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Figure S1. Hen Egg Lysozyme LnPF cal Residue Number 121416181101121         LnPF exp H-COREX-Calculated COREX-Calculated NMR-Determined 0 10 20.

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1 Figure S1. Hen Egg Lysozyme LnPF cal Residue Number 121416181101121         LnPF exp H-COREX-Calculated COREX-Calculated NMR-Determined 0 10 20 30 20 10

2 Figure S2. Equine lysozyme     LnPF cal LnPF exp 121416181101121 Residue Number 18 12 6 0 6 18 12 H-COREX-Calculated COREX-Calculated NMR-Determined 

3 y = 0.91x - 0.23 R 2 = 0.75 0 5 10 15 20 05101520 Experimentally-determined deuteron incorporation per peptide DXCOREX-calculated deuteron incorporation per peptide Figure S3. Catalytic subunit of PKA E230Q

4 y = 1.06x + 0.15 R 2 = 0.82 0 2 4 6 8 02468 Experimentally-determined deuteron incorporation per peptide DXCOREX-calculated deuteron incorporation per peptide  -actinin CH2 domain Figure S4.

5 Rosiglitazone-bound PPAR  LBD Figure S5.

6 Figure S6. (A)(B) pH = 6.1pH = 8.8

7 ProteinPDB IDWindow sizeNumber of microstates Entropy factor (W) PHT ( 0 C) Hen egg-white lysozyme1HEL8500000.7737.530 Equine lysozyme2EQL8500001.024.525 Bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor1BTI61260.653.530 Turkey ovomucoid third domain2OVO65000.76530 staphylococcal nuclease1STN1220640.9645.537 IBIB 1NFI8900001.0977.525 D/D domain of type II isoform of PKA1L6E820000.856.923 Catalytic subunit of PKA E230Q1SYK87000017.425  -actinin CH2 domain 2EYI8150000.757.04 hGHv1HUW84000017.525 hGHv in the hGHv-hGHbp complex1KF981000001.057.525 Mitogen-activated protein kinase p381P388800001.0277.525 AlkB2FD88500001.0267.04 Superoxide dismutase A4V1UXM8400000.9197.24 Superoxide dismutase WT1PU08400000.9197.24 PPAR  LBD 1PRG81100001.0648.025 Rosiglitazone-bound PPAR  LBD 2PRG8900001.0858.025 Cerezyme2NT181100001.1148.825 GVIA-2 iPLA 2 catalytic domainN/A8700001.022723 Study Proteins Table S1.

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