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FEDERAL/STATE TELEFILE. BACKGROUND Federal/State TeleFile allows eligible taxpayers in participating states to file their state income tax return in the.

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2 BACKGROUND Federal/State TeleFile allows eligible taxpayers in participating states to file their state income tax return in the same phone call as their federal return using the IRS TeleFile System.

3 TARGET AUDIENCE Taxpayers must qualify for TeleFile Receive the special tax package(s) in the mail Taxpayers must live in the participating states Have withholding only from the participating states’ sources

4 PROGRAM OPERATION Taxpayer completes both the federal & state tax record Calls the toll-free number Completes the federal portion Receives a federal confirmation number

5 PROGRAM OPERATION (cont’d) Taxpayer completes the “disclosure consent” Taxpayer completes the state specific portion The return is formatted as a Federal/State e-file return State data is retrieved from the State Retrieval Subsystem

6 PROTOYPE Conducted in June 1998 with Indiana and Kentucky Complete end to end test Volunteers called in”dummy” returns Call length: IN - 20 mins. KY-18 mins. Technical issues resolved Overall 96%satisfaction rate

7 PILOT RESULTS- KY Simple return Average call length (state portion): 6 mins. 15 secs. Average call length (entire call): 18 mins. 51 secs. Volume: 40,833 returns Projected: 10,000 returns Exceeded projections by 308% Over 90% satisfaction rate

8 PILOT RESULTS- IN Complex return Average call length (state portion): –9 mins. 5 secs. Average call length (entire call): –21 mins.41 secs Volume: 65,507 returns Projected: 49,000 returns Exceeded projections by 33% Over 90% satisfaction rate

9 2000 FILING SEASON KY Volumes: 54,813 returns -34% increase from last year IN Volumes: 81,903 returns -25% increase from last year (As of 4/24/00)

10 2001 FILING SEASON Indiana Kentucky Georgia Oklahoma

11 CONTACT PERSON Portia D. Bingham Federal/State TeleFile Program Analyst Headquarters 202-283-0226

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