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Forging new generations of scientists and engineers.

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1 Forging new generations of scientists and engineers

2 2 An Effective Curriculum Aligns key learning concepts to national learning standards Includes: day-by-day lessons support and enrichment activities course vocabulary instructional resources evaluation and assessment tools aligned to the key concepts

3 3 Rigorous & relevant curriculum for students ( end-of-course exams and college credit options ), AND…… Rigorous & relevant professional development for teachers, AND…… School counselor conferences. PLTW Model for Success:

4 4 PLTW Curriculum Activities Projects Problems

5 PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program Designed to: Address the impending critical shortage of qualified science and health professionals. Prepare students for rigorous postsecondary education and training.

6 6 Biomedical Careers --- some examples --- Doctor Nurse Dentist Veterinarian Medical Technologist Pharmaceutical Scientist Biomedical Engineer Social worker Health Information Manager Pharmacist Ultrasound Technician Medical Technical Writer Radiologist

7 Goals of the PLTW Biomedical Sciences Program Engage students in learning rigorous academic and technical knowledge Raise student achievement in science, mathematics, English, and social studies Improve readiness for college Increase the number of students completing postsecondary degrees Increase the number of students selecting careers in the biomedical sciences

8 8 Biomedical Sciences Courses Principles of the Biomedical Sciences Human Body Systems Medical Interventions Science Research

9 9 Course 1: Principles of the Biomedical Sciences Student work involves the study of human medicine, research processes and an introduction to bio-informatics. Students investigate the human body systems and various health conditions including: heart disease, diabetes, sickle-cell disease, hypercholesterolemia, and infectious diseases.

10 10 Course 2: Human Body Systems Engage students in the study of basic human physiology, especially in relationship to human health. Students will use LabVIEW ® software to design and build systems to monitor body functions.

11 11 Course 3: Medical Interventions Student projects will investigate various medical interventions that extend and improve quality of life, including: gene therapy, pharmacology, surgery, prosthetics, rehabilitation, and supportive care.

12 12 Course 4: Scientific Research Students will identify a science research topic, work with a mentor from the scientific or medical community to conduct research, write a scientific paper, and defend their research conclusions to a panel of outside reviewers.

13 13 Potential Student Schedule Grade 9Grade 10 English Social Studies College Prep Mathematics College Prep Science Principles of the Biomedical Sciences Human Body Systems Foreign Language Physical EducationHealth

14 14 Potential Student Schedule Grade 11Grade 12 English Social Studies College Prep Mathematics College Prep Science Medical InterventionsScience Research Fine ArtsElective (Mentorship) Technology EducationElective (Mentorship)

15 15 Attributes of PLTW Biomedical Sciences Graduates Communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Able to think critically and solve problems. Understand and practice professional conduct. Able to work in teams. Understand how research is conducted and funded.

16 Field Test, Teacher Training, and National Roll-Out

17 Field Test

18 18 Field Test Sites Forty-five schools in seven states Connecticut1 Indiana16 Maryland8 Missouri5 Ohio6 Oklahoma3 South Carolina6

19 19 Timeline of Course Availability: Fall 2007: Principles of the Biomedical Sciences is field tested in 45 schools located in seven states. In SC: Fort Mill HS, Nation Ford HS, Seneca HS, Wando HS, Orangeburg Technology Center, and Hanna- Westside Extension Campus Fall 2008: The first course is available nationwide. Each year an additional course will be published until all four courses are available nationwide in 2011.

20 20 School District Agreements Agreement must be signed by School Board President or Superintendent

21 21 Expectations Same schools that field test first course will field test all four courses. Teachers of each course must attend two-week summer training. Teachers will provide feedback on the curriculum via an Internet group or by direct e-mail program director and asst. director. Teachers will use the curriculum as written.

22 Teacher Training

23 23 Affiliate Universities Maryland: Villa Julie College, Baltimore Indiana: Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)

24 24 Summer Training Institutes MarylandJuly 8 to 20 IndianaJune 17 to June 29 Enrollment limited to 32 teachers per site.

25 25 Lead Teachers Participated in development of the curriculum for the course.

26 26 Lead Teacher Training April 25-28 at Rochester Institute of Technology Hands-on experience with curriculum Scope and sequence of STI New instructor training Group instruction with Project Lead The Way® Master Teachers

27 27 Master Teachers Must have taught course for full year. Must be able to attend pre-STI in April and teach two weeks during summer. Must be willing to follow-up with STI attendees throughout the year.

28 National Roll Out

29 29 Limits Can not exceed STI training capacity. Training capacity determined by number of master teachers.

30 Projected Growth

31 31 Growth in PLTW Schools 07 08

32 32 For More Information Contact Carolyn Malstrom, Ph.D. Director of Curriculum for Biomedical Sciences 518-877-6491 x336 Nancy Allen Health Science Education Associate 803-734-0372

33 33

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