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On-the-Job Training National Emergency Grant Project (OJT/NEG Project) Webinar & Roundtable Discussion Thursday, April 14, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "On-the-Job Training National Emergency Grant Project (OJT/NEG Project) Webinar & Roundtable Discussion Thursday, April 14, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 On-the-Job Training National Emergency Grant Project (OJT/NEG Project) Webinar & Roundtable Discussion Thursday, April 14, 2011

2 2 Agenda Part I: OJT/NEG Project Updates Introductions/Housekeeping OJT/NEG Project Status Report Changes to OJT/NEG Project forms Changes to OJT/NEG Project Policy General Reminders Q & A Part II: Roundtable Discussion Topics covered assume working knowledge of OJT/NEG Project, forms, and processes.

3 3 Part I: Webinar Features Teleconference lines will be muted during first part of the session During first part, periodic breaks for Q & A During second part, all lines will be open for discussion Interacting with the presenter Use the “Chat (Q & A)” Pod to post your questions or comments Questions will be addressed either during presentation or during open discussion Download today’s materials All of the materials presented today are available for immediate download: Go to “File Share 2” on left side of screen Select the file you would like to download (today’s powerpoint presentation is called “OJTNEGProject_Webinar_4.14.11”) Click “Save to my computer” Follow directions Powerpoint and other materials will be available on OJT Website by Monday, April 18 th :

4 4 Part I: Roll Call Berkshire Boston Bristol Brockton Cape & Islands Central Mass Franklin/Hampshire Greater Lowell Greater New Bedford Hampden Lower Merrimack Valley Metro North Metro South/West North Central North Shore South Shore DCS WELCOME!

5 5 Part I: OJT Resources Massachusetts OJT Website: Training documents (past & present) Links to policies and forms OJT outreach materials MassWorkforce Issuance #10-92: On-the-Job Training/National Emergency Grant Project (OJT/NEG Project) Attachment A: Operational and Administrative Guidance Attachments C – N: OJT Forms Upcoming: Updated OJT/NEG Project Policy (MassWorkforce Issuance #10-92)

6 6 Part I: Status Report OJT Development Statewide (as of 4/13/11) Area OJT Contracts OJTs in Progress Berkshire 21 Boston 02 Bristol 01 Brockton 20 Cape & Islands 30 Central Mass 10 Franklin Hampshire 01 Greater Lowell 23 Area OJT Contracts OJTs in Progress Greater New Bedford 313 Hampden 64 Lower Merrimack 11 Metro North 01 Metro South/West 31 North Central 11 North Shore 02 South Shore 11

7 7 Part I: Form Changes New Change OJT-Pre-Contract Form (Attachment E) Review form in detail momentarily Recent Changes Employer Eligibility Checklist (Attachment D) Updated links to debarment list on Employer Eligibility Checklist and Guide OJT Contract (Attachment F) Added stipulation that employers will not be reimbursed for trainee paid time off. Employers must still pay trainees same as other employees.

8 8 Part I: Revised Pre-Contract Form OJT Pre-Contract Form Changes (Attachment E) Background DOL wants trainee skill gap to be documented MOSES & training justification form not cover all the required information Consistent forms and documentation statewide New Features Skill Gap Analysis section Specification of OJT position, SOC#, and SVP Level Career Center and Trainee sign-offs

9 9 Part I: Revised Pre-Contract Form Download this Form: Go to “File Share 2” on left side of the screen. Select the document called “PreContractwSkillsGap.doc” Example can also be found on MA OJT website.

10 10 Part I: Revised Pre-Contract Form Pre-Contract Example Fictionalized version of the new OJT Pre-Contract form. You can download the example version by going to “File Share 2” on left side of the screen. The document is called “PreContract_Guide.doc” Document will also be on Massachusetts OJT website. Contact Information Section is the same as in the previous Pre-Contract form

11 11 Part I: Revised Pre-Contract Form 1.On-the-Job-Training Details section is similar to previous version. 2.Now requiring: 1.OJT Position Title 2.O*NET SOC # 3.O*NET Job Zone 4.SVP Level 3. Staff sign-off is also required

12 12 Part I: Revised Pre-Contract Form Skill Gap Analysis Required Skills for OJT Position Use OJT job description and draft training plan to determine skills needed for the position. List skills required for the position that that are pertinent to on-the-job training (even ones you know the trainee possesses). Skills can include abilities, knowledge, experience.

13 13 Part I: Revised Pre-Contract Form Candidate Skill Level Indicate the candidate’s skill level by checking one of the boxes: “Unskilled” = the candidate has very little to no experience. Training will be required for this candidate to gain proficiency. “Some Skill” = the candidate has some familiarity with the skill/topic. Some training will be required for this candidate to gain proficiency. “Skilled” = candidate possesses this marketable skill. No training is required.

14 14 Part I: Revised Pre-Contract Form How Skill Level Determined Indicate how you know the candidate has this skill: “Self Attestation” = this is what the candidate reports and may be difficult to substantiate through other means. “Assessment Results” = the skill is determined by some diagnostic tool (e.g. standardized test) “Other” = other means to determine how the skill level was ascertained. When selecting this option, please indicate which “other” method was used.

15 15 Part I: Revised Pre-Contract Form Notes/Explanation Provide additional information to support skill level determination. Be specific. This information may be helpful for the employer in determining the match to the OJT position.

16 16 Part I: Revised Pre-Contract Form OJT Candidate sign-off

17 17 Part I: Revised Pre-Contract Form The Primary Operators will require the new OJT Pre- Contract Form for all new OJT paperwork submissions starting Monday, April 18, 2011. OJT Pre-Contract forms already submitted and approved will not need to be re-submitted. Signed originals can be kept in the local area files. Teleconference lines are open

18 18 Part I: Policy Changes OJT/NEG Project Policy Change Rapid Response voucher amounts have been increased to $3300 each (same as NEG vouchers) Each area is still guaranteed two NEG vouchers until April 29 th, 2011. After April 29 th, all vouchers and training funds will be available on a first-come first-served basis until grant money runs out. Areas who have received $1500 Rapid Response voucher will be given the increased $3300 amount (contact your Primary Operator) Trainee eligibility requirements still apply (see next slide) The Primary Operator determines which voucher your area will get The OJT/NEG Project Policy will be updated to reflect these changes soon.

19 19 Part I: Policy Changes Voucher Type Local Area Voucher Amount Availability OJT Trainee Eligibility Paperwork and timeline NEG Voucher $3,300 per OJT 2 vouchers per area, then first- come, first- served Dislocated Worker Long Term Unemployed 1/1/08 separation date Submit completed Employer Eligibility Checklist by 4/29/11 Execute OJT contract w/in 60 days of submitting Employer Eligibility Checklist Rapid Response Voucher $3,300 per OJT First-come, First served Dislocated Worker Long Term Unemployed 1/1/08 separation date Submit completed Employer Eligibility Checklist Execute OJT contract w/in 60 days of submitting Employer Eligibility Checklist Teleconference lines are open for questions

20 20 Part I: General Reminders (MOSES) Remember to add the “OJT” prefix to the name of the Employer as a Training Provider

21 21 Part I: General Reminders (MOSES) Remember to add the “OJT” prefix to the name of the OJT course name The name of the course should be the “OJT” + the name of the OJT position

22 22 Part I: General Reminders (MOSES)

23 23 Part I: General Reminders (MOSES) MOSES Enrollment NEG Funds and NEG voucher NEG Funds and RR voucher Rapid Response Funds and RR voucher Rapid Response Funds NO voucher OJT NEG Project XX OJT Rapid Response XXX WIA Title I - Dislocated Workers XX

24 24 Part I: General Reminders (MOSES) Don’t forget to indicate the wage subsidy when making the enrollment!

25 25 Part I: General Reminders (MOSES) Case Plan Tab/ Assessment Complete “Labor Market for Skills” section. Use LMI information that relates to the OJT position.

26 26 Summary of what to include in the Labor Market Skills Box: Use local area labor market information that can be documented from a reputable source and annotate the information source. Explain why the customer can’t find work locally i.e. the customer has: no work history; has no or obsolete job skills; the industry or occupation that the customer has skills in is no longer available. Explain why after the job training the outlook for finding local area employment in the occupational job that the person has trained for would be good. Hint: When conducting labor market research also look for wage information. Part I: General Reminders (MOSES)

27 27 Part I: General Reminders (MOSES) Case Plan Tab/ Training Justification All aspects of the Training Justification must be complete. Complete with information relevant to the OJT. Be sure to include how the OJT will benefit the job seeker

28 28 Part I: General Reminders Additional Points of Clarification: The OJT must start the first day of employment Employers should not hire candidates before the start of the OJT A candidate meets the “long-term unemployed” requirement if s/he has experienced at least 22 weeks of unemployment by the start of the OJT “Entered employments” are counted after the OJT ends and the (former) trainee is working under unsubsidized employment Employers must submit attendance & payroll records with their training reimbursement invoice All candidates must meet the WIA Dislocated Worker eligibility requirements to be eligible for the OJT/NEG Project, regardless of funding source (NEG and Rapid Response -- see next slide)

29 29 Part I: General Reminders Eligibility Criterion NEG Funds and voucher payment Rapid Response Funds and voucher payment Rapid Response Funds NO voucher payment WIA Dislocated Worker YES Long-term Unemployed (22 weeks or longer) YES NO 1/1/08 Separation Date YES NO Teleconference lines now open for questions

30 30 Part II: Roundtable Discussion Provide opportunity for local areas to talk to each other about OJT Share ideas and promising practices Discover ways to streamline or improve the OJT/NEG Project Feel free to address each other, not just the presenter

31 31 Part II: Roundtable Discussion Lines are open, please join the discussion: State name and Career Center/WIB If there is background noise, please place phone on mute

32 32 Part II: Roundtable Discussion What outreach strategies have you employed to attract interested employers? How has your area organized internal communication with Career Center/WIB staff to accomplish all tasks related to OJT development? What is your method for finding appropriate matches to available OJT positions? Any other questions for your colleagues around the state? Any recommendations for your colleagues around the state?

33 33 Contact Information Regional Employment Board of Hampden County David Cruise OJT Coordinator (413) 755-1362 Greater New Bedford Workforce Investment Board Donna Ramos OJT Coordinator (508) 979-1504 x13 Boston / Central Office: Cheryl Scott OJT/NEG Project Manager (617) 626-6107

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