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1. Apple Leadership London-born designer Jonathan Ive is the senior vice president of Industrial Design at Apple. He is the designer of many Apple's products, including the MacBook Pro, iMac, MacBook Air, iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iOS 7. Sir Jonathan Ive, (born 27 February 1967) is an English designer and the Senior Vice President of Design at Apple Inc. He is the designer of many of Apple's products, including the MacBook Pro, iMac, MacBook Air, iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iOS 7. 乔纳森·伊夫爵士是一名英国设计师,现任苹果公司设计师兼高级副总裁。他曾参与设计了苹果系列的众多产品,包括MacBook Pro, iMac, MacBook Air, iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, iPad Mini and iOS 7. 2
Steve Jobs considered Ive to be his “spiritual partner at Apple.”
Fortune magazine stated in 2010 that Ive's designs have "set the course not just for Apple but for design more broadly.” . Steve Jobs considered Ive to be his "spiritual partner at Apple," while Fortune magazine stated in 2010 that Ive's designs have "set the course not just for Apple but for design more broadly.” 斯蒂夫.乔布斯视伊夫为自己“在苹果公司的精神伙伴”,2010年《福布斯》杂志声称伊夫的设计不仅为苹果公司,也为更广泛的设计领域开辟了方向。 3
2. Early Life Jonathan Ive was born in London. His father was a silversmith."He's a fantastic craftsman, his Christmas gift to me would be one day of his time in his college workshop, during the Christmas break when no one else was there, helping me make whatever I dreamed up." Jonathan Ive was born in Chingford, east London, and studied at Newcastle Polytechnic. His father was a silversmith."He's a fantastic craftsman, his Christmas gift to me would be one day of his time in his college workshop, during the Christmas break when no one else was there, helping me make whatever I dreamed up.“ 乔纳森·伊夫出生在伦敦的清福德,就读于诺森比亚大学。他的父亲是一名银匠。他曾说:“他(乔纳森·伊夫)的动手能力很强。我希望他给我的圣诞节礼物是,在圣诞节假期的某一天,他在大学的工作室中独自一人替我制作出我所梦想的任何东西。” His father brought a big influence on him. He attained many technical and drawing skills through his father. 乔纳森·伊夫深受父亲的影响。从他父亲那里,他学到了很多手工技术还有绘画技巧。 4
Ive was interested in “drawing and making stuff” since he was about 14
Ive was interested in “drawing and making stuff” since he was about 14. Design was always in his mind. Discovering the Apple Mac during his later college years was a turning point for him. In particular, he saw the Apple user experience was significant because he felt it was a departure from the lack of creativity found in computer design at that time. Ive was interested in "drawing and making stuff" since he was about 14. Design was always in his mind, but he was unsure about exactly what, since his interests were very broad -- from furniture and jewellery to boats and cars. However, meeting with various design experts he was drawn to product design. 伊夫从14岁起开始喜欢画画和手工。他脑子里总想着设计点什么,但他还没有 想清楚具体要设计什么,因为他设计所涉猎的范围颇广——从家具、珠宝到船 只、汽车。通过与各种设计师的交往,他开始倾向于产品设计。 Discovering the Apple Mac during his later college years was a turning point for him. In particular, he saw the Apple user experience was significant because he felt it was a departure from the lack of creativity found in computer design at that time. 在他大学生活的后期,设计苹果电脑成了他的人生转折点。他尤其重视苹果用 户的使用体验,他认为,比起那时缺乏创造性设计的电脑,注重用户体验则是 一个新的设计出发点。 5
3. Career
He became the Senior Vice President of Industrial Design in 1997 after the return of Steve Jobs and subsequently headed the industrial design team responsible for most of the company's significant hardware products. Ive's first design assignment was the iMac; it helped pave the way for many other designs such as the iPod and eventually the iPhone. He became the Senior Vice President of Industrial Design in 1997 after the return of Steve Jobs and subsequently headed the industrial design team responsible for most of the company's significant hardware products. Ive's first design assignment was the iMac; it helped pave the way for many other designs such as the iPod and eventually the iPhone. 斯蒂夫.乔布斯回到苹果公司后,伊夫于1997年成为工业设计高级副总裁,随后,他率领工业设计团队负责公司大部分核心硬件产品的设计工作。伊夫在苹果公司曾接手的第一个任务是设计iMac(电脑),这为他设计许多其它产品铺平了道路,如从设计iPod(音乐播放器)到最终设计iPhone(智能手机)。 Jobs made design a chief focus of the firm's product strategy, and Ive proceeded to establish the firm’s leading position with a series of functionally clean, aesthetically pleasing, and remarkably popular products. 乔布什专注于对公司产品策略的设计,而伊夫则通过设计出一系列方便使用,外表美观的极受欢迎的产品使公司成为行业翘楚。 7
"He has more operational power than anyone else at Apple except me.“
——— Steve Jobs According to the Steve Jobs biography,Steve Jobs said,"He has more operational power than anyone else at Apple except me.“ 根据斯蒂夫.乔布斯的传记的记录,乔布斯曾说:“除了我之外,他(伊夫)的操作能力比苹果公司的任何人都强。” 8
Jonathan Ive has been knighted at Buckingham Palace.
4. Honors Jonathan Ive - the British designer responsible for Apple‘s iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad - was knighted at Buckingham Palace on 23 May in 2012. 乔纳森.伊夫——负责设计苹果公司的iMac,iPod, iPhone和iPad的英国设计师——于2012年5月23日在英国白金汉宫被授予骑士爵位。 Jonathan Ive has been knighted at Buckingham Palace. 9
Sir Jonathan has led Apple's design team since 1996
Sir Jonathan, who now lives in San Francisco, has led the Apple design team since He said, "It's important to remember that Britain was the first country to industrialize, so I think there's a strong argument to say this is where my profession was founded." 乔纳森·伊夫爵士现居美国旧金山,于1996年开始领导苹果公司的设计团队。他说:“英国是第一个实现工业化的国家,记住这一点非常重要。因此我认为,这是我职业生涯开始的地方。” 10 Sir Jonathan has led Apple's design team since 1996
"All I've ever wanted to do is design and make; it's what I love doing
"All I've ever wanted to do is design and make; it's what I love doing. It's great if you can find what you love to do. Finding it is one thing but then to be able to practise that and be preoccupied with that is another," he says. "I'm very aware of an incredible tradition in the UK of designing and making, and so to be recognised in this way is really wonderful." “我所想做的就是设计和制造。如果你可以找到自己喜欢做的事情,这是再好不过的了。可以发现自己喜欢做的事情是一回事,在现实生活中做这些事情并沉浸其中却是另一回事。我深谙英国在设计以及制造方面的传统,所以能以这种方式得到大家的赞赏感觉好极了!” 11
“All I‘ve ever wanted to do is design and make; it’s what I love doing
“All I‘ve ever wanted to do is design and make; it’s what I love doing. It‘s great if you can find what you love to do. Finding it is one thing but then to be able to practise that and be preoccupied with that is another.” Sir Jonathan said,“All I‘ve ever wanted to do is design and make; it’s what I love doing. It‘s great if you can find what you love to do. Finding it is one thing but then to be able to practise that and be preoccupied with that is another,” he says. “I’m very aware of an incredible tradition in the UK of designing and making, and so to be recognised in this way is really wonderful.” “我所想做的就是设计和制造。如果你可以找到自己喜欢做的事情,这是再好不过的了。可以发现自己喜欢做的事情是一回事,在现实生活中做这些事情并沉浸其中却是另一回事。我深谙英国在设计以及制造方面的传统,所以能以这种方式得到大家的赞赏感觉好极了!” 12
"We're keenly aware that when we develop and make something and bring it to market that it really does speak to a set of values. And what preoccupies us is that sense of care, and what our products will not speak to is a schedule, what our products will not speak to is trying to respond to some corporate or competitive agenda. We're very genuinely designing the best products that we can for people." “我们深知当我们在开发和制造产品并将其带到市场时,其实我们是在和一套价值体系对话。我们注重用户体验,我们的产品不是与日程对话,也不是和公司或竞争议程进行对话。我们非常真诚地设计可以为大家带来的最佳产品。” "We're very genuinely designing the best products that we can for people." 13
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