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EE2006 25 July 2006 Enhancing the Design and Assessment of Practical Work in the Engineering Curriculum Sean Wellington 25 July 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "EE2006 25 July 2006 Enhancing the Design and Assessment of Practical Work in the Engineering Curriculum Sean Wellington 25 July 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 EE2006 25 July 2006 Enhancing the Design and Assessment of Practical Work in the Engineering Curriculum Sean Wellington 25 July 2006

2 EE2006 25 July 2006 The problem A first year undergraduate Circuit Theory module: Conventional approach to learning and teaching – lectures, small group problem classes and practical work. Comprehensive learner support materials (including lecture notes and laboratory worksheets) From 2004/05 introduced a revised approach to the organization and assessment of the practical programme intended to: Promote greater student engagement with the practical activity Improve transparency of assessment process, in particular to allow students to self-manage their study Reduce assessment workload for staff

3 EE2006 25 July 2006 The module A first year undergraduate Circuit Theory module: Knowledge and Understanding 1. Describe and apply the conventions and techniques of linear circuit analysis Cognitive skills 2. Analyse the behaviour of DC and sinusoidal AC networks 3. Analyse the transient response of linear first and second order passive networks Practical and Professional skills 4. Record and interpret the results of laboratory experiments

4 EE2006 25 July 2006 The process

5 EE2006 25 July 2006 Assessment criteria Threshold/Pass (40 – 50%) Complete and document a programme of practical laboratory work Undertake routine tests, report and comment on the results Use electronic test equipment Good/Merit (60 – 70%) Complete and document a programme of practical laboratory work Research information related to the problem domain Undertake a planned series of tests, analyse and discuss the results Select and use electronic test equipment Excellent/Distinction (75 – 100%) Complete and document a programme of practical laboratory work Initiate and undertake searches for information related to the problem domain, evaluate it and recommend actions based on the information Undertake a planned series of tests, analyse and discuss the results, and recommend actions based upon the information Select and use electronic test equipment

6 EE2006 25 July 2006 An example task for Good/Merit

7 EE2006 25 July 2006

8 EE2006 25 July 2006 Observations (1) Student attainment Majority of students achieve only a Threshold pass for the practical work – often this is a tactical decision However, the formative/summative assessment process effective in supporting students to achieve at least the minimum standard required for the module Student feedback Very positive about the module in general. Value the transparent approach to assessment of practical work and the ability to organize their own workloads Appreciate the role of practical work in supporting their learning, but some respondents would prefer closer alignment between the lecture and practical programmes

9 EE2006 25 July 2006 Observations (2) External Examiners Very positive feedback – in particular alignment with Learning Outcomes and use of explicit criteria to differentiate between different levels of achievement Staff reflections We are continuing to refine the approach and believe it could be usefully adopted for other subjects/modules

10 EE2006 25 July 2006 Further information Sean Wellington Faculty of Technology Southampton Solent University East Park Terrace SOUTHAMPTON SO14 0RD Tel: +44 (0)23 8031 9826 Email:

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