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Office of the University Registrar SACRAO 2015. Office of the University Registrar SACRAO 2015 LGBT Issues in Higher Education - 2015 Ryan F. Garrity.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of the University Registrar SACRAO 2015. Office of the University Registrar SACRAO 2015 LGBT Issues in Higher Education - 2015 Ryan F. Garrity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of the University Registrar SACRAO 2015

2 Office of the University Registrar SACRAO 2015 LGBT Issues in Higher Education - 2015 Ryan F. Garrity Associate University Registrar

3 Office of the University Registrar SACRAO 2015 Where We Are in 2015 Greater acceptance of LGBT students on most campuses Federal Law (Texas A&M case) prohibits discrimination against LGBT students by public institutions receiving federal funding The conversation is turning away from moral issues and more toward practical issues (mostly).

4 Office of the University Registrar SACRAO 2015 Major Issues Today Legal discrimination against LGBT students by religiously sponsored private institutions. LGBT status as a question of admission? FERPA consequences of maintaining LGBT status as directory information. Gender transitions and student records.

5 Office of the University Registrar SACRAO 2015 Legal Discrimination? Decisions in cases involving George Fox University and California Baptist have both resulted in legal discrimination against LGBT students. LGBT students may be denied admission to on-campus programs and housing as Title IX does not apply according to the government. Students may not be barred from online programs. Both institutions participate in PELL and other government funded initiatives. Both cases are under appeal.

6 Office of the University Registrar SACRAO 2015 Do you identify as LGBT? Some institutions are pushing for LGBT status to be part of the admission application. Does this open the door for individual discrimination? How would it be monitored? Does the institution consider this data directory information?

7 Office of the University Registrar SACRAO 2015 FERPA Consequences If LGBT status is part of the student’s record is it considered directory information? Would your institution then release such information about students without their consent? Could this lead to the outing of students who aren’t ready? Is this a case of good intentions gone bad?

8 Office of the University Registrar SACRAO 2015 Gender Transitions How does your institution handle gender transitions? Name Changes. Gender changes. Student housing. Athletics participation.

9 Office of the University Registrar SACRAO 2015 Questions? Ryan F. Garrity Associate University Registrar Tulane University 504-314-2850

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