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Magdalena Kowalska, CERN PH-SME-IS ISOLDE scientific coordinator’s report INTC meeting, November 3, 2011 Schedule 2011 since last INTC Statistics Status.

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Presentation on theme: "Magdalena Kowalska, CERN PH-SME-IS ISOLDE scientific coordinator’s report INTC meeting, November 3, 2011 Schedule 2011 since last INTC Statistics Status."— Presentation transcript:

1 Magdalena Kowalska, CERN PH-SME-IS ISOLDE scientific coordinator’s report INTC meeting, November 3, 2011 Schedule 2011 since last INTC Statistics Status of experiments and ISOLDE complex Safety Schedule 2012 Long shutdown

2 Schedule since July meeting Schedule in November: Schedule in July: GPS HRS GPS+HRS EBIS- cathode exchange Zn T-REX moved to Zn g- factor time-slot Zn g-factor replaces cancelled resonance scattering WITCH gets 1 more run instead of bio- NMR Problems with REX 9- gap res. (but good 72Kr yield) Too low 30Na yield Low C yield (but good release)

3 Results since July Many very good results A few runs with some problems Very few runs with no data (machine or yield problems) Big THANKS to the ISOLDE technical group for the support and commitment to deliver the best possible beam

4 IS477: Quadrupole collectivity in 128 Cd Analysis by Sabine Bönig et al. 128 Cd: 2 + → 0 +  -ray spectrum recorded with MINIBALL Doppler correction with respect to projectile-like particles in coincidence Laser ON / NO background subtraction First Coulomb excitation of the neutron-rich isotope 128 Cd (August 2011) Preliminary Th. Kroell

5 IS511 experiment – July 2011 In-source laser spectroscopy of n- deficient Tl isotopes A. Barzakh, V. Liberati et al.

6 IS485: Coulomb excitation of 98Sr beam “State of the art of beam manipulation”  Shape transition from spherical to highly deformed configuration at N=60 in the n-rich Zr, Sr and Kr isotopes IS485, D. Müncher et al., S. Naimi & ISOLTRAP, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 032502 (2010)  96 Sr coulex at Miniball in 2007, the «nearly spherical » one.  Extracted as SrF + molecule to avoid 96 Rb contaminant; pure beam of 10 4 pps at 2.87 MeV/A at Miniball  In 2010, 98 Sr coulex at Miniball, the «highly deformed » one.  Atomic extraction and use of the in-trap  -decay to remove the 98 Rb contaminant (T 1/2 = 96 ms)  ~ 95% beam purity ; ~6.10 4 pps at 2.82 MeV/A at Miniball !!; Very stable condition.  We successfully observed the Coulomb excitation up to high spin states in the yrast and non-yrast bands using 3 different targets  Analysis on-going at GANIL 98 Sr on 208 Pb target E.Clément et al (GANIL) New in 98 Sr (from  ) New in 98 Rb (from  )

7 IS413 & IS518: ISOLTRAP Investigate conditions for successful r process with masses  Extract Q β values to calculate half- lives for r process S. Kreim et al., INTC-P-299 (2011)A.Herlert et al., INTC-P-160-ADD-1 (2006) Investigate outer crust of a neutron star  Mass of 82 Zn one of the few missing masses around N=50 to probe elemental composition 7 new masses compared to AME 2011! S. Kreim et al

8 IS463 & IS518: ISOLTRAP (7+)? (300 keV) ? 0 β+β+ ? Spectroscopy on isomerically pure beams for assignment of spin and level order: study of Tl-190 and Tl-184 (July 2011). Half-life measurement by trapping-time variation on low-yield, short-lived isotopes: determination of the half-life of Zn-82 (October 2011). Spectroscopy on pure and rare beams with ion traps

9 IS510: 2- neutron-transfer towards 74Zn 2n-transfer part of IS510: tritium-target to observe protons after t( 72 Zn, 74 Zn)p in T-REX+MINIBALL titanium-foil as carrier: 72 Zn Coulomb excitation using titanium as Coulex-target (planed to be a test for the „real“ coulex-experiment) new CD-Silicon detector in forward direction to complete T-REX („4 pi“). No Coulomb excitation expected in the other Si-detectors, as protection foils are stopping the heavier ions. 10 5 counts in the 2->0 transition of 72 Zn ! Also higher excited states observed. Interesting dataset + will help a lot to plan the remaining coulex-run on 72 Zn (goal: measure mixing ratio of 2 + 2 ->2 + 1 ) => collected two complex datasets using only 12 shifts of protons from ISOLDE 72 Zn 2 + 1 ->0 + 1 72 Zn 4 + 1 ->2 + 1 52 Ti 2 + 1 ->0 + 1 Coulex of 72 Zn on Ti layer, no final doppler correction, ¼ of full statistics protons after (t,p), measured in backw direction ( simultaniously to Coulex) D. Mücher, S. Klupp, E12 TU Munich

10 IS475: Coulex on 220Rn Octupole deformation studied at Miniball

11 IS497: high-resolution laser spectroscopy on Cd # counts # Doppler shifted laser frequency ground state isomer Example: 121 Cd Isotopes/states covered in 2011: even: 106-126 Cd odd: 107-123 Cd isomers: 111-123 Cd m Ongoing: Data analysis Preparation for measurements on 125,127- 130 Cd In the ionic transition (215nm) COLLAPS

12 IS489 Radiotracer diffusion in semiconductors and metallic compounds

13 IS481: β-γ measurements 115 Cd in ZnO Sign of electric field gradient (EFG) needed for DFT calculations Cd substitutes Zn β-γ correlation measures the sign of the EFG at the Cd-site Sign of sin determines sign of EFG First result: EFG of Cd at the Zn site in ZnO is negativ R. Simon 1, K. Lorenz 2, J.G. Correia 2, K. Johnston 3, R. Vianden 1 1 Helmholtz - Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik, University of Bonn, Germany 2 Instituto Tecnólogico e Nuclear, P-2686-953 Sacavém, Portugal 3 Technische Physik, Universität des Saarlands, Saarbrücken, Germany

14 IS448 and IS488: Biophysics Collaboration with University of Szeged, HU: In vivo experiments on bacteria De novo designed metalloproteins overexpressed in bactera Uptake of Hg from water Long term plan: water cleaning project University of Copenhagen, DK: Experiments on non-metalloproteins Studies of proteins foldnig and mis-folding due to binding of heavy metal ions Long term plan: metal ions – catalysts ? M. Stachura et al.

15 Shift statistics INTC shifts in 2011: 930 Remaining 657.5 Requested 440 Scheduled 320-360Delivered successfully (very rough estimate); vs 265 in 2010 Present INTC: 243 Shifts requested (proposals) INTC shifts remaining for 2012: (rough estimate) 810-850 Shifts

16 Running in 2012 Beginning of 2012 fixed: ISOLDE physics starts on April 2 (1 month earlier than in 2010&11) End under discussion ISOLDE schedule: In 3 parts, to allow for more flexibility in case of problems Hostel rooms: 10 rooms booked permanently for ISOLDE (reservation held until 2 weeks after the schedule is released)

17 News from ISOLDE Up-to date 3D layout of the ISOLDE hall close to final Collaboration with CERN Hostel to find accommodation for all users in the summer Since September J. Thiboud can help experiments (mounting, machining, vacuum pumps) HIE-ISOLDE civil engineering started

18 News from ISOLDE September cleanup of bldg 507 (light building): storage space to be rearranged during shutdown; cleanup and new chairs in DAQ room Upgrades to LA1 beamline: user FC read out in control room; new power sockets

19 Safety Evaluation of safety files for fixed almost complete: improvement requests communicated to local responsibles Improved traceability of implanted samples: Karl’s database includes storage location and is available to RP personnel Extension of b. 115 and move of SSP lab from b.275 under way: funding still guaranteed, planned for this shutdown, final cost estimate pending Key cabinet operational Problems with permanent dosimeters for some users who did not follow a safety course: web-based RP training and on-site training under discussion for 2012

20 Long shutdown 2013, etc Present baseline (not yet official): physics for everybody until December 2012 Injectors restart in April/May 2014 No Linac4 connection To be decided at the beginning of 2012 ISOLDE offline physics: only 2 weeks in 2012 due to work connected to HIE-ISOLDE in 2013 RCS (Rapid Cycling Synchrotron) discussed instead of PSB upgrade. Has been officially abandoned. NOV APR NOV APR SEP DEC MAR 2011 2012 2012 2014 2014 2014 2015 LE + REX Shutdown LE + REX Long Shutdown Only LE HIE 5.5 shutdown LE + HIE 5.5

21 Thank you

22 Online runs since last meeting Successful physics: -Solid-state and biophysics runs on Ag (in spite of GPS target problem and old target with no Ag mass marker) -E3 transitions in Ra and Rn with Miniball; Coulex on 208Rn; Coulex on 128Cd -In-source laser spectroscopy on n-deficient Tl isotopes -Laser spectroscopy on n-rich Cd isotopes -Deformation of 98Sr using MINIBALL and in-trap decay in REX-TRAP -ISOLTRAP: first-time mass and t1/2 of 82Zn using multi-reflectometer, masses of n-rich Fr isotopes -Solid-state runs on Mn isotopes (despite of proton sharing with HRS & GLM defl. problem) -Solid-state runs (mostly EC) on Ni: much longer than planned due to REX problems -Transfer reactions on Ni got almost the planned statistics: in spite of 5-day delay due to EBIS-cathode change (thanks to support teams quick repair and agreeing to a rearrange the schedule) -Fast-timing studies on 78-82Zn -Hg for bio- and solid-state physics: 10 experiments partly ran out of samples (proton sharing with HRS) -T-REX run for 72Zn: transfer and Coulex spectra taken (proton sharing with Hg beamtime for GPS)

23 Online runs since last meeting Partly successful physics: Coulex on 96Kr: should be able to conclude on E(2+) despite HRS magnet problems and low yield Tape-station at ISOLTRAP: new isomer energies for n-def Tl after no n-rich Tl seen Tilted-foils LOI: spectra on 27Na after problems with delivering 8Li beam Laser-spectroscopy on 51K at N=32 Unsuccessful physics: REX 9-gap problems: Coulex on 72Kr (yield was very good) Not enough beam: short-lived 30Na for Coulex 31Ar at LA1: problems with HRS robot followed by a target problem Big THANKS to the ISOLDE technical group for the support and commitment to deliver the best possible beam TISD runs: C beams from HfO+HELICON – fast release but efficiency to be improved; Ir/Ta/W+RILIS on Dy&Yb for rare earths: promising for Yb and Lu, but not Dy;

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