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Rural Social Exclusion David Wood Regional Development Officer Contact: 01473 242546

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Presentation on theme: "Rural Social Exclusion David Wood Regional Development Officer Contact: 01473 242546"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rural Social Exclusion David Wood Regional Development Officer Contact: 01473 242546

2 Rural Settlements  Demographics Increasing rural population (~50% rural) Aging population Net loss of 15-24 yrs  Comparatively affluent Asset rich – cash poor  Geographic isolation Small, dispersed, insular communities Remote from political influence  Lack of services Rural premium for local provision Lack of transport for remote access Distributed medium size settlements (market towns)

3 Rural Communities: Economic  High level employment Low skilled / Low pay / Seasonal local jobs High worklessness / benefit dependency Few local jobs (access) Commute to good jobs  Remoteness of training (access) Distance to FE/HE Colleges Expense of at work bench training  Rural micro-businesses (<5 employees) Difficult at work bench training

4 Rural Communities: Social  Low provision of local services (access) Facilities for young families (childcare) & children Opportunities (work/recreational) for youngsters Isolation of elderly  High reliance on third sector activity (access) DIY by rural community groups  In-migration of older affluent professionals Quality of life  Out-migration of young individuals families Employment  Wide social spectrum  Lack of affordable housing

5 Issues  Lack of awareness, knowledge & understanding of rural issues Rural proofing Equality proofing  Dispersed, hidden social exclusion Difficulty to evidence Low priority for intervention/investment  Isolation & remoteness Reduced policy influence High car dependency

6 Sustainable Rural Communities  Community Planning (eg Parish Plans) Whole community development Community led improvements  Local democracy Parish Councils  Support for community leaders/activists  Support for informal support networks  Support for community assets Social accounting cost-benefits  Application of planning rules Small market/affordable housing developments

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