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Introduction to Drugs. Drugs in America Is there a problem? National Drug Control Strategy Plan to decrease drug use and availability in half in 10 yrs.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Drugs. Drugs in America Is there a problem? National Drug Control Strategy Plan to decrease drug use and availability in half in 10 yrs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Drugs

2 Drugs in America Is there a problem? National Drug Control Strategy Plan to decrease drug use and availability in half in 10 yrs.

3 Definitions Drug Mind and behavior changing substance Any substance that changes the bodys ability to function or the structure of an organism Changes the ways a person thinks, feels, and acts Can be: Legal Illegal

4 Definitions cont. Medicines A drug substance use to diagnose, prevent, cure, or treat a disease or illness Or to relieve pain Types: Over the Counter (OTC) Prescription Often used wrongfully

5 Psychoactive Drugs Mind altering Classifications CNS depressant – alcohol, barbituates, tranqs. CNS stimulant – caffeine, cocaine, nicotine Limbic center depressant – antidepressants Psychedelic/Hallucinogenic – LSD, marijuana Narcotic – pain medications Controlled Substances Act (1970) Classification of mind altering drugs

6 More Definitions Drug use – drug taking behavior Drug misuse – inappropriate use of OTC or prescription drugs Drug abuse – Use of any illegal drug or uses a legal drug in a way that is detrimental to health Continuous use of a mind-changing chemical substance for non-medical reasons

7 Drug Problems are People Problems Affects all people Health related consequences Delay seeking medical attention Dont use other problem-solving techniques Toxic reaction Panic / Flashback Dependence

8 Are we winning the war on drugs?

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