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Islamic Civilization. Islamic traders linked Af., Euro., & Asia Muslims absorbed culture from others – Math from India; Technology from China Cultural.

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Presentation on theme: "Islamic Civilization. Islamic traders linked Af., Euro., & Asia Muslims absorbed culture from others – Math from India; Technology from China Cultural."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islamic Civilization

2 Islamic traders linked Af., Euro., & Asia Muslims absorbed culture from others – Math from India; Technology from China Cultural umbrella (common religion & language)

3 I. Cultural Diffusion Islam combined & spread cultures: – 1. geographic location – 2. character of Islamic religion a. tolerated other religions b. made pilgrimages to Mecca c. had to learn Arabic d. valued trade

4 A. Religious Toleration Other faiths lived w/out persecution & contributed their culture to society – Christians & Jews were employed by the govt.

5 B. The Pilgrimage The hajj brought people together (cultures blend) Exchanged ideas & learned about other ways of life Hajji – title earned after making the hajj – Carried ideas back to native lands

6 C. The Arabic Language Qur’an = Arabic Official language of religion & govt. Aided in cultural diffusion Euros?

7 D. Muslim Trade Islamic civ. = trading activity Controlled the Med. Sea & Indian Ocean – From China = spices, silk, & paper – From India = coconuts, tin, rubies, spices, tropical woods Muslims acted as “middle man” betw. East & West

8 II. Muslim Scholarship Many excellent scholars “The ink of the scholar is holier than the blood of the martyr.” (Muhammad) 476: Rome fell (Islam preserved knowledge) Scholars collected & translated scientific & philosophical texts 800s: Caliph al-Ma’mun – House of Wisdom – Combination library, academy, & translation center


10 A. Muslim Literature Literature started w/Bedouins Qur’an = standard for all Arabic lit. & poetry – Sang praises of the Prophet & of Islam The Thousand and One Nights – King Shahryar – married & murdered wives – Scheherezade – began stories, never finished them – After 1001 nights – Shahryar allowed her to live Collection of fairytales of Arabic, Egyptian, Indian, E. Asian, & Persian origin = A Thousand Tales

11 B. Muslim Art & Architecture Muslims adapted others’ architecture to suit Islamic beliefs & practices – Ex. Only Allah can create life, thus, no images of living beings Calligraphy Arabesque (detailed geometric patterns) – Architecture = major Islamic artform Mosques


13 Textiles – silk “taftah” (Persian) became taffeta (Euro.) Wool carpets (Persian, Egyptian, Turkish)

14 C. Music “the devil’s call to damnation” Important part of ordinary life 7 th cent.—Tways created Islamic music Later influenced music in Spain & the Americas

15 D. Medical Advances al-Razi (Persian scholar) –greatest physician – Comprehensive Book (medical encyclopedia) – Treatise on Smallpox & Measles (infectious diseases) Introduced use of animal gut for stitches Treated diseases of the eyes (cataracts) Borrowed from Greeks, Indians, & others Discovered healing drugs & ointments First school of pharmacy


17 E. Math & Science Mathematics = basis of all knowledge al-Khwarizimi – Mathematician (late 700s) – Studied Indian sources – Wrote textbook explaining “the art of bringing together unknowns to match a known quantity” “al-jabr” (algebra) Astronomy – Ibn al-Haytham – wrote “Optics” –revolutionized ideas about vision

18 Muslims learned decimal system from India – “Arabic numerals”

19 Ibn-Batuta

20 the Ka’aba 35’ X 40’, and 50’ Built by Abraham & Ishmael Black embroidered cloth S.E. corner = sacred black stone – From heaven – Gabriel gave to Abraham – White? Replica of the House of God in the 7 th heaven – Heaven = 7 levels – Hell = 7 levels (punishment fits the sin)


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