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By:Rabia Afzal – Br.Nassry Mohammad 9th grade girls (1)- May 1 st, 2012.

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2 By:Rabia Afzal – Br.Nassry Mohammad 9th grade girls (1)- May 1 st, 2012

3 *Predation is a communication among the species in which one species adopts another species as food. *Mainly, a favorable predation results to spread of predators and loss of prey.

4 Cannibalism : Cannibalism is clearly predation on another animal of the same species. The most common form of cannibalism is the size-structured cannibalism; in which the large species consumes the smaller ones. For example the dragonfly eating a its own kind of species and the bird as well.

5 Parasitism: In parasitism, the species gains and the second species is harmed. The species that gains is the parasite and the species that’s getting harmed is called the host. For example, the strangler fig growing on tree and the relationship between a clown-fish and an anemone.

6 Herbivory herbivory happens when an animal benefits a plant as food. For example, the herbivores(insects) eating the leaf and deer feeding on some leaves.

7 Jurassic park! Scientists took dinosaur DNA and basically made an amusement park out of it. After some accidents, the dinosaurs escaped, and the carnivores attacked the humans still at the park. Carnivores = t-rex, mostly. Prey = human, predators = t-rex.

8 The Lion King! ‘Timon’ in the lion king eats the insects. The insects are the preys and the predator is Timon. ‘Nala’ tries eating ‘Pumba’. Nala is the predator and Pumba is the prey.

9 The gator chomping on turtle. The gator is the predator and the turtle is the prey.

10 The heron is eating the rabbit. Therefore, the heron is the carnivore/predator and the rabbit is the herbivore/prey.

11 Increasing the population of the prey will lead to an increase in population of the predator because the predator has more food. Usually, the prey population are expected to decrease because the predator population increases

12 Natural selection helps the predators with traits that make them more efficient and productive in gaining the prey. The prey has advanced traits that allow them to escape from the predators. Predators have different kind of techniques to catch its prey. For example, fast running speed and sharp teeth.

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