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Silicon Graphics, Inc. Presented by: Open|SpeedShop™ An Open Source Performance Debugger Overview Jack Carter MTS SGI Core Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Silicon Graphics, Inc. Presented by: Open|SpeedShop™ An Open Source Performance Debugger Overview Jack Carter MTS SGI Core Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silicon Graphics, Inc. Presented by: Open|SpeedShop™ An Open Source Performance Debugger Overview Jack Carter MTS SGI Core Engineering

2 –Intel, Intel Inside (logos) and Itanium are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. –Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries or both. –Qt and the Qt logo are trademarks of Trolltech in Norway, the United States and other countries. –Open|SpeedShop, SGI SpeedShop, IRIX, SGI and SGI Altix are trademarks of Silicon Graphics Inc. –IBM is a registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. –All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners Trademark Acknowledgements

3 Presentation Agenda Open|SpeedShop Presentation Agenda: –What Is Open|SpeedShop? –Project Overview –Design Goals –Design Overview –Screen Shots –Milestones –Credits

4 What Is Open|SpeedShop? What is Open|SpeedShop? –A performance analysis/debugging tool that uses a set of experiments to help answer the question: Where is my program spending the most time and why? Who would need a performance analysis/debugging tool? –Any developer interested in the performance of their application.

5 Project Overview What is Open|SpeedShop? –Open Source Performance Tool Uses a set of experiments to help answer the question: –Where is my program spending the most time and why? Based on SGI® SpeedShop ™ software concepts for the IRIX® operating system –Types of experiments –Batch performance analysis –Variety of GUI views for same experiment Cluster Friendly Multi-Platform Support –Depends on availability of Dyninst –SGI target is SGI® Altix® system based on the Intel® Itanium ™ chip Implemented Using Open Source Components DOE/NNSA co-funded - as part of ASC PathForward

6 Design Goals Easy to Use –Targeting scientists and engineers that may not be versed in computer architecture –Multiple modes of operation GUI Command line (interactive and non-interactive) Scripting (as Python module) Batch Portable –Platform Independent When Possible Use of components that already support platforms of interest. Some recoding may be necessary if using unique features of an architecture. Scalable –Thousands of Processors ASC laboratory systems already use up to 8192 processors. Future systems even larger. SGI® Altix® system installed at a customer site has 10240 processors. –Hundreds of Shared Libraries Some SGI customers loads 300+ shared libraries.

7 Design Goals (Continued) Extensible Plugin Concept –Gathering New Types of Performance Data –New Views of Performance Data –Our base default experiments are plugins Supportable –Tested & Stable Testing done from the beginning. Not an afterthought! –Unit –Regression –Component integration –Big application –Simple Installation Troubleshooting tools assist in installation and configuration. Reusable –Use Open Source Tools When Possible Don't reinvent the wheel! –Developed to allow others to create both open and proprietary tools..

8 Design Overview Foundation of Open Source Components –Core Components (shown here) –Build System (Autoconf, Automake, Libtool, Make & GCC) –Source Control (CVS) –Testing (Python) Layered Approach –Open Source OS-Dependent Layer –Non-Monolithic to Encourage Reuse –Higher Levels of Abstraction Going Up Extensible via Plugin Modules –Support New Data & Views –Vendor Differentiation

9 Design Overview: Framework Framework Provides –Process Control –Performance Data Collection Abstractions Collectors, Parameters, Metrics –Symbol Table Caching –Data Management & Caching –Extensibility via Collector Plugins Simplified Instrumentation –Asynchronous Operation –C++ API

10 Design Overview: UI Semantic Routines UI Semantic Routines Provide –Common Performance Tool Operations Create Process, Attach to Thread Start/Stop Thread Experiment Management/Selection Get/Set Parameters Start/Stop Data Collection Save/Restore Performance Data –Framework State Management Provide synchronous sanity to asynchronous Framework

11 Design Overview: CLI CLI Provides –Parsing of Complex Commands –Logging of Commands –Replay of Logged Commands

12 Design Overview: GUI GUI Provides –Display Panel Management –Process Selection & Control –Experiment Selection & Control –Annotated Source Views –Sorted Lists (e.g. “Top 5 Functions”) –Data Comparisons Thread vs. Thread Pre-Optimization vs. Post-Optimization –Wizards to Guide Novice Users –Extensibility via Panel Plugins

13 Example Example using Open|SpeedShop GUI 1)Bring up screen 2)Follow PC sampling wizard 3)Load in program to run experiment on 4)Results as a sorted list of function times 5)Source and data shown together 6)Run second experiment 7)Compare results 8)Combine collectors for custom experiment









22 Milestones Open|SpeedShop Milestones and Proposed Schedule –Infrastructure deliveries in September and December, 2004 –PC sampling experiment delivered to DOE & partners on 3/14/05 –Additional Experiments in Pipeline – ( proposed schedule) User Time 2 nd Quarter 2005 Hardware Counter3 rd Quarter 2005 Floating Point Exception4 th Quarter 2005 Input/Output tracing1 st Quarter 2006 MPI call tracing2 nd Quarter 2006 –Proposed source availability for SC 2005 –Official open source sometime second half 2006

23 Credits Presentation –Jim Galarowicz ( –Al Stipek ( –William Hachfeld ( –Helen Stepanov ( Partners –ASC lab: DOE – as part of ASC PathForward

24 Credits Cont. Technology (Cont.) –D yninst: jointly developed by the University of Wisconsin and the University of Maryland - –DPCL : IBM ® Open Source Project -

25 Credits Cont. Technology (Cont.) –Boost.Python: Open Source Project - –Python: Open Source Project - –PAPI: University of Tennessee - –SQLite: Open Source Project - –Qt ® : GUI toolkit -

26 Questions Questions: Jack Carter

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