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Getting ProStart Smart Getting ProStart Smart Preparing Students for Hot Food Competition Prepared by William Nolan National Restaurant Association Educational.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting ProStart Smart Getting ProStart Smart Preparing Students for Hot Food Competition Prepared by William Nolan National Restaurant Association Educational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting ProStart Smart Getting ProStart Smart Preparing Students for Hot Food Competition Prepared by William Nolan National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation & Dr. Jerald Chesser, CEC, FMP, CCE The Collins School of Hospitality Management California Polytechnic State University Pomona

2 Why Participate? Marketing your program Gain industry support Enhance student experience Scholarship opportunities Networking for students and teachers

3 Competition Format Equipment Menu Members Timeframe Judging

4 Equipment Students will cook on two portable propane burners No electric powered equipment is allowed No ovens are allowed Teams will provide all pots, pans, and smallwares

5 Menu 3 courses: Starter Entrée with starch, vegetable, and protein Dessert

6 Team members Only current high school students enrolled in ProStart are eligible Teams will have a maximum of 4 members All members must participate in the execution of the menu 1 alternate is allowed to be used in case of injury/illness

7 Timeframe Teams will be allowed a mise en place period prior to their competition time slot Teams will have 60 minutes to prepare and present their menu to the judges Teams have 30 minutes to clean their station

8 Evaluating the Teams Areas to be evaluated Shipping and receiving Team Presentation / Team Skills /Work Skills Safety and Sanitation Product Taste Finished Product Menu and Recipe Presentation

9 Penalty Areas Disqualification Did not attend pre-meeting Drug or alcohol use Use of electric or battery powered equipment Use of additional burner Team did not produce two plates Coaching during event

10 Penalty Points Station left in unsanitary manner 3 pts Late: 1 point per minute. After 10 minutes team is disqualified Early: 1 point per minute. After 10 minutes team is disqualified Use of pre-prepared ingredients 5 pts Two meals not identical 2 pts Team uses own plates/dishes 5 pts

11 Keys to Success! #1 Obtain a mentor!

12 #2 Practice!

13 #3 Be Creative!

14 #4 Create an atmosphere of professionalism

15 #5 Ask questions!

16 #6 Have fun!

17 Steps to Competing Effectively Menu and Recipe The menu and recipes drive everything the competitor does.

18 Steps to Competing Effectively Menu and Recipe

19 Keep It Simple Stupid!

20 Steps to Competing Effectively Menu and Recipe The menu and recipes can ultimately separate the winner from the loser.

21 Steps to Competing Effectively Menu and Recipe

22 Make it: Worth Our Wait!

23 Steps to Competing Effectively Menu and Recipe Avoid flash! Go for substance!

24 Steps to Competing Effectively Menu and Recipe Menu Development Principles Select items demonstrating: Skills and techniques Appropriate complexity Appreciation of ingredients Understanding of ancillary quality factors –Sanitation challenges –Location –Time –Equipment

25 Steps to Competing Effectively Menu and Recipe Menu Development Principles Balance Product Preparation method Color Flavor Texture

26 Steps to Competing Effectively Menu and Recipe Written Menu Principles Correct term usage Use of descriptive language Follow costing guidelines Format First – easy to read and understand Second – attractive appearance

27 Steps to Competing Effectively Menu and Recipe Recipe Writing Principles Parts Name Yield Portion size Time and temperature Complete ingredient list in order of use Measurements with appropriate abbreviation Method – complete instructions in logical, manageable steps

28 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Presentation/Work Skills Individual excellence is not enough!

29 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Presentation/Work Skills Hot Food Competition is not just about food! It is also about teamwork!

30 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Presentation/Work Skills Critical to Success Team Appearance Team Organization Team Work

31 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Presentation/Work Skills Build the team Team membership is competitive Team membership based on knowledge, skills, and fit – not popularity Team building exercises Team identity Team participation in planning Team contribution to development/improvement

32 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Presentation/Work Skills Create individual foundational skills experts. Practice!

33 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Presentation/Work Skills Divide and Conquer Split the work into manageable segments Create menu item experts Have each team member understudy one other team member

34 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Presentation/Work Skills Practice is not enough! Scheduled practices Scheduled strategy sessions Practice schedule strictly enforced Strategy session schedule strictly enforced Correct practice

35 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Presentation/Work Skills Correct Practice Simulates actual competition Stresses time limits Introduces challenges Places pressure on team and individuals Builds team and individuals Provides exposure to external moderators and judges Provides opportunities to practice against other teams

36 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Presentation/Work Skills Practice equals excellence only when excellence is being practiced.

37 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Presentation/Work Skills “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” – Aristotle

38 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Presentation/Work Skills PROFESSIONALISM Personal hygiene Personal appearance Attitude/behaviorTimeliness Condition of product, equipment, station, etc., etc. etc. !

39 Steps to Competing Effectively Safety and Sanitation Wholesomeness is meaningless without quality flavor, aroma, texture, and color and quality flavor, aroma, texture, and color are meaningless without wholesomeness.

40 Steps to Competing Effectively Safety and Sanitation Wholesomeness USDA definition Fit for human consumption! Components No danger from harmful bacteria Appropriate –Flavor –Aroma –Color –Texture

41 Steps to Competing Effectively Safety and Sanitation Wholesomeness is an integral part of quality

42 Steps to Competing Effectively Safety and Sanitation

43 Time, temperature, and contamination control are the keys to controlling quality

44 Steps to Competing Effectively Safety and Sanitation Practice good personal hygiene Avoid bare hand contact of ready-to-eat/use foods Avoid cross-contamination Handle, package, and store items properly At all times:Control time and temperature

45 Steps to Competing Effectively Safety and Sanitation Factors in Food Quality Receiving and Storage Frozen Foods – less than 0 o F / -18 o C Refrigerated Foods – less than 40 o F / 5 o C Dry Goods - 50 o F / 10 o C to 70 o F / 21 o C Handling Constant protection from excessive temperature exposure Four hours combined exposure maximum (includes all factors) Protect from cross-contamination Cooking Cook to safe internal temperature

46 Steps to Competing Effectively Safety and Sanitation Chilling Take through middle of temperature danger zone (70 o F / 21 o C to 120 o F / 49 o C) as quickly as possible Chill to 41 o F / 5 o C in less than four hours Chill in small batches/quantities Rethermalization Return to 165 o F / 74 o C within two hours Holding Maintain above 140 o F / 60 o C

47 Steps to Competing Effectively Safety and Sanitation Flavor, Color, Texture Appropriate cooking method and times Minimize delay in removal from heat source to cooling unit Rapid cooling –Small Quantities –Thin Layers –Do not overload cooling unit –Appropriate container – thermal conductivity of container Plastic insulates Metal is best conductor Package and store for protection

48 Steps to Competing Effectively Safety and Sanitation Freshness is a critical factor in the quality of flavor, aroma, texture, and color in prepared foods. Aroma, texture and color impact perceived flavor of prepared foods.

49 Steps to Competing Effectively Shipping and Receiving Packaging and temperature control are the keys to preserving the total integrity of a product.

50 Steps to Competing Effectively Shipping and Receiving Product Integrity Wholesomeness Aroma Texture Flavor Color

51 Steps to Competing Effectively Shipping and Receiving Proper handling prior to shipping. Control temperature Cook pre-cooked foods to correct temperature Rapidly chill pre-cooked foods

52 Steps to Competing Effectively Shipping and Receiving Packing concerns Cross contamination Moisture Heat/cold Leakage Crushing

53 Steps to Competing Effectively Shipping and Receiving Guidelines Pre-chill ice chest Use chilled ice chest without ice for dry ingredients Heavy on bottom, light on top All items in individual sealed plastic bags Label all items on packaging with permanent marker Tape list of contents to inside of lid and outside of lid of ice chest

54 Steps to Competing Effectively Shipping and Receiving Loading Ice Chest with Cold Food Thin Ice Layer Non-frozen and light items Thin Ice Layer Frozen and heavy items Thin layer of ice

55 Steps to Competing Effectively Shipping and Receiving Tips and Tricks Pre-measure ingredients Plan to purchase at location: Common produce Common proteins Common dairy items Freeze when possible (item then acts as ice in shipping)

56 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Skills Execution is critical!

57 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Skills Proper cooking procedures Appropriate for: Product Time Location Application/mastery

58 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Skills Total use of Product Starts with menu Waste Use of by product

59 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Skills Proper use of Equipment and Tools Appropriate for: Product Time Location Application/mastery

60 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Skills

61 Individual practice + Team practice ‖ Precision Execution

62 Steps to Competing Effectively Team Skills Precision team execution leads to success!

63 Steps to Competing Effectively Product Taste

64 This was true Yesterday!  August Escoffiér  stressed full development  built flavors carefully, targeting clarity of flavors, not confusion of flavors, as the end result  encouraged appreciation of flavors  required harmony of flavors amidst diversity  utilized aroma, as well as, taste to achieve flavor  required patience to achieve ultimate results

65 Steps to Competing Effectively Product Taste It is true Today!  Paul Prudhomme, Keith Keogh, John Folse, Rick Bayless, Hartmut Handke, Ferdinand Metz, all:  build flavors carefully, targeting clarity of flavors, not confusion of flavors, as the end result  stress full flavor development  encourage appreciation of flavors  require harmony of flavors amidst diversity  utilize aroma, as well as, taste to achieve flavor  exercise patience to achieve ultimate results

66 Steps to Competing Effectively Product Taste Flavor Is FFull Development LLayers AAppreciation VValuing OObserving RResults That Require Patience

67 Steps to Competing Effectively Product Taste Flavor Fresh vs. Old or Reheated Individual character - Sweet, Sour, Salty, Browned Intensity / Depth Clarity

68 Steps to Competing Effectively Product Taste Aroma Natural Fresh vs. Old or Reheated Individual character - Sweet, Sour, Salty, Browned

69 Steps to Competing Effectively Product Taste Texture Bite Resistance – hard, soft, elastic Crispness – crunchy, crusty Moisture Fresh – quality of bite, crispness

70 Steps to Competing Effectively Product Taste Color / Appearance Fresh vs. Old Bright vs. Dull Natural vs. Artificial Moist vs. Dry

71 Steps to Competing Effectively Product Taste Tips Do not be afraid to season! Respect salt and pepper! Season through-out! Seek balance! Apply heat, do not just cook! Consider carry over cooking!

72 Steps to Competing Effectively Product Taste Tips Seek clarity not confusion! Quality not quantity! Quality not flash! Get married, do not just live together!

73 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product To Or not to That is the question!

74 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Level of difficulty Presentation of finished product

75 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Level of difficulty Define difficulty as increasingly great demand for exact execution of basic skills and inclusion of a great number of basic skills to achieve the end result. Match to skills of team members Key on skills not intricacy or exotic

76 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Definitely

77 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product The purpose of plate presentation is to enhance the appeal of the food. Poor plate presentation or poorly designed plate presentations will diminish rather than enhance the appeal of the food.

78 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Most Important Rule ( The rule that should not be bent or broken.) Simple but elegant! - C. Sinkledam, CMPC, CEC Definitely !!!!!!!!

79 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Presentation of Finished Product Do not put 5 pounds of stuff in a 10 pound bag! C. Sinkledam, CMPC, CEC

80 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Presentation of Finished Product Build appetizing, elegant, easily consumable food presentations not architectural wonders! J. Chesser, Ed.D., CEC, FMP, CCE

81 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Basics Temperature Cold Food = Cold Plate Hot Food = Hot Plate Flavor Complimentary Balanced

82 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Basics Color Variety Balance Freshness Shapes Variety Complimentary Balance

83 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Basics Texture Variety –Physical: smooth, coarse, solid –Visual: puréed, speckled, patchy Balance

84 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Basics Plate, bowl, platter Appropriate Size Appropriate color

85 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Basics Design Appropriate to time and temperature constraints Appropriate for available equipment, staff and facility Easy for guest to eat Uses well of dish as canvas and rim as frame –Generally the artists painting does not extend to the frame. The painting is inside the frame.

86 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Principles of Arrangement Keep food off the rim of the plate. The well of the plate is where the food is meant to be. If there is too much food for the well of the plate, get a larger plate, or reduce the amount of food. Arrange the food in unity. The plate should look like one meal made up of several items. Do not have the food spread to all parts of the plate. The customers' eye should focus on the center of the plate, not the edge.

87 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Principles of Arrangement Place food on the plate in the most attractive manner. The best side of the meat forward. The back part of duck or chicken half should face away from the customer. The bone of a chop should face away from the customer.

88 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Principles of Arrangement Sauces can improve plate presentation when used properly. In arranging the plate do the following: Serve sauce around or under food. Products that are served in the sauce should not be disguised or masked by the sauce. If sauce is to be put on top of a meat or vegetable, place a thin ribbon for color and serve additional sauce on the side.

89 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Principles of Arrangement Be careful not to over sauce. Sauce is meant to complement and enhance the flavor of food not hide the flavor. Sauces should be kept light and more natural, not thick and pasty. Refrain from using the same pattern over and over again. Particularly for buffet presentation, variety in platter arrangement is as important as color variation.

90 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Principles of Arrangement Garnish only when necessary. A garnish is only added to a plate or platter for balance and must be functional. Simplicity is the key.

91 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Adding Height to Your Plate or Platter Utilize the gross piece, natural bone, or add a seasoned cracker to achieve height. Relishes or marinated vegetables can be used create ramps to elevate slices on platters and plates. Utilize vegetable cuts, bound greens, or seasoned croutons to achieve height in salad presentations.

92 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Adding Height to Your Plate or Platter Mold or shape starches and vegetables to achieve height in plate and platter presentation. Possibilities include the use of a vegetable timbale, a dauphinoise potato cut into rounds or triangles, potato pies, piped puréed vegetables,shredded potatoes formed as a basket and fried, or bundles of vegetables such as Haricot Vert and Yellow Pepper tied with leek strips.

93 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Adding Height to Your Plate or Platter The natural shapes of bones, such as a chop or breastbone can be used to achieve height in the plate presentation of entrees and appetizers. Vegetable can be cut to achieve height, such as a tourner. Building a composite plate by placing the starch or vegetable under the entree can bring height to a plate presentation.

94 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product INSERT PHOTOS OF COMPETITION PLATES FOR DISCUSSION

95 Steps to Competing Effectively Finished Product Tips Respect the food Respect the borders of the plate Balance colors, textures, shapes, flavors Allow the guest to see what they are eating Clean, Clean, Clean, Clean, Clean, Clean, CL—

96 Getting ProStart Smart Get ProStart Smart! Practice!

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