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Student E-Mail Governance Today’s Agenda introductions & overview of the committee charge proposed meeting schedule housekeeping: nomination of chair &

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Presentation on theme: "Student E-Mail Governance Today’s Agenda introductions & overview of the committee charge proposed meeting schedule housekeeping: nomination of chair &"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student E-Mail Governance Today’s Agenda introductions & overview of the committee charge proposed meeting schedule housekeeping: nomination of chair & scribe overview of current student e-mail service future plans / outsourcing primer proposed outsourcing timeline action items: committee members need to report back with respective current & future student e-mail use- cases by the next meeting

2 Student E-Mail Governance Our Charge As part of the restructuring of Instructional Computing, U-Mail operations have moved to OIST with customer service residing in LSIT Campus consultation for U-Mail has historically been handled on an ad-hoc basis – as part of the restructuring we’re formalizing this governance process Advisory group of organizational stakeholders whose business processes are dependent upon student e-mail Our charge: formulate strategy that’ll drive the technology requirements and operational policies Short term – U-Mail outsourcing/replacement project Long term – guide student communication services into the future

3 Student E-Mail Governance Meeting Schedule Late January: today’s meeting Early February: – cloud e-mail services products: summary of pros and cons – outsourced email product selection criteria – review of proposed implementation timeline – discussion of pilot services Late February: – review product selection – present pilot implementation plan Mid March: – TBD

4 Student E-Mail Governance Current Services – U-Mail U-Mail: e-mail service based on standards-based messaging protocols – broad support for various desktop and mobile e-mail clients in addition to webmail service – four tiers of UBE filtering, including blacklisting, greylisting, heuristic content scanning, etc. – bulk mailing service to allow campus departments and organizations send announcements and marketing – automated account pre-provisioning based on hooks to UCSB Identity Services – average around 2M messages/week in volume

5 Student E-Mail Governance Current Services – U-Web / U-Storage/ U-Lists U-Web: student web publishing service – provides empty “webspace” for the creation of web pages – no server-side processing (php, asp, jsp, etc.) for application development – mixed academic and personal use U-Storage: online file storage service – provides “network drive” service, with access over standard protocols (SFTP, CIFS, web UI) – doubles as upload interface for U-Web service U-Lists: course mailing lists service – automatic creation of course mailing lists based on dynamic enrollment information – roughly 700 lists activated each quarterly; 1000 messages distributed / week

6 Student E-Mail Governance Proposed Timeline Winter 2012 – understand various use-cases of student e-mail by campus departments and organizations – evaluate requirements against vendor options & select an appropriate vendor to meet these needs – plan pilot service for Spring 2012 – roll U-Mail outsourcing pilot to selected group of students – collect continual feedback from pilot group to iteratively improve service Summer 2012 – assuming pilot success, migrate to outsourced service

7 Student E-Mail Governance Future Plans Outsourcing? Why? Cloud-based email services outstrip the level of technology that can be provided in house – better interfaces & user experience – better message hygiene services (anti-spam, anti-virus, anti-phish) – more options for future student collaboration services (calendaring?) Ongoing budget cuts means service is running at a deficit – no funding for ongoing hardware replacement or continued service development Little opportunity for further cost savings, but potential synergy with operation of (future?) outsourced employee email service

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