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William Shakespeare.  1. What is the conflict of the play? Is there more than one?  2. Describe the men competing for Bianca’s love.  3. Describe Petruchio.

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Presentation on theme: "William Shakespeare.  1. What is the conflict of the play? Is there more than one?  2. Describe the men competing for Bianca’s love.  3. Describe Petruchio."— Presentation transcript:

1 William Shakespeare

2  1. What is the conflict of the play? Is there more than one?  2. Describe the men competing for Bianca’s love.  3. Describe Petruchio.

3  1. Why does Katherine act the way she does?  2. What is Katherine’s “Dowry”? What will happen to her dowry if her husband dies before her? Why does Petruchio promise this?  3. Why does Kate “agree” to marry Petruchio?

4  1. Describe the events of the wedding.  2. Describe Petruchio’s clothing.  3. What does he tell Kate to change? What type of clothing is it?  4. What happens right after the wedding?

5  1. What are some of the trial’s Petruchio puts Kate through?  2. Why does he put her through these trials?  3. Describe the arguments the two have through the course of the act.

6  1. How has Kate changed?  2. Describe the contest the men have. Who wins?  3. Summarize Kate’s speech? Do you agree or disagree with her statement? Support your ideas.

7  1. Who is the better person at the end of the play, Bianca or Kate? Why?  2. What does the play teach about the nature of love?  3. What is the purpose of the Induction at the beginning of the play? Why do we never see those characters again?

8  1. What does the play tell you about the expectations of societal roles? (Men, Women, Rich, Poor, Educated, Uneducated)  2. What does the play teach about being deceitful and those being deceived?  3. Choose an adaptation of the play. Write a compare contrast essay between Shakespeare’s version of the play and the adaptation.

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