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Chapter 2 – Software Processes Lecture 1 1Chapter 2 Software Processes.

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1 Chapter 2 – Software Processes Lecture 1 1Chapter 2 Software Processes

2 Topics covered  Software process models  Process activities  Coping with change  The Rational Unified Process  An example of a modern software process. 2Chapter 2 Software Processes

3 Agenda  Lecturer Information.  Course Overview / Requirements.  Introduction to SE.

4 Contact Information  Lecturer: Assis. Prof. Dr. Mogeeb Mosleh  Email:  Web Site: will be release soon

5 Course Contents  Introduction to Software Engineering.  System Engineering.  Software Process.  Software Requirement.  System Models.  Prototyping.  Formal Specification.  System Design.  System Testing.  Software Management.

6 Expected Learning Outcomes At the End of this course students should be able to:  Explain the concept of software engineering.  Describe the various software process models.  Explain software engineering activities.  Specify the requirements and design for a small software system.  Differentiate between software validation and verification.  Understand the management of software engineering projects.

7 Course Resources  Sommerville, I. (2011). Software Engineering. (9 th ) Edition. Addison- Wesley.  Pfleeger, S. L. (2006). Software Engineering: Theory and Practice. 3rd Edition. Prentice Hall.  Carlo Ghezzi, Mehdi Jazayeri, Dino Mandrioli. (2003). Fundamentals of Software Engineering. 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall.

8 Course Requirements - Recap 5% Attendance/ Participation 15% Assignments / Tutorial 10% Mid term Exam 20% Group Project/ Presentation 50% Final Exam

9 Evaluation & Weightage  Continuous Assessments : 50%  Attendance / Participation: 5%  Assignments/Tutorials: 15%  Mid Semester Exam: 10%  Group Project/ Presentations: 20%  Final Examination: 50%

10 Attendance/Participation  Attendance  Attendance must be 80% or more.  Absent – please provide a letter.  Absent > 3 times – provide a reasonable reasons.  Bar from exam.  Switch off hand phone during lecture.  Participation  Active Student. 5%

11 Assignments/Tutorials  You will be assigned a number of related tutorials.  You will need to read and answer them and return soft and hard copies of your answers.  Tutorial tasks are very important for understanding the concepts and applying them in real scenarios.  Projects and assignments – on time 15%

12 Mid Term Exam  You will be given ONE MID TERM EXAM on certain topics that will be covered in the lectures.  Format will be discussed later.  Topics covered will be announced later.  Time: After Mid Semester Break. 10%

13 Group Project/Presentation  Self-select into groups (2-3 students each)  Each group will be hired to develop a system.  You will have to explore the assigned system and follow the software engineering process in developing your system.  You can use any programming language and/or tool to implement and develop the assigned system.  Your group project MUST be documented well and a report must be submitted in soft and hard copies.  Prepare a 20 to 25 minutes presentation and demo. 20%

14 Format of Submission  Hard copy  Word-processed  Include the following information:  Title of assignment & (due date)  Your name + (Matrics number)  Your e-mail address  Lecturer’s name  To be submitted to me during class.

15 Final Exam  Give certain scenario and apply concepts that have been learnt throughout the semester.  Includes material from entire semester?  All materials are important for the final exam 50%

16 Any Questions?

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