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Agenda Area 1a/CoMSEF General body meeting 1. Area 1a Election results and thank you to outgoing members (Martha Mitchell) Session report for Spring 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda Area 1a/CoMSEF General body meeting 1. Area 1a Election results and thank you to outgoing members (Martha Mitchell) Session report for Spring 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda Area 1a/CoMSEF General body meeting 1. Area 1a Election results and thank you to outgoing members (Martha Mitchell) Session report for Spring 2009 (Vincent Shen) Session report for Fall 2009 (David Corti) Session planning report for Spring 2010 (J. Richard Elliot) Session planning report for Fall 2010 (Jeff Potoff) 2. CoMSEF Election results and thank you to outgoing officers (Clare McCabe) Sessions reports for 2009 and 2010 (Kristen Fichthorn) Finances and membership (Joe Golab) CoMSEF early Career Award (Clare McCabe) CoMSEF graduate student award (Ed Maginn) 3. Joint 17th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties (Ilja Siepmann) FOMMS 2009 (Sharon Glotzer) FOMMS 2012 (Ed Maginn) Solicit sessions for 2010 annual mtg –Kristen Fichthorn (CoMSEF) and Jeff Potoff (Area 1a)

2 CoMSEF Officers Chair, Clare McCabe Vice-Chair and Program Chair, Kristen Fichthorn Vice Chair for Communications, Jonathan Moore Vice Chair for Membership, Dave Kofke Secretary-Treasurer, Joe Golab Liaison Directors –Alberto Striolo (2008-2010) –Jeffrey Errington (2008-2010) –Ed Maginn (2007-2009) –Brian Peterson (2007-2009) Randall Snurr, Past Chair

3 CoMSEF Financials 2008 EoY balance$1225 –2007 Carryover$ 665 –Total Revenue $1560 (312 mem) –Total Expenses$1000 2009 Current Balance$2010 –2008 Carryover$1225 –Current Revenue$ 785 * –Est. Expenses$1608 –Est. Carryover$ 550 * As of 10/01/2009; $975 last year


5 CoMSEF early Career Award Ed Maginn, 2009 Award recipient For his development of molecular simulation algorithms to study fundamental thermodynamics and transport behavior and his specific contributions to the understanding of nanoporous materials and ionic liquids CoMSEF Early Career Award recipients must be in the early stages of their professional careers (in academia, industry, or a national laboratory), defined as being within 15 years of completion of the highest degree and be current members of CoMSEF

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