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Sustainable Growth Through Innovation FPPA Annual Conference Industry Panel March 2, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainable Growth Through Innovation FPPA Annual Conference Industry Panel March 2, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainable Growth Through Innovation FPPA Annual Conference Industry Panel March 2, 2009

2 Prepared by DuPont Packaging Graphics for FPPA Annual Conference, March 3, 2009 2 DuPont’s Journey Toward Sustainable Growth 1972 1989 1994 2000 2006 Sustainable Growth The Goal Is ‘0’ Sustainable Growth Market Facing Goals Corporate Environmentalism SHE Commitment Complianc e Renewable Energy, Energy Use Flat Operational Improvements AND Market-facing Improvements Business Integration Value Safety Health Environment

3 Prepared by DuPont Packaging Graphics for FPPA Annual Conference, March 3, 2009 3 DuPont Sustainability Mission Create shareholder and societal value while reducing the environmental footprint along our value chains.

4 Prepared by DuPont Packaging Graphics for FPPA Annual Conference, March 3, 2009 4 DuPont Market-Facing “Scorecard” 1.Greenhouse gas emissions 2.Energy consumption 3.Impact on air and water pollution 4.Material consumption & recycled content 5.Non-depletable resources inherent in our product and/or enabled in the value chain 6.Waste generation 7.Ease of disposal; hazardous waste content; recyclability and biodegradability 8.Impact on water quality or consumption 9.Toxicological risk to human health 10.Cradle-to-Gate Product Footprint – Material and energy use, emissions and waste associated with product manufacture and upstream processes. Downstream Assessment Criteria

5 Prepared by DuPont Packaging Graphics for FPPA Annual Conference, March 3, 2009 5 Example: Reducing our Internal Footprint Water Reductions The use of effluent treatment using microfiltration technology represents a reduction of 60% in underground water use. This represents a savings of 40,000 m3 (10 million gallons) per year. DuPont Engineering Polymers, Uentrop, Germany

6 Prepared by DuPont Packaging Graphics for FPPA Annual Conference, March 3, 2009 6 Example of Market Facing Goals New Product Offerings Biomax® TPS High-amyloseThermoplastic Starch (TPS) for thermoformed sheets and injection molded parts and packaging Completely degrades on contact with moisture (water degradable, soil degradable, home compostable, industrial compostable) Excellent film-forming properties Antistatic Grease-resistant Tailorable solubility Sustainable Qualifications 10-23% less GHG’s than typical petrochemical-based options (2004, RMIT Univ.) * 90% renewably sourced content by weight Meets U.S. and EU compostability requirement (including home, soil, and marine) The production of Biomax® TPS results in a 54% savings in non-renewable energy on a cradle to grave comparison with a PET tray. Sustainable Qualifications 10-23% less GHG’s than typical petrochemical-based options (2004, RMIT Univ.) * 90% renewably sourced content by weight Meets U.S. and EU compostability requirement (including home, soil, and marine) The production of Biomax® TPS results in a 54% savings in non-renewable energy on a cradle to grave comparison with a PET tray.

7 Prepared by DuPont Packaging Graphics for FPPA Annual Conference, March 3, 2009 7 DuPont Materials & Systems for Sustainable Packaging Recyclable Lower GHG’s Reduced Energy Material Reduction Green Coatings Compostable Renewably Sourced Packaging & Printing Innovations Across Sustainability Categories

8 Prepared by DuPont Packaging Graphics for FPPA Annual Conference, March 3, 2009 8 DuPont’s Sustainability Commitment “Many companies say that what’s good for the environment can also be good for business. At DuPont we have a slightly different view – what’s good for business must also be good for the environment and for people everywhere in the world.” Chad Holliday, Chairman

9 Prepared by DuPont Packaging Graphics for FPPA Annual Conference, March 3, 2009 9 Thank You “We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.”

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