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Birth Understood for Mums and Partners Session 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Birth Understood for Mums and Partners Session 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Birth Understood for Mums and Partners Session 3

2  Recap on work around relaxation  Personal relaxation strategies- any thoughts on what will help you?  Any outstanding concerns? This week; Possible interventions/assistance Feeding Vitamin K

3  12 days overdue = you will be offered ‘induction of labour’  What is induction?  How does it happen?

4  This is a low-level intervention used by midwives to initiate the onset of labour  Local policies suggest from 41 weeks onwards. Term +12/13(NMC 2004)

5  Forceps  Ventouse  Caesarean section  Epidural  Electronic monitoring of fetal heart

6  Vitamin K  Staying in hospital or going home?  Why might you be asked to stay in?

7  Saying hello to your unborn baby  Taking time out!  Things your baby may respond to  Giving your baby a warm welcome  Talking to your baby  Feeding your baby

8  Is this the best choice for you?  What support is available?  What helps breastfeeding go well?  What might hinder breastfeeding? Breast Feeding Peer Support Workers!


10  When this is needed  How to do it  Storing expressed breast milk safely  Mechanical assistance!

11  Induction of labour  Possible interventions  Getting to know your baby  Feeding  Hand expression

12 Think about your plans for when the baby has arrived and the next few hours. What expectations do you have for going home?

13 Feel free to use our online ‘Ask a Midwife’ service at any time! You can also find us on Facebook (BUMPS Hull) and Twitter @BUMPSHULL Virtual Tour of the Hospital: available on the BUMPS website

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