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World e-Parliament Conference 2007 ICT in parliament: Organizational Challenges From E-Parliament to U-Parliament: Institutional Strengthening Plan for.

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1 World e-Parliament Conference 2007 ICT in parliament: Organizational Challenges
From E-Parliament to U-Parliament: Institutional Strengthening Plan for the Argentine Senate Lic. Roberto Reale OCT07

2 Start Democratic governance Parliament´s Institutional Strengthening ICT (TIC in Spanish)

3 Institutional Strengthening Plan
Personal and institutional presentation. Diagnostic. Institutional Strengthening Plan: Goals and issues around ICT. ICT and organizational change. 10 challenges and learned lessons. The future: from E-Parliament to U-Parliament.

4 Presentation Personal Institutional Lic. Roberto REALE
Political Scientist. Advisor to the President of the Senate. Coordinator of the Senate’s Institutional Strengthening Plan. Coordinating Assistant to the Senate’s Parliamentary Secretary Office . Argentina: 23 provinces and 1 autonomous city. Political System: Representative, Republican and Federal. Three branches of government: Executive branch, Legislative branch and Judicial branch. Bicameral National Congress : House of Deputies and Senate. Two Secretaries: Parliamentary Secretary and the Administrative Secretary.

5 Diagnostic Interparlamentary Union and IADB assistance.
House of the Deputies’ experience. Administrative Reform Committee. Rules of the Senate 2003 amendment: Internet publicity and transparency innovations. Comparative experiences: USA, Spain, Mexico, Chile and Brazil. Detailed interviews. Civil Society Organizations´ contributions.

6 Institutional Strengthening Plan: Goals: Objetive
Support of the institutional strengthening of the Argentine Senate so as to enhance its parliamentary and administrative management capacity in a context of greater transparency. ICT incorporation in order to fulfill legislative functions: legislate, represent and oversee. 1. Support for parliamentary management and the lawmaking process 2. Administrative and financial management 3. Human resource training and management. 4. Public information and change management.

7 Institutional Strengthening Plan: Goals
1. Support for parliamentary management 2. Administrative and financial management Manual of Administrative Proceedings of the Parliamentary Secretary Office. Electronic voting (nominal). Publication of the status and text of the bills in the Senate’s new Web Site. Publication in Internet of the Senate’s Legislative Agenda . Publication in Internet of the President of the Senate’s decrees of parliamentary character. WI-FI's corridors and notebooks for Secretaries of Committees. Blogs and Sites for Legislators and Committees: Schedule of meetings, agenda. Web mail. System of Video conference for Committees. Electronic signature and digital process. New electronic net. Renewal of computing and printing equipment. Publication in Internet of purchases and contracts. E-procurement system (first phase). Publication in Internet of the President of the Senate’s decrees of administrative character. Small cash system (small cash and treasurer’s office). Equipment and software for Building Management. System of Identification of Goods and Services of Common use. Intranet: forms.

8 Institutional Strengthening Plan: Goals
3. Human resource training and management 4. Public information and change management Census and summary of relevant information for decision making. E-learning. Training in web design. Planned instruction and training system. Publication in Internet of the staff payroll. Staff absense report. Senado TV satellite channel (Sessions, Committee meetings and Seminars). Webcasting. 450 internal monitors. Office of Civil Attention (OAC in Spanish, Pledge of Commitment to the Citizen. Response to the query within 5 working days. Certification in ISO Procedure. Newsletter PFI. Strategy of Management of the Change.

9 ICT and organizational change
Strategic level: Presidency of the Senate and Legislators. Management level: the 2 Secretaries of the Senate’s Offices. Coordination level: The Plan coordination unit. Operations level: project teams. Unified ICT Staff: Headquarters of Institutional Image and Technologies

10 10 challenges and learned lessons
Political and administrative (burocratical) leadership and commitment. Inclusive broader policy frame with public service goals. E-administration as a mean, not as an end itself. Cooperation between public and international organizations that generates shared infrastructures and interoperability work frames. Financing of expenses on ICT viewed as investment . Public access to legislative information for all: inclusion. Users (members, officials, citizens) choice of the way of interacting with Parliament. Citizenship implication in quality and political process. Privacy protection and information security policy. Strengthening of the Audit Office. Detailed duties in case of shared programs and iniciatives. Control and evaluation of demand, costs and awaited and reached benefits due to ICT´s incorporation.

11 The future: from E-Parliament to U-Parliament
b) Ubiquitous a) hUman Parliament delivers 24-hour services 7 days a week for legislators, officials and citizens.

12 Conclusion Democratic governance Parliament´s Institutional Strengthening ICT Organizational Challenges

13 World e-Parliament Conference 2007 Thank you!
WEB: Lic. Roberto REALE OCT07

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