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Student Peer Scheme Dr Geeta Lakshmi Division of Accounting and Finance, Lincoln Business School.

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1 Student Peer Scheme Dr Geeta Lakshmi Division of Accounting and Finance, Lincoln Business School

2 Rationale The number of direct entrants to the university is growing every year and bringing a valuable and positive contribution to the university. Given the internationalisation of the university, it is important to set in place a scheme which benefits both local as well as direct entry (international) students.

3 Why do this? Direct entrants are currently given place within the system but previous experiences shows they struggle to imbibe the language and practices of the university. From local students’ perspective, it allows a foothold into understanding global culture and establishing long term international ties.

4 Literature around peer review Dochy, Sejers and Sluijsmans(1999, 32) review the literature around peer review system in education and find that successful functioning in this era demands an autonomous, independent, responsible and cooperative learner demonstrating cognitive, meta- cognitive, social and affective dispositions.

5 Direct entry students Majority of them come from Study Group and have been growing year to year. There have also been other direct entrants. Many of them arrive in the university during the first few weeks The university has responded organically to this. Most are Chinese but few from Middle East and Vietnam.

6 Proposal in 2013 Matching direct entrants in 2 nd year with a student who has spent their first year (and subsequent) in Lincoln. Trial on ACC2015M Financial Management Students (from Business and Finance and Accounting and Finance undergraduate degrees). At the start of the scheme there were 59 direct entrants and around 12-14 volunteers.

7 Operational Design: How do we make this work? Announcement on BB personal community site in early summer>>induction>>ask students to specify their interest>>pairing through Year tutors in induction time (3 hours is a long time!). Notify International office of the scheme in summer so they can get an idea of direct entry participation needs. Notify Students’ Union Who can participate? Any student who has been in Lincoln University for at least one year.

8 Call for Volunteers during Induction and week 1 Pairing of volunteers with direct entrants usually within same seminar group. Exchange of name and emails Involvement of student Union Encouragement of collaborative piece of work at the end of the year for a prize.

9 Who does it benefit? Direct entrants in understanding the academic practices, language and culture of UK Local students in understanding the culture of other countries and developing their mentoring skills Tutors and the University in establishing a smoother teaching environment

10 What are the direct rewards? Direct students have a chance to win a prize. Local students have a chance to win a prize and this will contribute to the Lincoln award. Networking opportunity for potential future international business connections. Enrichment of local student university experience. Counts towards requirements for Lincoln Award for local students. Skills training via the Students’ Union.

11 How do we monitor this scheme? Subject committees Feedback sessions with participants at end of the year Year/Personal Tutors

12 Issues to Solve Some direct entrants do not respond to emails Too many from one country and no motivation to make friends from other culture Don’t share common interests-pub culture? Cultural sensitivities Homesickness British University Degree moves really fast- demands from coursework

13 Current University Agendas Student as Producer Internationalisation strategy Lincoln Award Employability

14 References Dochy F., Sejers M. and Sluijsmans D., (1999) The Use of Self, Peer and Co Assessment in Higher Education: A Review, Studies in Higher Education, 24(3), 331-350. HEA (2013) See /tne, Accessed 8 th October, 2013 /tne Lincoln University Student Union (2013) See, Accessed 9 th October, 2013 Rabinowitz,P. (2013) Establishing a Peer Education Program, The Community Toolbox, ed. Brownlee T. & Berkowitz, B., University of Kansas, See, Accessed 8 th October, 2013

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