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Ms. Soles Social Studies: Europe & Russia Lesson 46 Roman Gods Beginning and End.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Soles Social Studies: Europe & Russia Lesson 46 Roman Gods Beginning and End."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Soles Social Studies: Europe & Russia Lesson 46 Roman Gods Beginning and End

2 Get set to go back to the fascinating world of the Ancient Romans! Google Earth

3 What god or gods did the Ancient Romans worship? Look for answers to the following questions as you learn much from a video entitled: “The Lost Gods of the Romans”

4 1)What other cultures influenced Ancient Roman religious practices? 2)What was Julius Caesar’s new concept of being a Roman god? 3)What other culture did the next leader, Augustus, relate changes to Roman gods?

5 4)What other areas of Europe did the Roman soldiers/legions take their practices of worship? 5)How did the Emperor Hadrian affect or react to the Roman worship of gods? 6)What part did the Greek city of Ephesus have in the Roman worship of gods?

6 7)Who was the new “Champion of a New Religion” that took the worship of just ONE God to the Romans? 8)Why was the Roman state and Emperor intolerant of this new religion? 9)Who was the Roman emperor that converted to this new religion of one God and made it the new “State Religion”?

7 10) How did Rome change because of this new religion of one God?

8 “The Lost Gods of the Romans” oID=25127&CategoryID=912

9 Questions & Answers 1)What other cultures influenced their religious practices?

10 The Etruscans and the Ancient Greeks, with some influence from Egyptians.

11 2) What was Julius Caesar’s new concept of being a Roman god?

12 Julius Caesar believed that he had actually descended from the goddess Venus. He also proclaimed himself ‘The High Priest of Rome”.

13 1)What other culture did the next leader, Augustus and his people, refer to with changes of Roman gods?

14 During the rule of Augustus, many of the Greek gods that Romans had accepted acquired new names for their culture, such as: Zeus became Jupiter, Poseidon became Neptune. Augustus also claimed to be a god himself.

15 4)What other areas of Europe did the Roman soldiers/legions take their practices of worship?

16 As the Roman Legions spread the Roman control and occupation to North/Northwestern Europe, they spread their worship of their gods. As well.

17 4)How did the Emperor Hadrian affect or react to the Roman worship of gods?

18 Hadrian’s had great structures constructed for gods, much as the Ancient Greeks did, and even hoped that their powers could be transferred to him. Under his rule, religion and government were blended more.

19 4)What part did the Greek city of Ephesus have in the Roman worship of gods?

20 As the Roman Empire extended into Greece, the very prosperous city of Ephesus was under Roman rule. It’s citizens were allowed to continue their worship of their Greek gods, as long as they paid their taxes to Roman government. Mixing of Greek and Roman art, architecture, and worship of gods took place.

21 7)Who was the new “Champion of a New Religion” that took the worship of just ONE God to the Romans?

22 The Apostle Paul became the “Champion” of the new religion of one God. He preached “The Gospel”, the message that the one God had come to earth in the human form of a man called Jesus. Paul preached that Jesus had sacrificed His life for mankind and that faith in Him and His resurrection from the dead would bring salvation, eternal life, for all.

23 7)Why was the Roman state and Emperor intolerant of this new religion?

24 The Roman state required worship of Roman gods and the emperor himself. The new religion, Christianity, placed worship of Jesus above them. His followers called Him “Jesus Christ”, which means, “someone anointed, or a savior sent by God”. Christ was also proclaimed the “King of the Jews”.(even though those of the Jewish faith did not accept Him as God in human form or God’s son). Still, He appeared threatening to Roman authority.

25 However, though those of the Jewish faith did not accept Him as God in human form or God’s son. A group of Jewish judges, called the Sanhedrin were given the responsibility of the trial of Jesus. They mocked and beat Him and condemned Him for claiming to be “the Son of God’.

26 Sanhedrin Trial

27 The Romans eventually put him to death, AD 30. Even though the Roman Governor, Pilate, judged him innocent, pressure from the crowds led to the sentence of death on a cross.

28 7)Who was the Roman emperor that converted to this new religion of one God and made it the new “State Religion”?

29 For about three centuries, most Christians were treated poorly, some cruelly, by Romans. Still, Christianity grew stronger and the Emperor Constantine was converted to a Christian. Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.

30 It’s time to end our lesson now, so much learned, so much to think about! Good-bye for now! Google Earth

31 Resources

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