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Интеллектуальный брейн-ринг «How well do you know Russian and British celebrations?» Правила игры Игра.

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Presentation on theme: "Интеллектуальный брейн-ринг «How well do you know Russian and British celebrations?» Правила игры Игра."— Presentation transcript:

1 Интеллектуальный брейн-ринг «How well do you know Russian and British celebrations?» Правила игры Игра

2 Правила игры: Команды ходят по очереди. Право первого хода предоставляется команде, которая первая правильно ответила на вопрос разминки. Команда выбирает категорию. Всего четыре категории: «Guessing Game», «Name of the holiday», «True or false», «Matching». Цена вопроса зависит от цифры внутри фигуры, выбранной категории. На игровом поле есть 4 вопроса, их цена неизвестна. Её можно узнать, только открыв вопрос. Вопрос обсуждают две команды, но право на первый ответ имеет только команда, сделавшая ход. Ответ может дать и другая команда, если он отличается от ответа ходившей команды. Вскрывается правильный ответ, командам присваиваются очки. Дальше ход переходит к другой команде. Игра заканчивается когда открыты все фигуры. Побеждает команда набравшая большее количество баллов. Игра

3 201030405060?8090 Guessing Game 10?30405060708090 Name of the holiday 10203040?60708090 102030405060?8090 True or false Matching

4 What do Russian people celebrate on the 9th of May? 10 ответ

5 During what holiday do American people eat their traditional food: roast turkey? 20 ответ

6 What traditional celebration in Britain is connected with pumpkin? 30 ответ

7 What is the holiday when children put on spooky costumes, walk from house to house and ask “Trick or treat”? 40 ответ

8 What holiday is held in honour of the birth of Christ? 50 ответ

9 When do the British promise to try to be better themselves for the next period of their lives? 60 ответ

10 Guess what people usually wish to each other on holidays. I swhi a ayd oyu papyh ! 100 ответ

11 Name the holiday when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life? 80 ответ

12 On the 5-th of November people light fireworks and burn a guy on a bonfire. Name the holiday. 90 ответ

13 The fist holiday of the year is …. Children always wait for Father Frost to come and give them a present. 10 ответ

14 It is on the 14 February. People send special cards to someone they love. Usually they don’t sign their names. The person who gets the card has to guess who sent it. 40 ответ

15 It is celebrated in spring. Flowers and cakes are the traditional gifts for all women. All women try to be nice and happy on this day. 30 ответ

16 It is the day when the school year traditionally starts in Russia. This day also marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. 40 ответ

17 It is the most important holiday in our country. It is in spring. People have street parades in the day time and set off fireworks when it is dark. 50 ответ

18 People decorate the houses with bright lights and ornaments. They exchange postcards and gifts. Children like this holiday very much, because they always find presents early in the morning. 60 ответ

19 The traditional colours of this holiday are orange, black and yellow. Children dress up in costumes of skeletons, goblins, black cats and spiders. There are many jack-o-lanterns in the streets when it is dark. 70 ответ

20 On this holiday people say good- bye to winter. People cook pancakes with honey or sour- cream, they sing songs and dance. 80 ответ

21 It is the greatest Christian festival of the year. It is either in March or in April. On this day the churches are beautifully decorated. Children and their parents traditionally attend churches, usually wearing new spring clothes. People give each other eggs. 90 ответ

22 The British celebrate Halloween on the 31-st of November. 10 ответ

23 In Britain the New Year is not widely celebrated as Christmas 20 ответ

24 On the sixteenth of February people send postcards to someone they are in love with. 30 ответ

25 A traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey, roast potatoes and Christmas pudding. 40 ответ

26 On 25 December people usually have picnics with their friends. 1010 ответ

27 On Mother’s Day husbands and children help with the meals and washing up. 60 ответ

28 Sunflowers are the most common flowers given on St Valentine’s Day. 70 ответ

29 The First Foot is the first visitor to enter the house on New Year’s morning. 80 ответ

30 Long ago people in Russia celebrated the New Year on the 1-st of September. 90 ответ

31 star present postcard dish 10 ответ

32 eggs flowers roast turkey pumpkin 20 ответ

33 meal Christmas tree bells firework 30 ответ

34 church witch costume charity 40 ответ

35 crackers disco ghost party 50 ответ

36 guest food heart birthday 60 ответ

37 festival trick bauble garden 8080 ответ

38 pancake honey sour cream caviar 80 ответ

39 bonfire lights bauble cracker 90 ответ

40 Victory day 100

41 Christmas 20

42 Halloween 30

43 Halloween 40

44 Christmas 50

45 New Year 60

46 I wish you a happy day! ?

47 Easter 80

48 Guy Fawkes’ Night 90

49 10 New Year

50 4040 St. Valentine’s day

51 30 Mother’s day

52 40 Day of Knowledge

53 50 Victory day

54 60 Christmas

55 70 Halloween

56 80 Maslenitsa

57 90 Easter

58 False 10

59 True 20

60 False 30

61 True 40

62 True 1010

63 False 60

64 False 70

65 True 80

66 True 90

67 10 present

68 20 pumpkin

69 30 Christmas tree

70 40 costume

71 50 ghost

72 60 heart

73 8080 bauble

74 80 pancake

75 90 cracker

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