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My topic is world war 2. Here are some facts.. World war 2 began all cause of Germany and Adolf Hitler. He wanted Germany to be bigger so he started to.

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Presentation on theme: "My topic is world war 2. Here are some facts.. World war 2 began all cause of Germany and Adolf Hitler. He wanted Germany to be bigger so he started to."— Presentation transcript:

1 My topic is world war 2. Here are some facts.

2 World war 2 began all cause of Germany and Adolf Hitler. He wanted Germany to be bigger so he started to take over other countries but it took a while for it to be a world war. All was good for Germany but soon things stared to get bad for everyone.

3 The war lasted from 1939 till 1945. It went on for 6 years. Those six years were hard and bitter years for everyone unless they were in the safe countries.

4 The safe countries did not fight in the war so they were called neutral countries. These countries were Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. These countries didn’t think it was anything to do with them so they decided that they wouldn’t take part in the war. So then people went there to stay safe.

5 Evacuee’s were they people who had to leave their town and go live somewhere else for some reason. These reasons were that the enemy was coming to bomb them or that they fighters needed somewhere they could train safely from other people. The evacuee’s would have been mostly children from they big cities like London and Manchester. They would have to move to small towns in places like Scotland and Wales. They would travel in a special train. To where they would have to go. They would stay in a complete strangers house.

6 They started using ration books in 1 940. They had to use ration books because they didn’t have enough food for people to just buy what they want and how much they want. So they had to take ration books when they went shopping and when they bought them the people would check they have the right amount not to much.

7 In 1940 the war ended and the Germans lost. Lucky for us the Britain's who won. Yey!!!!!!!! Though after the war Adolf Hitler wasn’t happy so he killed his wife and his dog and then himself.

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