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Strategies to unlock your research potential. Eighth Biennial National Health Occupations Curriculum Conference Houston, TX October 29 – Nov 2, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies to unlock your research potential. Eighth Biennial National Health Occupations Curriculum Conference Houston, TX October 29 – Nov 2, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies to unlock your research potential

2 Eighth Biennial National Health Occupations Curriculum Conference Houston, TX October 29 – Nov 2, 2002

3 by Janice R. Sandiford, PhD College of Education Florida International University Miami, FL 33199 (305) 348-3996

4 Objectives Realize your research potential Begin to think of some research topics Conduct some research in your field Guide your students in the conduct of research Publish your research

5 Unlock the puzzle

6 Research Process Inductive Deductive Involves methodology –Quantitative –Qualitative

7 The Research Process Conceptual framework (theory, literature Research Questions/hypothesis * Empirical observation Data collection Proposition Data Analysis Rudestam & Newton InductiveDeductive

8 Actual Process Select a topic Review the literature Determine the method Collect the data Analyze the data Write the report

9 Select a topic Topic of interest to you Manageable Personably meaningful Emotionally unattached Useful to others Willing to share

10 What topics have you considered?

11 What questions do you have about the topic? Resolve a problem Explain a phenomenon Uncover a process Demonstrate the truth Re evaluate other studies Test a theory

12 How can we turn those questions into research questions? Relationship between variables, phenomena, concepts or ideas

13 I wonder ? ? ? ? ?

14 Brainstorm Concept Mapping

15 Check point Is the question clear and researchable? Is the question within the context of previous study? or... Is there a definable theory?

16 Select a Topic

17 Review the literature Thorough review Expands upon the relationship between the proposed study and what has already been presented. Discusses the distinction between previous research Guides the reader Selective but thorough

18 Review the literature In search of theory Clarifies the relationship between the proposed study and demonstrates why it is important Indicates distinction between previous research Develops a theme Selective

19 Refine the problem statement The purpose of the study is to...

20 Refine the Problem

21 Determine the method The Purpose of the study - the research question - drives the methodology

22 Research Plan What is the type of study design? What must be done to tighten the design? Have the extraneous variables been considered? Is the design defensible? Is the population appropriate? Does the question drive the methodology? What instrument do you plan to use?

23 Research Plan Components Introduction Method Data Analysis Time schedule Budget

24 Research Design Qualitative Interpretive Artistic Explores meanings Words Quantitative Experiments Surveys Generates facts Numbers

25 Quantitative Experimental Descriptive Correlational Causal- Comparative Product oriented Results on facts Guiding designs Deductive

26 Qualitative Ethnography Grounded theory Case study Phenomeno- logical study Personal voice Inductive Context-based Natural setting Results in understanding

27 Which one is best?

28 The problem drives the method

29 The hardest part of doing research is the plan

30 The second hardest part of doing research is the time it takes to produce a good plan

31 Determine the method

32 Collect the data Subjects - population - sample Instrument to measure construct you are trying to measure Human subject clearance Informed consent Collect the data

33 Analyze the data Statistical technique or techniques to be used Driven by the hypotheses Determined by –how groups formed –how many treatments –independent variables –kind of data

34 Analyze the data Included in plan Obtain assistance Computer very handy tool to use in analyzing data Find appropriate software –op scan –input direct

35 Analyze the data Nominal data Ordinal data Interval data Ratio data Descriptive Inferential

36 Collect analyze, interpret the data

37 Write the report Introduction –description of problem –review of literature –statement of hypothesis –operational terms

38 Write the report Method –description of subjects –description of instruments –description of design –description of the procedure

39 Write the report Results –describes statistical techniques and level of pre- determined confidence –description of results for each hypothesis

40 Write the report Discussion –interpretation of results –conclusions –recommendations

41 Write the report References Appendices

42 Publish the report Serves the interests of the professional community Progress in research requires it Reflects your credentials as a researcher Could be rejected! You might need to revise!

43 Present at a professional meeting Share new knowledge and research findings Watch for call for papers Follow the guidelines 10 minutes to present paper

44 Publish and present the results

45 Your Journal Journal of Health Occupations Education On-line at Twice per year Dr. Larry Hudson editor Your journal Want your research

46 You are a researcher You have the necessary skills to conduct research You have important data to share with your colleagues You need to guide your students in the research process

47 Share your knowledge with others in the field Present and Publish

48 Questions ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ?

49 Thanks for stopping by

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