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Welcome Parents and Cheerleaders! Please find a seat and make sure you have signed the sign in sheet and received a cheerleading handbook. You may find.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents and Cheerleaders! Please find a seat and make sure you have signed the sign in sheet and received a cheerleading handbook. You may find."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome Parents and Cheerleaders! Please find a seat and make sure you have signed the sign in sheet and received a cheerleading handbook. You may find it advantageous to also have a pen to take notes.

3 Eligibility: The requirements to tryout are: Must attend the parent meeting Cannot have been academically ineligible for two or more grading periods Cannot have been absent more than 10% of the school year Must return required forms AND first semester report card by deadline assigned. ( Wednesday, February 27th)

4 Forms: The following forms must be filled out and signed. They must be returned to me by February 27 th. –Parent/Cheerleader Contract –Cheerleader Contract –Emergency Contact Information Sheet –First semester report card –Teacher Recommendation Page –Physical: Due May 1st

5 8 th Grade Performance Squad Tryouts: Tryout clinic will be held Saturday, March 2 nd from 9am- 12pm. Candidates will be taught 1 cheer and 1 dance. They will also review jumps if time allows. A link to the video demonstrating both the dance and cheer will be posted to the CTMS cheerleading webpage for practice purposes. Tryouts will be held in the CTMS gym on Friday, March 8 th, beginning at 5:00pm. A panel of three judges will be used to score all girls.

6 Tryouts Continued… Each girl has the opportunity to earn up to 40 points per judge. A minimum of 84 points (70%) must be earned to be eligible to make the squad. The maximum number for the squad is 16 members. If there are not 16 girls who have a score above the eligible 84, the ones who do have an 84 or above will make the squad. If there are more than 16 girls with the minimum score of 84, the top 16 will make the squad.

7 How Will Tryouts Be Organized? At the end of Saturday’s cheer clinic all ladies will randomly draw a number. This number will place them in the order they will tryout. Tryouts are closed to the public. Cheerleaders will begin tryouts by performing the dance in front of the judges in groups of 3 according to their number. Cheerleaders will then go in individually and perform their cheer, 2 jumps, and any tumbling they so choose. A rubric for judging has been provided in the packet. Once a cheerleader has completed both the dance portion and the individual cheer/jump portion of the tryouts, they are free to leave. Results will be posted on the CTMS cheerleading webpage as soon as points are calculated following the end of tryouts.

8 Uniforms: Uniform includes: Shell, skirt, spanks, sleeves, poms, and bow. Uniforms will be worn on all game days. Uniforms will also be worn on all pep rally days. Uniform may not be worn outside of designated school activities. Uniform may not be worn by anyone other than the cheerleader.

9 Uniform Fitting Dates: –Upon making the squad, you will be fitted for your uniform Monday, March 25 th immediately after school. Fittings will be on a first come, first serve basis. ***The uniform payment of $275 will be due to the uniform representative on this date in order to be fitted. Payments can be made via cash, check, or money order payable to DEHEN.***

10 Camp: 7th Grade Inclusion Squad: Camp will be at Byron Nelson High School Date: August 8 th 9-4 August 9 th 9-4 August 10 th 9-12 Cost: $65 if paid by 5/31 $75 if paid after 5/31 8th Grade Performance Squad: CTMS will attend two camps, one at Byron Nelson as well as a stunt camp at Champion Cheer. Byron Nelson is a 3 day camp. –August 14-16 –$70 Champion Cheer is a 2 day camp. Date: TBD (Maybe first week of summer?) Cost:

11 So, how much does it cost? Uniform: $275 –Includes: Shell, skirt, spanks, sleeves, bow and camp attire. Camp: –Camp: Byron Nelson:$70 Champion Cheer: *This does not include any optional items you choose to order such as warm ups or a duffel bag.*

12 The Next Step… Turn in all required paperwork to me by Wednesday, February 27 th. I am in room C106. Attend the tryout clinic Saturday, March 2 nd from 9am- 12pm. Attend tryouts Friday, March 8 th at 5pm in the CTMS PE gym. YOU MUST HAVE TURNED IN THE PAPERWORK TO ATTEND THE CLINIC. For liability reasons, No acceptions can be made.

13 Questions? Please feel free to email me at or call me at 817-698- 1630 with any questions you have. You can also access this presentation via the CTMS cheerleading home page. Cheers! *\O/* Lori Thompson CTMS 8 th Grade Head Coach

14 Now That You’re A Cheerleader… Today we will be going over some of the most important parts of your cheerleader handbook. Please grab a handbook off my desk if you did not bring yours.

15 Grades: Both squads follow the no pass, no play rule governed by UIL. Any student who earns below a 70 is considered ineligible to attend games or perform in any manner. If academically ineligible, the cheerleader will be required to continue attending practices until they are eligible to cheer again. Ineligibility due to grades for any two six weeks will result in removal from the squad.

16 Games: Both squads cheer for most if not all home games for their grade level. Parents are responsible for transportation to/from all games and events. –Football games are held at NISD Stadium. Cheerleaders are required to be there by 5:30pm and picked up at 8pm. –Basketball games are held on campus and cheerleaders will stay on campus after school ends. Pick up is at 7:30pm.

17 Practices: Cheerleaders will practice during the summer. A calendar will be given well ahead of time so vacations, camps, etc. can be planned accordingly. Practices during the school year for football season will be held before school on specific days TBD. During basketball season, practices are after school before games begin. A calendar will be given well in advance. Missing the practice before any performance/game forfeits eligibility to perform unless it is an excused absence AND cheerleader can show adequate knowledge of performance material.

18 Absences: Cheerleaders must be in attendance at school the entire day of a game/performance in order to cheer that night unless arrangements have been made with the coach. Failure to notify the coach of an absence from a practice, game, or performance will result in demerits.

19 Demerits: Demerits are given for any infraction of the guideline rules. Some of the most common infractions are: Tardy to practice/game Unexcused Absence from practice/game Failure to assume responsibility Jewelry/gum/nail polish while in uniform Discipline issues in school

20 Demerit Consequences: Five accumulated demerits = suspension from one event Ten accumulated demerits = suspension from the next two events. Fifteen accumulated demerits = permanent removal from the squad Merits: Merits can be earned during the year to cancel out demerits. The maximum that can be earned is 5.

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