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Objective: SWBAT explain the elements of civilizations E.Q. – What are the requirements that make a civilization?

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: SWBAT explain the elements of civilizations E.Q. – What are the requirements that make a civilization?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: SWBAT explain the elements of civilizations E.Q. – What are the requirements that make a civilization?

2 Çatal Hüyük  Why was Çatal Hüyük not considered a civilization? First Neolithic Village - Located in southern Turkey - Approx. 7,000 BCE Characteristics: 1. Standardized houses 2. Religious images found 3. Some trade conducted 4. Some specialization of jobs 5. Some political and military activity

3 Elements of Civilizations While there were many differences between civilizations, they also shared important features: - agricultural surpluses that permitted significant specialization of labor - contained cities - generated complex institutions, such as political bureaucracies, armies, and religious hierarchies - clearly stratified social hierarchies - organized long-distance trading relationships - Development of record keeping - New technologies of warfare and urban defense

4 Be able to identify the sequence of civilizations.

5 Key Concept 1.3.1 – identify the location of all (6) core and foundational civilization.

6 Emergence of States  Early states were often led by a ruler whose source of power believed to be divine and/or supported by the military  Early regions of state expansion  Mesopotamia  Babylonia  Nile Valley  Pastoralists were often developers and disseminators of new weapons and modes of transportation.  See next slide Key Concept 1.3.2 – First states emerged within core civilizations.

7 Hittites  Known for their iron and chariots.  Iron ▪ The use of iron tools and weapons was a very important discovery ▪ As there empire collapsed around 1200 B.C. the ironsmiths migrated to other parts ▪ This new knowledge began to spread into Asia, Africa, and Europe, thus ushering the Iron Age.  Chariots ▪ Oldest testament to the use of a chariot ▪ Developed a new chariot, lighter wheels and could carry three warriors Developed new technology

8 Culture Unifying States  Early civilizations developed monumental architecture and urban planning.  Pyramids  Ziggurats  Sewage and water systems Key Concept 1.3.3 – Culture played a significant role in unifying states through laws, language, literature, religion, myths and monumental art.

9  Elites (political and religious) promoted arts and artisanship.

10  Systems of record keeping arose independently in all early civilizations and subsequently were diffused (spread).  Quipu  Cuneiform  Hieroglyphics

11  States developed legal codes.  Code of Hammurabi ▪ “Eye for an Eye”

12  New religious beliefs  The Vedic religion ▪ Led to the belief system -> Hinduism  Hebrew monotheism ▪ Stands out as one of the 1 st and oldest monotheistic religions  Zoroastrianism ▪ Believed to have influenced the Abrahamic religions

13  Expansion of trade  Local -> regional ▪ Egypt to Nubia  Transregional ▪ Mesopotamia to Indus Valley

14  Social and gender hierarchies  As states expand and cities multiplied social and gender hierarchies intensified.

15  Literature  Reflection of the culture in the various civilizations ▪ Epic of Gilgamesh -> Mesopotamia ▪ Adventures of historic king of Ürük ▪ Book of the Dead -> Egypt ▪ Funerary text ▪ Rig Veda -> Indus Valley ▪ Sanskrit creation story

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