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Designing the Future of Embedded Systems at DARPA IXO Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt Program Manager Information Exploitation Office Authorized.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing the Future of Embedded Systems at DARPA IXO Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt Program Manager Information Exploitation Office Authorized."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing the Future of Embedded Systems at DARPA IXO Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt Program Manager Information Exploitation Office Authorized for Public Release: Distribution Unlimited

2 DARPA IXO Embedded Systems Programs System Technology Design Technology Small GrainLarge Grain PCES Synchronization Persistence Fault Tolerance Memory Management Cross-cutting Concerns GPSIFFFLIR Object Request Broker Air Frame HUDNavWTS Event Channel Replication Service MoBIES NEST ARMS

3 Technology Transition Process Initial DARPA IXO Program Structure DARPA/DoD Funding/ Directing/ Advising Tool Vendors Tool Vendors Tool Vendors Tech. transfer to COTS tools Technology domain spanned OEP-2 OEP-1 Standards & Certification Bodies Tech. transfer to standards StakeholderRole DARPASet direction, supplies funding End UsersSet DoD needs, market potential, stake in progress, augment funding Open Experimentation Platform (OEP) Define challenge problems, measure progress, ensure DoD transition Tool VendorsFollow programs & stimulate commercial transition Standards & Certification Involve in adopting & creating standards & certification processes based on emerging architectures & best practices Technology Developers (Universities, R&D organizations) GROW A COMMERCIAL MARKET Open Experimental Platform-2 End User/ Tech. Tr. target Open Experimental Platform-1 End-user/ Tech. Tr. target

4 Tool Vendors Tool Vendors Technology Transition Process After DARPA Exits Tool Vendors DARPA Leave-Behinds Technology Developers DoD Programs COTS tools Commercial Applications Large vendors Small companies/ Startups Universities Reference Solutions Open Tool Integration Framework Open Code Bases & Repository Open Tool Repository National Experimental Platforms StakeholderRole DoD ServicesAdditional R&D as needed Defense IndustryMarket for created COTS Commercial IndustryIncentive to generate COTS DARPA Leave-behindsOpen repositories & reference solutions DoD Agencies Non-Defense Industry Defense Industry Standards & Certification Bodies SELF-SUSTAINING COMMERCIAL MARKET Expanded Technology Domain

5 Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt DARPA IXO ARMS Adaptive & Reflective Middleware Systems RTP DNS HTTP UDPTCP IP TELNET EthernetATMFDDI Fibre Channel FTP INTERNETWORKING ARCH TFTP 20 th Century Win2KLinuxLynxOS Solaris VxWorks Middleware Services Middleware Applications MIDDLEWARE ARCH 21 st Century The objective of ARMS is to create the new generation of middleware technologies for distributed real-time & embedded (DRE) combat systems to enable 1.Simultaneous control of multiple QoS properties & 2.Composable & customizable DoD common technology bases

6 ARMS Technical Focus: Real-time Control of Distributed Resources Ship-wide QoS Doctrine & Readiness Display Distributed resource management Allocation/reservations, caching, scheduling, monitoring, & load balancing Distributed security Distributed fault tolerance Network latency & bandwidth Workload & Replicas CPU & memory Connections & priority bands Network latency & bandwidth Workload & Replicas CPU & memory Connections & priority bands Control Vars. } Local middleware QoS TBMD Application AAW Application Control Algorithm Control Algorithm Control Algorithm Control Algorithm Control Algorithm Control Algorithm Requested QoS Measured QoS Global Middleware Network latency & bandwidth Workload & Replicas CPU & memory Connections & priority bands Create new generation of middleware to simultaneously control multiple QoS properties Hardware Middleware OS & Protocols Applications

7 ARMS Technical Agenda: Adaptive & Reflective Middleware Endsystem Applications MiddlewareMiddleware Applications Mechanism & Property Managers Sys Cond Interceptor Local Resource Managers Sys Cond { } QoS Doctrine Network latency & bandwidth Workload & Replicas CPU & memory Connections & priority bands Network latency & bandwidth Workload & Replicas CPU & memory Connections & priority bands Local Resource Managers Problem Existing DRE systems are rigidly designed with fixed QoS parameters that limit their utility for new missions Research Challenges Assuring dynamic flexibility and QoS simultaneously Devise middleware to formally specify QoS-constrained global resource management plans; model, reason about and refine them; & monitor/enforce these plans automatically at run-time Quality of Service lo hi System Utilityhilo Quality of Service hi lo System Utilityhilo Solution Approach Meta-programming techniques that Decouple functional & QoS paths to allow more degrees of freedom Specify QoS doctrine declaratively Support dynamic QoS adaptation & optimizations Secure multi-level distributed resource management Solution Approach Meta-programming techniques that Decouple functional & QoS paths to allow more degrees of freedom Specify QoS doctrine declaratively Support dynamic QoS adaptation & optimizations Secure multi-level distributed resource management

8 Applications of ARMS Technology Target Application: Total Ship Computing Environments Key System Functionality Sensor systems Command & control systems Engagement systems Weapons control systems Weapons systems Navy Benefits Load-invariant tactical performance Information access Dynamic mission flexibility Continuous availability Rapid upgrades Low ownership cost Reduced manning ARMS Middleware Technologies Distributed real-time processing QoS-enabled open systems Portability Scalability Secure fault tolerance Shared resource management Self-adaptive Program Impact Important DoD systems will be more assurable, adaptable, & affordable e.g., network-centric warfare, total ship computing environments, theater ballistic missile defense Researchers will have higher-level techniques & tools to enhance future R&D

9 MoBIES Model-Based Integration of Embedded Systems Dr. John S. Bay DARPA IXO The objective of MoBIES is to develop technology to flexibly integrate the physics of the underlying domain with the embedded software design tools in order to custom-tailor the software process to the application AnalysisSimul.Synth.Analysis Meta- Prog. Model Builder Exec. Frame- work Model Rep. Gen. Gen Open Tool Integration Framework Transl. MetaP-IF Meta-IF Data/Meta Data/MetaData Data/MetaP-IF Components Exec. Frame- work Customization Exec. Frame- work Customization Exec. Frame- work Customization Timing Analysis Hybrid Simulation Safety Analysis Fault Analysis Model Builder Model Builders Model Rep. Model Rep. Generator

10 MoBIES Technical Agenda Models of broad physical processes(HW) Models of time and concurrency(SW) Mathematical models for … –analysis tools (HW&SW) –scheduling –code generation (generator-generators) Framework & toolsuite integration MODEL-BASED INTEGRATION DESIGN TOOLS MoBIES (Application INdependent) Reduced design space Formal specification languages Correct-by-construction generators Tailored models of computation Reduced V&V complexity Composable tool market DESIGN PROCESS (Application Dependent) DESIGN TOOLS for Embedded Systems for

11 MoBIES Technical Focus: Model-Based Integration of Embedded Software Complex Operational Embedded System Mathematical Models Structural analysis Dynamic equations CAD modeling and simulation Part interaction analysis Sensor and actuator circuits Complex but Inert Machine Requirements Real-time control Network connectivity Fault tolerant/fail safe Harsh environment Size/weight/power/thermal constraints Embedded Software MoBIES Tools Intelligent programming tools Smart process schedulers Communications configuration On-line resource allocation User interfaces Automatic code generation if (inactiveInterval != -1) { int thisInterval = (int)(System.currentTimeMillis() - lastAccessed) / 1000; if (thisInterval > inactiveInterval) { invalidate(); ServerSessionManager ssm = ServerSessionManager.getManager(); ssm.removeSession(this); } private long lastAccessedTime = creationTime; /** * Return the last time the client sent a request associated with this * session, as the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 * GMT. Actions that your application takes, such as getting or setting * a value associated with the session, do not affect the access time. */ public long getLastAccessedTime() { return (this.lastAccessedTime); } this.lastAccessedTime = time; /** * Update the accessed time information for this session. This method * should be called by the context when a request comes in for a particular * session, even if the application does not reference it. */ public void access() { this.lastAccessedTime = this.thisAccessedTime; this.thisAccessedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.isNew=false; } lastAccessedTime = 0L; lastAccessedTime = ((Long) stream.readObject()).longValue(); maxInactiveInterval = ((Integer) stream.readObject()).intValue(); isNew = ((Boolean) stream.readObject()).booleanValue(); += MoBIES finds the underlying Application-Specific Mathematical Principles of the Embedded Software, enabling us to … Generate complex software automatically; not through laborious manual coding Guarantee that generated code is correct; do not rely on after-the-fact testing Provide application engineers programming interfaces using their own terminology Tailor and specialize programming tools to the systems they are designing MoBIES finds the underlying Application-Specific Mathematical Principles of the Embedded Software, enabling us to … Generate complex software automatically; not through laborious manual coding Guarantee that generated code is correct; do not rely on after-the-fact testing Provide application engineers programming interfaces using their own terminology Tailor and specialize programming tools to the systems they are designing Over 99% of all microprocessors manufactured today are destined for embedded applications; we need software tools tailored to those special needs. DEVICE PHYSICS PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS


13 Dr. Vijay Raghavan DARPA IXO NEST Networked Embedded Software Technology The objective of NEST is to develop robust coordination & synthesis services to support networked embedded systems of 100 to 1,000,000 nodes

14 NEST Technical Focus: Robust Coordination Services Missions for Coordinated Fleets of UAV-s Mathematical Models Distributed Control Algorithms Stability, dynamics Network models Device models Distributed Control of Fine- grain Network of MEMS devices Requirements Physical: power, dynamics Communication quality Coordination Service Requirements Mission modality Coordination Services NEST Tools Micro-protocols for coordination Time-bounded synthesis methods Service package synthesis tools Reference solutions += NEST provides the computational foundation for building large-scale distributed control applications by implementing services for coordination such that … Control algorithms may assume guarantees for time, consensus, and other requirements The service packages are customized to the needs of applications NEST provides the computational foundation for building large-scale distributed control applications by implementing services for coordination such that … Control algorithms may assume guarantees for time, consensus, and other requirements The service packages are customized to the needs of applications Networked embedded systems represent a new wave in technology. NEST provides the groundwork for making new applications feasible. Networked embedded systems represent a new wave in technology. NEST provides the groundwork for making new applications feasible. CONTROL+DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHMS COORDINATION REQUIREMENTS Local Clock Reference Clock Precision Local clocks are synchronized: limit the effects of clock drift sufficient resolution fault resilience Time Service v1vv1v v j = v vkvvkv A common v is selected: uniform agreement uniform validity (v  {v i }) the protocol terminates Consensus Service Networked Processes v2vv2v

15 Distributed Network of Sensor Motes Berkeley OEP Resource Constraints, non- determinism, dynamism Determinism, real-time constraints Boeing OEP Extreme Scaling NEST Technical Agenda Applications: Acoustic damping, Motes Tasks: Coordination, Synthesis, Composition Extreme Scaling

16 Applications of NEST Technology Actuators for Vortex Control (10,000 nodes) Distributed Active Control: Vibration Damping on Delta-4 Rocket Payload Fairing (1,000 nodes) An experimental platform in the NEST program Distributed Network of sensor motes for environmental monitoring, tracking, surveillance (1,000 nodes): An experimental platform in the NEST program Noiseless sonar on submarines to provide camouflage (3,000 nodes) 100 – 1,000,000 node fusion of physical and information systems Smart reconfigurable engines (100 nodes) Gossamer Space Reflector (1,000,000 nodes) High resolution reconnaissance, GMTI

17 Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt DARPA IXO PCES Program Composition for Embedded Systems The objective of PCES is to create programming language & compiler technology that enables developers to safely & productively weave cross-cutting aspects with real-time (RT) embedded program functionality Event Channel Replication Service GPS IFF FLIR Object Request Broker Air Frame HUD Nav WTS AP Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt DARPA IXO

18 Small changes can break everything Air Frame AP Nav WTS GPS IFF FLIR Cyclic Exec First Generation: Free form Spaghetti Cross-cutting changes can break everything Event Channel Replication Service GPSIFFFLIR Object Request Broker Air Frame APNavWTS Second Generation: Components Many changes can be done easily GPSIFFFLIR Object Request Broker Air Frame APNavWTS Event Channel Replication Service Synchronization PersistenceFault Tolerance Memory Management Cross-cutting Concerns Third Generation: Aspects & Components PCES Technical Focus: Real-time Plug & Play Avionics Systems Key Cross-cutting Systemic Aspects Synchronization Memory management & persistence Fault tolerance & error handling Real-time deadlines Bandwidth & CPU management Key System Functionality Weapons targeting systems (WTS) Airframe & navigation (Nav) Sensor control (GPS, IFF, FLIR) Heads-up display (HUD) Auto-pilot (AP) Radar Nav Sensors Weapon Management Data Links Mission Computer Vehicle Mgmt Weapons PCES provides language & compiler technology to safely & productively program & evolve cross-cutting aspects to support real-time middleware & “plug & play” avionics applications

19 Air Frame APNavWTSHUD Avionics Applications Object Request Broker Event Channel Replication Service Real-time Middleware Applications of PCES Language & Compiler Technology PCES Technical Agenda: Systemic Aspects for Real-time Avionics Boeing Bold Stroke OEP ASPECT ANALYZER PROGRAM ANALYZER Staging Controller Compile time Link time Download time Run time Issues Binding time Order of specialization Scope of properties Conservative analysis Program/Aspect Representations WEAVER e.g., Core Mission Computing Algorithms Programmed void HUD_update (int id, Coords coords) { HUDID aHud=null; aHud= hudRepo.getHud(id, coords); theDisplay.print(id, aHud); return true; } Functional code Reusable Aspect Code Synchronization Fault Tolerance Persistence Error handling aspect PublicErrorLogging { static Log log = new Log(); pointcut publicEntries (): receptions(public *com.boeing..*.*(..)) after() throwing (Error e): publicEntries() { log.write(e); } } Logging aspect Mission Computer Code Synchronized Fault tolerant Persistent Robust void HUD_update (int id, Coords coords) { HUDID aHud=null; try { aHud= hudRepo.getHud(id, coords); } catch (Error e) { log.write (e); } try { theDisplay.print(id, aHud); } catch (Error e) { log.write (e); } return true; } Auto-tangled code BBN, & LMCO TCT OEP C2 assets & strike aircraft share imagery data in real-time PCES Architecture

20 Applications of PCES Technology Stock Trading Hot Rolling Mill Distributed Interactive Simulation Quality Control Military Communications Radar Control Systems Unmanned Systems Tactical Aircraft Shipboard Computing

21 Provide decomposible & easily customizable component interfaces & implementations Characteristics of Successful DARPA Embedded System Technology Transitions Program structure conveys & enforces endstate vision(s) e.g., OEPs help to guide R&D efforts & build end-user alliances to Services & industry integrators/vendors Explicit focus on constraints of transition environment(s) Performance, footprint, languages, tools, & commercial trends LATENCY THROUGHPUT Leverage R&D maturation cycles to “cross the chasm” of transition successfully This generation’s successful transitions are often last generation’s successful R&D projects Level of Technology Abstraction ’96-’01’02-’06’90-’95 lo hi Researchers Practitioners C/Ada Cyclic execs Proprietary C++ UNIX CORBA C++ UNIX CORBA Java Linux RT CORBA Java Linux RT CORBA DRTS Java RT Linux Dynamic RT CORBA

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