for… Green  Clean  Organic  Sustainable 

7 Why might solar be our energy future?

8 Energy Types: Use your cards to show… Chemical Electrical Mechanical Light (EM) Heat Clean Renewable Sustainable Wind Geothermal Solar Power Tower Photovoltaic Cells Biomass Passive Solar Coal, Oil, Natural Gas Hydrogen Fuel Cells Hydroelectric Tidal

9 Resources ≠ Reserves Resources – amounts of material that are known/ assumed to exist that can be extracted NOW or in the FUTURE for a POSSIBLE profit $ Reserves – known amounts of material that can PRESENTLY be extracted for a PROFIT – “proven”

10 Example of the Laws of Conservation of Matter and Thermodynamics Global Warming Acid Rain Smog Burning Coal = CO 2 + SO + H 2 0 + Ash + (C x H x S x O x ) Light + Noise + Heat Matter Cycles, Energy Flows



13 Cartoon:

14 Renewable-energy Use in the United States

15 Possibly nonrenewable? Use your cards to show… The renewable energy sources that if used unsustainably could become nonrenewable. Geothermal, biomass

16 Turbines generate electricity  the turbine spins, which spins a magnet within metal. Electrons from the metal atoms are affected by the magnet and are harnessed. Which turn a turbine DIRECTLY? falling water, wind, tides Which turn a turbine INDIRECTLY? steam from boiling water: the sun, burning coal, oil, natural gas, biomass, geothermal energy

17 The Sun – the ultimate energy source Use your cards to tell… Which energy sources directly or indirectly get their energy from the sun? wind, solar power tower, solar thermal, PV cells, biomass, natural gas, coal, oil

18 Solar Energy

19 Active or passive?

20 Active or Passive?

21 Active or passive?

22 Active or Passive?

23 How do you measure up? 25-30 =Energy expert 20-24 =Just a little studying needed for the A 15-19 =On the road to energy independence 10-14 =Might need to actually fill in the charts Less than 10 = Hope you don’t have anything else to do tonight!

24 Revisiting our Themes Can you come up with an example for each of our year long themes? – Matter cycles, energy flows. – There are two sides to every story. – Prevention and reduction are always the best answer.

25 ROUND 1

26 1. Renewable energy sources are so named because… A. Do not pollute the environment B. Are constantly re-produced by nature C. Protect the ozone layer D. Can be easily transmitted over long distances

27 2. I am the only form of energy not derived from the sun A. biomass energy B. wind energy C. hydroelectric energy D. geothermal energy

28 3. I have a very low net energy yield A. hydrogen fuel cells B. solar C. wind D. geothermal

29 4. Which will not reduce your energy consumption? A. turn down the thermostat on your water heater B. turn your computer off at night C. Turn your air conditioner down (set at 68 instead of 70) D. Ride a bike instead of driving

30 5. I have the highest net energy yield A. passive solar B. active solar C. solar thermal systems D. photovoltaic cells

31 6. All of the following spin turbines directly, except: A. Hydroelectric B. biomass C. wind D. geothermal

32 7. Geothermal gets its energy from: A.The sun B.Trees and shrubs C.The core of the Earth D.The Earth’s crust

33 8. Solar power towers involve: A. mirrors which focus sun to boil water B. silicon wafers that produce a flow of electrons C. having many, south-facing windows that are well-insulated D. using earth-tubes

34 9. Reclamation is… A.The ability to convert solar energy into electricity B.The discovery of new fossil fuel deposits C.Repair the land disturbed by mining practices D.Building fish ladders

35 Round 2

36 1. Which of the following does not have geographical restrictions A. geothermal B. wind C. hydroelectric D. biomass

37 2. What 2 energy sources could be considered nonrenewable if not used sustainably? A. solar B. geothermal C. wind D. biomass

38 3. Which of the following functions by converting sunlight into hot water? A. passive solar heating B. Photovoltaic cells C. active solar heating D. geothermal energy

39 4. Which is an accurate example of passive solar energy? A. Having several windows on the South side of your house B. Planting evergreen trees all around your house C. Having several North-facing windows D. Having thin insulation for good air exchange

40 5. Biomass is used to produce A. electricity B. some fuels C. heat D. all of the above E. None of the above

41 6. What is NOT a result of the use of biomass? A. Air pollution, especially CO2 B. Water pollution due to fertilizers C. Potential global food shortages D. Increased use of petroleum

42 7. Geothermal energy cannot be used to: A. run a car B. heat a home C. heat water D. power a business

43 8. List the types of coal (and its relative) in order from the HIGHEST quality to lowest quality. A.Anthracite, peat, lignite, bituminous B.Peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite C.Anthracite, bituminous, lignite, peat D.Bituminous, lignite, anthracite, peat

44 9. What is needed to form fossil fuels? A.Millions of years B.Pressure C.Heat D.All of the above

45 Fossil Fuel Speed Round

46 Round 3

47 1. Which of the following is NOT produced by wind… A. electricity B. Air pollution C. noise pollution D. areas for farm animals to graze

48 2. What will prevent wind from becoming our #1 source of energy? A. wind contains very little energy B. The technology to change wind to electricity is too difficult to understand C. winds in most areas are not strong or consistent enough D. windmills are ugly

49 3. Which fuel holds the most promise for our immediate transportation needs? A. solar B. biofuel C. hydrogen fuel cells D. All of the above

50 4. Tidal power is best located… A. far out in the ocean B. on the beach C. in an inlet or cove of the coast D. in a river

51 5. Which of the following is a disadvantage of hydroelectric dams A. high air pollution production B. low net energy yield C. short lifespan D. high construction costs

52 6. Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of hydroelectricity? A. reservoirs created by dams submerge surrounding areas B. fish migration is interfered with C. the reservoir created by the dam is warmer than usual D. creates a large amount of pollution

53 7. A major drawback of hydrogen fuel cells is: A. its waste products B. the ability to produce free hydrogen atoms C. the ability to replace gasoline D. its reliance on natural gas

54 8. The least cost-effective form of energy is: A. solar B. wind C. tidal D. biomass

55 9. Fractional distillation of crude oil separates the components based upon which chemical property? A.Melting point B.Freezing point C.Boiling point D.Reaction with acids

56 BONUS Round

57 1. Why isn’t geothermal energy used everywhere on earth? A. technology is too basic to use geothermal energy B. it is only available in countries near the north or south poles C. it has long-term waste storage problems D. it is not available everywhere.

58 2. The U.S. leads the world in this source of energy A. biomass B. wind C. geothermal D. solar

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